Digital RelationtripssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

I can’t think of what else to call them, these online, virtual relationshipstrips of ours that we’re actively building on a fairly consistent basis—digital relationships are a trip.



I didn’t know hyperlink was a word before joining #steemit, now I’m doing all kinds of things with them, check out the above one, for example—centered, sized and italicized. Yeah, I didn’t know how to do any of that stuff. Two asterisks (“**”), one on each side of the word makes the letters side-ways—I thought the only way to do that was by clicking the slanted “I” above the content section of the letter. I said “I.” Or paragraph alignment and all of the words on both sides of the page are even—it’s all new. I’m learning the ropes as I go. New, as in, MySpace #new, remember that one? I never did Facebook or Instagram so, whatever your opinion is of MySpace, that’s the only social networking experience I have prior to this one. I was completely unaware #unfollowing someone is considered by some a cardinal sin—you probably already knew that.

It’s so frowned upon, network wide, that I couldn’t find an image that says “unfollow” at Pixabay, Pexels, or Unsplash, all three of them—nothing. I typed “unlike” at all three and this is the best I could do:


What’s the big deal?

Why is that?! Why should we open ourselves up to a feed full articles that don’t interest us? If we can agree that a feed full of uninteresting articles is a waste of time, we can also agree that just one uninteresting article in that feed is a waste of time. I think we only have to see so many uninteresting things in our own feed—that’s why there’s an unfollow button. The #follow button doesn’t say #followforeverorelse!


Language barriers

That’s another one that’s interesting on here—language barriers. I can tell the difference between someone translating English from German, for example, verses someone translating English from Spanish or Aceh. Dialogue, direct or indirect sentences, sarcasm and punctuation translate differently from one language to the next. Even though I’m aware I’m reading a translation and, I’m often translating as well, I still find myself judging sentences differently based solely on a translation app. I’ll explain what I mean.

Depending on the operating system you’re using to read this, we could have access to different apps, plus there’s multiple tech companies delivering the same services, just slightly different from each other. There’s going to be variances across most of our translation apps. Something simple like “thanks for typing this” can translate several ways—A German translation on an android may say something like ‘your typing I’m thankful for’ whereas a Hebrew translation on an iPhone could say ‘typing thankful, I shall be.’ See what I mean? An app, to my understanding of English but not to a Canadian’s, can make the German translation seem more friendly.


Ulterior motive

One more—ulterior motive. The people whom I’ve never heard from and are obviously on my page for one reason—they’re incentivized to do so. I’m not talking about the person who only reads articles featured by the bigger curators and they’re only on the page to claim entry in a third party reward system—not them. I’m talking about the person who did not read the article featured by the bigger curators and it’s obvious they’re only on the page to gain entry to a third party reward system—them.

I have a tough time responding to the person in the second example. I’ve always been nice and I’ll continue to be, I’ll always end my thank you with “thanks for stopping by” but I’ve often wanted to say something else. Something along the lines of, “what would you like to see me respond right here? I already know you didn’t read one word from my article so I’m confident you won’t read this response either—thanks for wasting my time.” But that type of honesty can be conceived as rude and that’s not the persona I’m trying to achieve here.


Digital Relationtrips

If you can relate to any of the three examples above, you should consider joining me and let’s try to alter our judgmental ways. Before I began this article, I thought about my top three pet peeves on here and I could only think of two—I kind of threw the third one in at the last minute. Good, now I know I have three things to work on and, no, I won’t tell which two are the originals.

Unfollowing someone doesn’t mean you wish them harm, you despise that person or worse, it just means you’re not following them anymore—that’s it! I still find myself on some peoples pages from time to time whom I used to follow but, at some point, for some reason or another, I decided not to follow them anymore. That shouldn’t be frowned upon, it’s not a big deal, try harder to gain their attention or something—don’t take it personal. If you get upset about someone unfollowing you or, your virtual feelings get crushed, the alternative would be a social media platform that’s not equipped with an #unfollow button—that would suck.

I don’t have the right to judge anyone. I would never ever ever ever ever judge someone in a face to face conversation for any of the three examples I listed above, why is it acceptable to do so online? It’s not. Think about it, what kind of person would ignore someone at the bus stop for being ‘Chinese’ and using a translation app but are friendly to the ‘Swede’ using a similar translation app? Not cool.

Finally, we all have the right to be on anyone’s page for whatever reason we want, at any time we want, the same goes for viewers on your page, this is the internet—the worldwide web. The internet doesn’t have weekends off or scheduled working hours. There’s nothing wrong with incentives. In fact, if someone is on your page, just say thank you and be grateful for the incentive you’re calling an ulterior motive. Without it, you would have received nothing from them. If nothing is what you’re looking for, a social networking site is probably the wrong place for you—just sayin.

I guess what I’m trying to say is if you wouldn’t judge them on the street for it, in the flesh where you can shake their hand and see their teeth, I don’t think you should judge them digitally for it—it’s the only logical conclusion. To anyone reading this who used to follow me and no longer is, thanks a lot for reading this, I’m glad you made it back if for only this article—thanks! To anyone reading this that I used to follow but no longer am, it doesn’t mean I don’t want to ride bicycles with you or we don’t have crypto in common or we don’t equally enjoy Upvotes, it just means I’m not following you anymore—good night, my eyes are killing me!







Good article babe! This is what number out of 7 now? You’re killing it. Is it wrong to feel guilty about unfollowing people? Or what about unfollowing someone because they unfollowed you? Is that wrong? By the way, I’d totally ignore someone on the street that was incentivized by a third party to be my friend. Just sayin… you’re the best account on Steemit, in my opinion. The fact that you’re my husband just means that I also think you’re cute 😉

Oh great....
Dahahahaha you both ROCK!!!

This is a no-brainer....

I value everyones opinion on this page and I consider each of them worthy of noting. Yours, however, means more to me than anything. You’re the best cheerleader on the Internet.

iheartu all the time beautifullest.

Aweeeee… you are the most one up-n-est commenter I know and I love you handsome face. Muah muah muah 😘

@dandays I read the entire article.
The only thing that takes more time is the many words you use to express.
As I once said you were ready for a writer or politician.

By the way, you can take a picture with 'follow me' and cross it with a big X.

Hola, @eii! I don’t know how I missed this comment.

I can’t type ‘thank you’ big enough right here.

Thanks for stopping by, @eii. Happy Friday!

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Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Thank you, @steemitboard but I think you’re forgetting one—the one that congratulated me for posting 7 days in a row. I’m patient, go ahead.... take your time. 😉

for me on social media is a good relationship and also a place to get to know each other and can share and direct each other

I’m learning the ropes as I go, you’re right, this is a good place to build relationships. I actually trip out how connected I feel to some of my digital relationships compared to how disconnected I feel to some in the flesh.

Thanks for stopping by @ustazkarim.

I un-follow people mostly who begin to 're-steem' multiple posts constantly, which clutter up my feed making it more likely that I might miss a followed friend.

My thoughts are, that some users don't realize others may not have the same interest, nor time to read what 'they' are interested in, nor realize how they are cluttering up peoples 'feed'...???

Personally I have no problem with re-steeming - selectively...I do it myself.

Anyway, hope you and Pura are having a pleasant day in the Tropics.

You’re too kind, angryman, I’m glad we’re following each other. I know what you mean about the resteems, too, especially certain initiatives that have their members resteeming the same article over and over and over and over and.... For example, when there’s a begging contest and a whale is offering some SP—I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. “Unfollow, unfollow, unfollow... click, click, click.”

Or what about the new feed cloggers I’ve been noticing, these steemmonsters battle (if that’s what they’re called) results, are you getting those? All it says is “so in so” lost to “Joe blow” or whatever—lame. “Click.”

It’s tough to have a bad day here, sir. 😉 I hope this Sunday is your favorite one of the year, I’ll see you soon.

Thanks for stopping by, @angryman.

Or what about the new feed cloggers I’ve been noticing, these steemmonsters battle (if that’s what they’re called) results, are you getting those?

Yes, I get those too but probably not as much as I would have gotten if my 'follow' list wasn't somewhat narrowed down.

There is someone who I follow that is currently involved with the 'monster' thing who I up-vote, but they are actually in part, performing an experiment with 'value' and reporting on results.

It’s tough to have a bad day here, sir. long as the Cops are leaving you alone, right?

Followed list narrowed down—yup! Those battle results caused me to do some narrowing too. long as the Cops are leaving you alone, right?

A big huge “HA-HA” right here. I should explain: what I meant was; it’s tough to have a bad day—if we go outside, however, all bets are off!

What’s on your agenda this week, @angryman?

Exactly dandays .. at that time you could guess exactly that I translated English from Indonesian. I am not vgood in speaking English so I use the English translator. Maybe that's my weakness.

I always read your writing, friend. Because I have to translate it then read it carefully so I could respond your writing. Regards for u sir.. oh.. I would like to know what country u are living now, please?

@elianaelisma. You’re such a sweetheart. I know two of you from Indonesia now and, I gotta tell you, I want to visit Indonesia based just on you two people, you’re both so kind and sweet. Are you familiar with @cicisaja? She’s the other Indonesian I’m referring to. Wanna know something? I mentioned “Aceh” for you and her specifically. 😉

Yes, I can tell you’re using a translation app and I’m flattered—thank you so much for putting forth that much effort to read what I have to say. And thank you just as much for posting your articles in both Indonesian and English—perfect! (I’ll be over there in just a moment)

I grew up in the states, California to be exact, in and around the Los Angeles area. Currently we live in Costa Rica, we got here in January and plan to stay here the remainder of the year. I’m learning Spanish as quickly as I possibly can. 👍🏿

Thanks for stopping by, @elianaelisma, and thank you for supporting me every day this week. I challenged myself to release an article 7 days in a row this week, for the first time ever, and it’s people like you who motivate me to do so. God bless you—enjoy the rest of your weekend.

“what would you like to see me respond right here?"

😂😂😂😂 do you think I use translator on my post😉 I tried to translate it into Bahasa Indonesia sometimes.. and I ROFL.. it just confusing me more than anything.

Congratulations for completed the weekly author badge mission😉 btw, you are free to unfollow me but I'll be so happy to see your comments😆

Nope, you don’t use a translator, shooooot—I know that! I know you’re just a rock star who speaks/types more than one language, English is one of them.

I still have to post one today to complete my week, then it’s new badge for me! But I already have an idea and all day to do it, shouldn’t be a problem. Thanks for caring, chef.

btw, you are free to unfollow me but I'll be so happy to see your comments😆

Lol! Oh don’t you worry, sweetest chef, should I unfollow you, I’ll never tell you! 👍🏿

Lol! Oh don’t you worry, sweetest chef, should I unfollow you, I’ll never tell you! 👍🏿

Ginabot will tell me if someone unfollow me, lol.. and I'll keep following if there's always interesting posts to read comment on.

Have I followed you😯 Now I need to check!

Before I began this article, I thought about my top three pet peeves on here and I could only think of two—I kind of threw the third one in at the last minute.

You know what? I found that phrase on 9th paragraphs 😂 of this article. Cool... you have so many things in your mind but you don't do that "scattered brain" post. You are just Amazing!

So nice and you said that without a translation app!! Thank you, cicisaja, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you but this was extra special.

Thanks for stopping by @cicisaja.

Why thisxwas extra special? Are you missing my comments attack on the #fff 😂😂😂 I'm kinda busy training the new steemmonsters player..

Great post my friend. Follow me and I will follow you. Let’s grow together.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I used to see those comments all the frickin’ time!!! They obviously didn’t read ‘ish!!! Haven’t you had the common commentator. I love this story.... this is an amazing meal..... that looks delicious... They follow you first then unfollow is you don’t follow. Silly internet relationships. Don’t make me unfollow you!!! Like it is some sort of harsh punishment. HAHAHAHA

Posted using Partiko iOS

The Common Commentator… 🤣🤣🤣 that’s classic. That sushi guy who would copy and paste the enlarged emoji was the worst. He didn’t even upvote or follow… total dikkkk!

I’m glad you liked it my brother, thanks for hanging out with me this whole time!! Eh, did you see what @puravidaville did with her #fff post—Ka’pow!

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts. You’re always making me laugh.

Ya I did... I am planning a Steem robbery from the both of you. LOL You guys are good peeps and when you do something it is always 110%. I am so glad to see you both getting some light shown on your work around this place.

I think I am funny... I’m glad someone else does too. 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think I am funny... I’m glad someone else does too. 😉

You did it again.

Ps, go ahead and rob us, @jlsplatts, you’ll fit right in with every.single.local in this whole got dang country!

Grrrhhhh... I even read this on discord channel recently 😬

Howdy sir dandays! yeah to some people this is strictly business to grow their accounts and the many others this is almost completely social and they're so sensitive they can feel you rolling your eyes from around the world. I think unfollowing is quite an afront to some steemians and one should investigate their blog before following them, if you don't like what you see after that then don't follow them.

Otherwise it could create some bad feelings and it's just not necessary. If everyone felt about it like we do then if wouldn't matter but then like I said, there are super sensitive people on here. The other aspect, the translation stuff, I have no opinion, I don't pay any attention to that stuff I reckon. I didn't know it was an issue so now I really won't pay any attention to it.

You’re such a good responder, happy Good Friday, sir or celebrated by Catholics at least. Janton, I had no intention of going here when I clicked respond but, what’s your opinion of Notre Dame burning down? Lay it on me. I’d love to know your opinion.

They’re a trip aren’t they, these digital relationships of ours? Maybe it’s cuz it’s so new to be why it fascinates me so much but making judgements, blog investigations, following, all of it, it’s all just text. T. E. X. T. Letters. Just seems like a lot of emotion surrounding text.

Thanks for stopping by, @janton, I sure do appreciate your responses. We’re in different lands, sure, but my digital radar said you’re digitally meant that from your digital heart.

haha! howdy sir dandays! you were meant for digital social media and you didn't even know it until you got on Steemit! lol. That's amazing. My digital heart? yes absolutely. lol.

Hey as soon as I said that about unfollowing I get back to my comments and of course I had an unfollowed alert from someone that I like but didn't have time to pursue. That's something you could talk about, it's the same with everyone on here that I've talked to, maybe it;s not that way with you but people drop off and you never hear from them again unless YOU chase THEM!
they unfollow you because they didn't hear from you. It never occured to them that maybe they could contact
I always have to chase people down or else I never hear from them. So is that just me and the people I talk to?

out of the hundreds of people I try to stay in contact with, there might be 2 or 3 that will contact me to stay in touch. Everybody else I gotta chase down and stalk. So if you have to chase someone down to get them to stay in touch, when they obviously didn't care enough to contact you, do you still call that person a friend?

They act like old friends when they reply after you tracked them down after 2 weeks of not hearing from them, is that just an act? Do we really have friends here? the "love" word is thrown around an awful lot too. love love love to talk to you! even though I've never gotten back to you and have to be chased down! lol. just food for thought, you could go crazy with a post like that and you could pull it off brilliantly!

As far as the Notre Dame fire, I haven't been following the news. I mean I heard about it and my first thought was arson, like terrorist arson. But then with the construction going on and they thought it was the electricals system being worked on, that made sense but I didn't hear anything yesterday, about it. I was left assuming it was an accident and I was also wondering if they had insurance and what THAT would cost?!
why, what have you heard, do you think it was a wiring short or something in the remodeling or rehabb electrical system? I want your professional opinion.

Yes, I think it’s just you. I don’t think anyone else chases someone down that leaves. I didn’t even know that was possible actually, get alerted when you lose a follower?! 🤔 Mist Be one of the bots or dapps or whatever they’re called.

Thank you so much, Janton, for being so encouraging, you’re always telling me how I could put something together and I really appreciate your confidence.

My professional opinion about the Notre Dame fire, well, I would have to be there to look and, even then, they have pros who study their whole life to pin point the issue. An electrical fire is absolutely capable of burning down that church and anything else when hot goes to ground and the circuit doesn’t trip. I really find the situation peculiar though because we both know who’s really running the show so I wonder why? Why was that church supposed to burn down and why now? Why before Holy Week?

howdy sir dandays! yes the timing of the Notre Dame fire is suspect for sure.

As far as chasing people, everyone I know on here who has been successful has had to chase people, that's the only way we can stay active with them, I've talked to many of them (rep70 and above)and they all agree that it's a constant chase. If you don't have to chase them that's because they're staying in touch with you on your posts. But if you don't have to then you're the only one that I've heard of who doesn't have to.

I don't chase anyone down that leaves though, I just get the notice like everyone else does, the unfollowed notice. I don't use any bots for that, esteem and most of the platforms let you know, I've heard that all of them let you know.

Really? The only one I know how to use is Steemit, how do I get it to notify me when I lost a follower? I mean, I’m made aware my count is minus one but I’ve never caught the name of the person.

Thank you, Janton.

Howdy sir dandays! I have no idea on steemit, I never paid attention to it plus they've taken so many features away it may not be there anymore. Like the search feature that was really nice to have. I just use esteem all the time because of the upvotes so I don't know what steemit has, I just hear that they're stripping it to the bone in a desperate attempt to save money so they can try and stay afloat. One of those many writings on the wall type of things. And why so many went to weku.

Esteem. Yeah, I guess my connection is too weak, I don’t know?? But I can’t get the app to load up on my phone. I’ve tried working with steempeak and snapshot, I’m just not very comfortable with them.

Really? The only one I know how to use is Steemit, how do I get it to notify me when I lost a follower? I mean, I’m made aware my count is minus one but I’ve never caught the name of the person.

Thank you, Janton.

Broken English, we come from different sides of the world, our way of pronunciation ow placing words differs from region to region. Added into the stew is the branded blend of local slang. Who are we to judge?

Heck I hate spell checker putting American spelling in where we were brought up under British dictionary spelling.

As to the question, Follow or Unfollow being adults with unique likes/dislikes you follow content you enjoy even if English is garbled normally a good story, tips or advice.

Visiting you actually to congratulate you on your Shining Qurite badge on @qurator, always find great reads and new trips to explore.

Visiting you actually to congratulate you on your Shining Qurite badge..

Eh, whatever it takes to get you here! 😉

I never even thought about ‘American’ spell check, there I go again, acting like I was raised in the US. Thank you!

But really, thanks for stopping by, @joanstewart. I’m glad you liked this article, I’m so frikkin happy about receiving that star, I’ve wanted it for a long time. Thank you for noticing and thanks scrooger and qurator for noticing. I’ve been there for awhile now—long time coming. If you want to read another one that got me seven days in a row last week, check out my Monday article, the community really appreciated that one. 👍🏿

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