Eleventeen And One - Food Fight Friday - Round 38steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

I’m about to tell you something I’ve already said about eleventeen times. I don’t mean to repeat myself repeat myself but there may be someone tuning into @foodfightfriday for the first time and they haven’t seen me say it yet—eleventeen and one: “Welcome to my favorite Friday of the week!”

I had a tough time deciding on a cover image (again). I have about eleventeen cover images of Pura Vida made masterpieces that I could use—decisions, decisions. 🤔 Out of eleventeen total #food images in my phone, I got the cover image narrowed down to two. One of them is the meal I just had about 30 minutes ago—hot oatmeal with diced hot apples topped with pecans, chia seeds, banana and shredded coconut. The other one I’m thinking about using is plated really nicely with a handful of pretty little carrots chopped up to look like flowers bordering the plate and then it clicked! Go with the fish one and tell your audience about the #new wOrd you just learned: Pescatarianism—of course there’s a word for it! There’s a label for everything these days.

Grilled corvina and lime wedges. Penne pasta and chopped cucumber tossed in a homemade pesto. Mixed vegetables chopped up from the produce stand down the street and those flowery shaped carrots I was telling you about:


This is the oatmeal—what do you think? Did I pick the correct cover image? Man, that was tough decision—toughest choice I’ve had to make all day week! I just ate this one—I can still taste the hot apples:


I was down at the docks the other night with three other expats who were just finishing their dinner—chicken bird. Chicken bird smothered in ranch salad dressing actually. I was offered a plate and respectfully declined. They had a few side dishes, too, most likely cooked in butter “no thank you, I just ate” I said. Then I was asked, “oh that’s right, you’re #vegan, right?” I told them no and that I have been in the past, I said I don’t eat dairy or eggs or meat or anything but I brought fish back into my eating practices to clear up my oily skin. I’ll eat honey, too, so I guess I’ve never really eaten vegan. That’s when they told me I’m a pescatarian. “You mean there’s a wOrd for a guy who doesn’t eat meat or dairy but eats seafood because it keeps his skin clear—there’s a word for that??” I kinda felt like a...


...for being the only person there who’s never heard the word used in a sentence. 🤔 What? You’ve never seen a guy on a motorcycle with a small child between his legs towing a horse by rope on a residential street?


So, like any 21st century’er, I looked it up in my phone and there it was! Pescatarian:

A person whose diet is mostly vegetarian but includes fish and seafood.

Well poop right in the bed—I didn’t know that! And I know everything! Just ask me, I’ll tell you. This is how a Presbyterian I mean presidential no, not that label either, pedestrian danget! Pescatarian! This is how a pescatarian eats during the week.

Oat pancakes topped with homemade nut butter, fried plantains and agave syrup:


Oat, banana and zucchini pancakes topped with cinnamon, peanut butter and sliced strawberries:


Frozen banana nice cream topped with nut butter, macadamia nuts, pecans, chia seeds and shredded, toasted coconut:


Burrito—red and brown lentils cooked in tomato paste and seasonings topped with fresh tomato, onion, chiles, cilantro and fried potatoes—“p’tates” if you’re chef Pura Vida:


This is what the temporary kitchen looks like when Pura Vida is cooking. I say temporary because we’re Air B&B’ing 30 days at a time—temporary kitchen @puravidaville style:


Temporary kitchen @dandays style—what? You don’t think I can make it 30 days?


Zucchini toast with a little bit of olive oil topped with fried plantains, onion, tomato, lime, red bell pepper and salsa:


One more dessert round—the last item on the menu. Frozen banana and peanut butter nice cream topped with Oreos, ginger snaps and sugar-free chocolate chips:


Same place next week, deal? Thanks for hanging out with me again at kitchen #fff, the joint where food is the main course, that’s it. Join us one of these Fridays and meet some likeminded blogging type of people kind of who eat food or dissect it, grow it, throw it, don’t eat it, whatever it is, they run their keyboards about it! Stop by Discord and say hi. Have a great weekend—I’ll see you tomorrow!






You’re already at 35 votes my love… such a rockstar. That last nice cream picture looks way better than the description. Nice cream is so good 😋. Your taco night kitchen is way cleaner than mine too. Thanks for always doing my crazy dinner dishes. You’re the best and the cutest dishes washer I’ve ever known. Muah. Happy food fight!

It’s tough being the luckiest guy I know—someone has to do it.

I’m not gonna lie, this recent attention from the community is pretty exciting. It took a long time but I think they’re finally starting to figure out I’m not that bad. If someone could honestly stamp that on my tombstone, although I don’t wish to be buried, but some sort of reminder, maybe the heading of a paper or something, “he wasn’t that bad,” I’ll be satisfied.

Taco kitchen visially cleaner? Sure, but unsustainable. Speaking of.. What in the real heck is up with this Steem spiral?? “Ouch!”

iheartu all the time beautifullest. Muah—right on your face!

On your face!!! It’s only unsustainable because you’d me spoiling you so much. Your tacos looked pretty good to me.

I don’t like talking about your “tombstone”. You’re supposed to be with me forever. You are by far the coolest person I’ve ever known. 😎 “not that bad” more like “better than you think”. Lubb you xo

@dandays, I love this post. Aside from the delicious looking food, I love your subtleness in the description of how you felt not knowing the meaning of pescatarian. I am right along with you. I have a friend who doesn't eat meat, but she eats plenty of shrimp. I can't wait to use the word on her. Thank you for this post. Yes, you chose the right cover picture.

Oh, thank you so much, paleotwist! One of my many nicknames from Pura is “Mr. Subtle.” 😉 Can you tell?

Yeah, I not only had to learn a new wOrd but I had to learn it at my own expense—they’re talking about me? Danget!

Thanks for stopping by @paleotwist, I hope you have a great week.

@dandays You are a real chef.

And you’re one of the nicest followers I’ve never met. 😉

Thanks for stopping by, @eii.

You seem to be making by just fine in the food department without Pura around. I mean, you actually cooked some meals and didn’t just eat out every meal. Congratulations!! Lol.
Speaking of labels... who invents all these weird words for these labels. Most of them don’t sound like anything positive, some sound like some sort of STD. LOL. I would just prefer to be called by the name my parents gave me. :wink:wink no. It the one when they get mad when I am screwing up. Just my name is all. Well Dude works too I guess. Lol

I’m with you, dude, spltaz, splatts, whichever one you prefer I call you. “Meat eater,” really?? 🤔 Shorten it to “meater” I guess but we already have a “meter” so meater would be confusing. See how confusing I made that sentence was and all I did was make an out loud consideration—it’s not even real! Vegas, Vegano, Precedence, Pesticide, whatever they’re called, I’m with you, too many labels! #2manygroups.

What’s interesting to me also is the amount of people, myself included, who insist they have the ultimate eating habits figured out—paleo is best... vegan is the best... keto is the best... like “best selling car in America,” in my opinion, I say BS! The best selling car in America is the one you’re driving. Same goes for food.. if you sleep well, people around you love you and you’re not disgusted with mirrors then you’ve found the best eating practice—what’s that label called? I want that one, jlsplatts.

Eh, thanks a lot for stopping by @jlsplatts. I didn’t mean to ramble on that long, I just can’t help it I guess.

I know right, ford dodge Chevy blah blah blah sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don’t. Lol. I just thought of a new diet, Eatwhatchawantto, then if you just can’t handle the Eatwhatchawanto then move onto Donteatwhatchawanto diet. Simple yet effective. Hahaha

I think this is spicy food

Which one? Certainly not the nicecream, or the nicecream. 🤔

Thanks for stopping by @ustazkarim.

Besides the wonderful, nutritional, exquisite, mouth watering , scrumptious, delectable, eye popping, irresistible, meals pictured in this #fff contender, I really enjoy the vocabulary building aspects of this entry as well.
Expats: people residing in another country other than their native country. I guess you guys fit that bill. The term is often refereed to professionals, skilled workers, or artists living outside of their home country. So you consider yourself an artist now, after that last portrait of @edprivat, I would give you that.

Pescatarian, now that is another new one. Your diet seems to fit this class of eating habits.
My only question is, do you eat this way for nutritional benefits, or is it because of this little nugget?
Furthermore, pescetarianism may be perceived as more ethical because fish, along with certain other animals such as insects, may not associate pain and fear as more complex animals like mammals do.[24][25] Researchers have found that, unlike mammals, fish do not have the neuro-physiological capacity for a conscious awareness of pain.

Just a question.😢😢😢

The pescatarian debate is quite interesting. Some argue only mussels and oyster cannot feel the same way as their nervous system is more rudimentary and fish can.
Some even argue that plants can feel pain too and enjoy even music but this is of course far fetched

Don't feel bad when making that delicious maple syrup it's for the good cause :)
I tried to go full vegan last week under @dandays's guidance and I nearly lost my mind hahahah. I gotta admit I have lots of respect for vegans now they're quite committed to the cause.
Apparently the way we process and metabolize nutrients (amino acids, minerals, fats) can varry up to 700% between one individual and another depending on their genetic profile!

700%?! I don’t much about real estate but that’s A Lot! Could you imagine weed affecting you 700% more than me?! Dude I’d be pissed! Good to see you man, you must have the day off or something. 😉 That’s a gangster curator right there, one day off a week and he’s spending it online—O.G

These menu items were all you mang.

Yeah lol I need to just chill! I've actually spend the night revamping my album, completely changing everything, tempos, instruments, feeling to it, and I am gonna rerecord lots of things while at home.

Especially carotenoids apparently and Vitamin A ( i can't find the actual article I was talking about)

Thanks for attaching that article—I dig it. Well, of course the protein comes from plants needed to supply A. Chicken birds, cows, us, we all need plants for protein.

I heard/read... B12 this, collagen that, “sure,” maybe I’m just learning the hard way as I always do but all of that stuff is just an opinion—in my opinion. There’s only one way to find out.

I don’t supplement any of those thing dude, A, B12, G43... you sank my battleship! I haven’t for a couple of years now and it’s a gratifying thing to be 43 and can say:
“I’m in the best shape of my life.” All I know is what I know.

You know what works best for you, now to the cool stuff...

The longer you hold onto your album, the more tweaks it will have, right? Don’t you think? How many completed tracks do you have? Everything is in your possession? All you need is mastering? All I know it’s a lot but you know what I mean—how much time do you think it’s going to take until it’s ready—did you give yourself a deadline?

Vocabulary aspect—thanks for noticing, Rob! In case you’re unaware, your vocabulary aspect to describe my vocabulary aspect reminds me of something Mel B. would say.

Artist, huh?🤔 Nah, I never said that—in fact, just seeing you type the wOrd right now had me looking over my shoulder like, “who.. where?” I sure am glad you think so, though, and thanks @edprivat for making an appearance here. That dude has challenged me more than anyone else on this platform—he’s constantly challenging me. Just like I’ve told him, Rob, I’m glad you and I met! Save me some maple syrup. 👍🏿

Truth be told (uh-oh, I feel a post sized response coming):

My eating habits just work well for my daily living. I stopped eating beef probably 4-5 years ago because it would mess me ALL up! No poops for a week at a time until I finally discovered the culprit—yeah, we just crossed into the poop-talk friend zone! Needless to say, I’d rather be regular. I gave up chicken shortly after that and realized I sleep better—fascinating!! True story, I used to take One PM pill every night, religiously, before bed, I don’t know how many years I did that, at least two decades—it was my normal. I actually couldn’t sleep without them, all of the weed in the world couldn’t put me to sleep. I gave up chicken bird and I’m happy to report: I haven’t taken a sleeping pill since—it’s been a few years. Crazy, right?! Not only that, I can fall asleep anywhere with very little effort—bed time, movies, writin this te.....Zzzzzzzzz

But I hung onto pork and fish for a good year’ish. Then I began learning interesting facts about pigs and how they’re all raised in North Carolina and they feed their farm the dead pigs, grass can’t grow in the county, fish can’t live in natural bodies of water, it really tripped me out. So I did more and more investigative research and decided I won’t eat pigs anymore. I included fish with them originally.

My research included finding full-blown athletes, I’m talking NFL players and American Ninja Warrior finalists who are #vegan, NO meat whatsoever. Rob, I had to try it! So, that’s what I did, I went full vegan for about a year and felt (feel) great! Still going to the gym every day, peddle every day, I lost zero energy but then things got crazy. As soon a shot I stopped eating meat, the weight was easier to lift. To this day, I’m stronger when I’m strength training than I’ve ever been and the only thing I did was kick out dairy, eggs, and meat.

I don’t remember exactly how I discovered fish clearing up my skin but I did. There was a good year there where I consumed no meat at all, not even fish. I was accustom to oily skin and I would just wash my face several times a day—no big deal. Somewhere, at some point, I must’ve eaten fish and instantly my skin cleared up. So, to this day, I eat fish 2-3 times a week and everything is the same as far as energy and strength only now my skin is clear.

Ethics do play a part, too, “guilty.” I often find myself referencing the Bible and the way they conducted themselves 2,000 years ago. Nowhere in the entire 14 hundred something pages does it mention someone eating a chicken-bird. Nobody sat down at the last supper and had a bacon wrapped filet. I try not to go too extreme, sir, but hopefully I’m making sense.

Thanks for drawing out this winded response from me, Sweed, you do it every time—I appreciate it. What’s on the agenda at the farm today? Company? Are you surrounded by grandkids and dogs or just dogs? Happy Sunday to you and yours! Thank you kindly for continuing to support what I’m doing around here.

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed.


I like your spoon.


I’m not sure what’s funnier, the chalk board voice or this comment?! It’s gotta be this comment—that’s frikkin funny. How have we not crossed paths until now? 🤔 You plan on making me laugh again with a response? Too many questions for a Saturday, right? I really need to work on that.

My phone lumination keeps going brighter and dimmer without asking me, not sure what to think of that.... I took of my glasses, put’em back on, its still doing it.

Thanks for stopping by @brandt.

We actually crossed paths a few months back during a Comedy Open Mic contest. I can't remember what you wrote about but I thought it was funny and started following you. Apologies for making you laugh on a Saturday. Thanks for the upvote. I'm only here for the upvotes.

I just laughed out loud at this one Brandt. Hey, fun fact! I typed “Brandt” and my autocorrect typed Brandy—it just did it again actually. Anyhow...

Yeah, one of those laughs that’s sudden and abrupt and caused me to set my phone down temporarily. Then I was completely lost, feeling of suffocation, I picked my phone back up and it went away—“whew!”

I’m not sure what took me so long to hit your follow button, sir, but it’s corrected now—I hope we can put that behind us and move on. It’s a pleasure to be met, @brandT

Gosh dang I want some pancakes! @dksart rocked out the usual Sunday morning smoothie, but now it's getting just about time for something solid. Probably should have done that before I started perusing the Puradays Friday entries...

It is kind of funny to me that a lot of people actually think vegans are pescatarian. I can't tell you how many times I get the question asking if I eat fish, haha. I never liked fish even when I still ate meat. Too fishy for me. 😜 Ultimately labels seem a little silly since people rarely fit so neatly into a box, but it can at the very least be helpful when eating out. Or picking tags on social media posts to try to get your ish some views....

Always nice to see what you guys are munching on down there in paradise! Glad to not see any PITA problems this week. 😉

Yooo! Plantstoplanks, it’s always nice to see you. We think about you on farmers market day, you’re getting the good stuff and, for the first time in this country, there’s no fathers market at this location. Fun fact: my autocorrect had ‘Fathers market day.’ I’m not so sure it’s always AI doing the fixing.... cuz that’s a pretty funny typo. 🤔

But not as funny as:

Or picking tags on social media posts to try to get your ish some views....

Good one, chef! 👍🏿

Thanks for supporting us both plantstoplanks, you’re definitely top shelf in my opinion, food.. not so much but you, absolutely! Kidding, kidding. But really—I almost forgot this part, did you see we both got featured by ocd?! Yeah, I’m not more excited than she is or anything.

Eh, isn’t it interesting how many people swear by their eating habits, though? Whatever their specific variation of eating may be, they’ll swear by it, nobody else knows anything and everything you’re doing is wrong. Or is it me—they only talk to me like that??

I had to come back here and make three more edits. After catching that first “Fathers” typo, you’d think AI would try harder—not so sure it’s always AI, Plants, that’s all I’m sayin. Hope you’re having a great weekend.

Congrats on the OCD nod! Well-deserved. I'm sure that shooting star is coming soon... 😉

I very much enjoyed my Father's market visit yesterday. Whipping up some decent stuff in the kitchen today for the week, haha. Though I did have a hankering for some guava, so I hit up the international market for a few non-local treats. I have chayote squash slaw marinating after my Brazilian friend gave me some tips on how to make it.

I am sure I am guilty at times of being a little overzealous about my plant-based focus, but I do try not to be an a$$hole about it. While I do firmly believe that the vast majority of what we eat should be plants, I totally realize that it can take many forms for each individual depending upon how much of each type of food works best for you! I remember a little while ago pushing around a fruit cart at one of the corporate offices where we do wellness programming to promote the latest fitness challenge we were starting for them. Most everyone was really excited to grab a free snack, but I had one guy act all snarky about his keto diet and how all that fruit was unhealthy. It took all my energy not to shove an orange in his pie-hole. Just say no thank you, right?

Hey!! We have some chayote chillin on the counter, too! Have you ever deep-fried it? I’m sure you have. I haven’t for a good 6 or 7 years, good stuff, I think you can pretty much deep fry anything, though, and it’ll be decent.

Yeah, that keto guy—exactly what I’m talking about! And you know what? 🤔 I think keto people are the worst!! Just sayin.

Happy Monday, Plants.

This was actually the first time I used chayote in my own kitchen! I will put a post out about it, but no promises on when. I'd love to get it out today, but my goodness my to-do list just keeps on growing. I'm glad you posted every day for the last week because I think I dropped down to twice. Someone has to keep these folks entertained!

I try not to be too pushy about food unless you're paying me to hold your @$$ accountable. Then all bets are off, haha!

Great stuff !! Phew 30 days? Naw, no sweat ! But gonna need more nice cream.

This is probably going to sound hideous but I informed my beautiful wife the other day that I’m not a big fan of the nice cream. Maybe on occasion, maybe, but it’s just not my thing. Weird, right? I’m sure it’s just me.

Thanks for stopping by @farm-mom.

I just have to say, you two are the cutest ever!!! And you amaze me with your food-man-ship (hey that can be a word, why not!) Looks like you had a stellar week of food fight friday food. Keep dishing it out, I can take it breakfast,lunch, dinner AND dessert you and @puravidaville are the queen and king of the B&B circuit. First it's falafels and now this, Wow! Winner, winner fish for dinner:)

She makes me look good, doesn’t she? She does that everywhere she goes—makes everything better.

Foodmanship is totally a wOrd and it has nothing to do with a fishing boat! I’m not gonna lie though, a fishing boat with a falafel chef sounds like my kinda foodmanship—“Allll abboooooaard!”

Thanks for being so kind and supporting what Pura Vida and I are doing around here, I really appreciate it, chef!

Thanks for stopping by @birdsinparadise, I hope you’re having the best weekend of the year.

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