Tomorrow Will Be 5steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog5 years ago

I’m thinking outside the box this week, swimming in unchartered waters, opening my eyes to new possibilities, familiarizing myself with unfamiliar territory, whatever phrase works best for you—that’s what I’m doing this week. I’m shooting for that steemit-board badge that says “Congratulations, you posted every day this week!” Typically I’m a two-fer, a three-fer on rare occasion including #fff but I can’t think of the last time I did that. In the year and a half that I’ve been on this platform, my record number of releases for one week is four and I only did that once. I’m going for seven this week—“plan” is a #funny word, so is coincidence.

Well, I didn’t expect that! Check out this interesting turn of events. I went over to Pixabay just now to look for a cover image for this article. Ultimately, I’d like to find an image that says “four down, three to go!” I realize it’s unlikely I’ll find it so I typed in “Four down” and got this image—I didn’t even know they had naked chicks on their site?! 🤔 I still need a cover image too. Ok, there’s more to this story than just a steemit-board badge.

I want one of these signature gifs, danget! See how hip she looks inside that star?! Well, I suck at not getting my way so, rather than doing something like “Wa!! I want a personalized signature gif with my picture in it!” I’ll say ‘rather than doing something like’ before I proceed with the crying part.

There sure is a lot of emojis in this phone. You’ve only seen me use three, I use this one when I’m questioning something or concerned: 🤔 I use this one when I’m trying to be funny or trying to pass off a condescending comment as genuine: 😉 And, last but not least, my black thumb: 👍🏿 <— I have received more comments and questions about that black thumbs up than anything ever, in the #history of text messaging—true #story! So many of you have asked about it (you know who you are) and every single one of my friends in my phone has said something about it at some point, it’s interesting. “What’s with the black thumb dude?” Honestly, it just works all the time! You know how some phones or some apps, like discord, only select emojis can be used, right? Well, the black thumb works across all operating systems—there, now you know. I still don’t have a frikkin cover image!

What should I type about now? I know what I’m typing about tomorrow, well, I take that back. I don’t know-know, I just know it will be my @foodfightfriday contender and then I’ll have to figure out what to do for Saturday and Sunday. But, back to the original question in this paragraph: “What should I type about now?” So far I’m just expecting my thumbs to keep up with my thoughts and I’m impressed with how well they’re doing. I still need a cover image though—danget! Alright, I’m going to try harder this time. You’ll either see a picture under this paragraph or more #writing, we’ll find out together, I’ll be right back...


three left

How’d I do? I typed in “four down,” then I tried “4 down” and... nothing. However, when I typed “three to go,” at Pexels, I found the above image—I’m going with it! Ok, now what? (Insert thinking emoji) 🤔 Did I ever tell you about the time I did a gainer into the fountain of the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas? No?? Well, that’s because it never happened—no way! But I did take this picture of the fountain last time Pura Vida and I were in Las Vegas:


A gainer, yeah right.. I only swan dive into public fountains followed by an inconspicuous exit while trying to disguise my pockets full of quarters. Have you ever done that? Not a swan dive, taken change from a public fountain? Yeah, neither have I. 😉 (unnecessary emoji) Do you think the length of this article is good enough to call it quits? I did a rather lengthy article on Monday and according to @cicisaja:

This is a 15-30 minutes read.. I'll be back after a few rounds of battling and rumbling 😂..

Eh, cicisaja, yeah you! I’m talking to you, little miss innocent Aceh sweetheart you, sweetest little chef on the whole got dang #blockchain you, yeah you—is this one better? Can you squeeze this one into your thumb to eye combat schedule or is it still too long? Steemmonsters Rumble Royale’s are no joke (copy cicisaja’s emoji). 😂

Thank you for reading these posts, thanks for continuing to support and promote what I’m doing around here—ya’all really know how to make a dude think he’s doing something right. Not me, of course, but there’s a dude somewhere who thinks that. Ok, it’s me who thinks that! I’ll be back tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday, too, don’t let me forget! I have an idea. 🤔 Join me tomorrow and post at kitchen #fff. All you have to do is give @foodfightfriday a follow and take some pictures of your dinner tonight. Unless, well, unless of course you don’t eat. In that case, just tell us about why you don’t eat, see—no excuses. Below are links to the articles I released earlier this week, stop by and check them out if you haven’t already—thank you, you’re the best! Enjoy the rest of your Thursday, #steemit, I’ll see you tomorrow.










Howdy sir dandays! Very substitive post here, thank you. I almost learnt somethin. Black thumbs work everytime. That could be gold. Now I gotta go see if you kept your promise about posting everyday. That's really over-rated by the way.

Thanks for skimming through this ramble of mine, this is what happens when you’re going for one post a day for a week—you thumbs something together that’s all over the place!

I don’t think I could agree with you more, Janton, about being overrated. I don’t have the material required to post daily so I just did what I could, which surprised me actually and, after accomplishing my goal, guess what?! @steemitboard never even stopped by to acknowledge it—so much for that!

Thanks for stopping by, @janton, always a pleasure, sir.

haha! steemitboard never stopped by! lol..maybe they will later, maybe it's not an instant recognition?
hey what other cryptos are you invested in? You should do a post about that and why for each one.

My goodness gracious, Janton, you gotta see this! steemitboard, no, qurator, yes!! I finally get to enjoy the wall of fame rather than envy it.

I like your crypto idea, sir. I actually believe I have good reason to invest in each of these: BTC, BCH, LTC, EOS (is my baby) XMR (best wallet ever) NEO, Steem of course, and just a few other alt coins that are long shots. Those are my heavy hitters though.

Are you not invested in crypto at all, Janton? Are you finally considering making the leap? Imagine what will happen when humanity finally switches over. A simple transaction like purchasing a car in Costa Rica as a foreigner, no more transfer fees and lag times, instant purchase between two parties and a central authority didn’t get a cut. Fascinating concept isn’t it?

howdy again sir dandays! what wall of fame? I didn't know they let just anyone in? That link goes to La Fortuna which sounds amazing! great temperatures, not too humid, gorgeous sights.

Oh yes we are already invested in a few cryptos but want to expand so I'm gathering opinions. It's definitely the future and the way business and commerce will be run.

Well thanks for the inspiration, that sounds like a fun article actually. I edited the this in that other response—that’s funny. I suck at controlling my excitement so bad that I can’t even link proper sites! 👍🏿

Howdy sir dandays! so this excited you a great deal? I got the right address there but I like the other one better. You posted for 7 days straight and it's so unusual that they made you a star? Those people must be hurting for members. I hear people talk about it being a ghost town around here but I never really saw that but I reckon every space or area is different.

Well, I’d like to think it was the missing piece, Janton. I’m sure it’s just me but going all 7 days was tough while curating for two different initiatives, delegating, financing, operating one initiative, sponsoring new registrations and whatever else I’m doing like an inconsistent blog without a niche. 👍🏿

If I were you I would be wondering what Pixabay had in store for "Five down".
Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas? Doing a full gainer, got a good laugh, but a better one a moment later, " Well, that’s because it never happened—no way!
Never dove into a public fountain to get any quarters, but I did jump into a private fountain late one night, very quietly. The fountain was in a small concrete pool where a rather swanky restaurant called The Swiss Tavern kept their Brook and Rainbow trout. Well needless to say I bagged the daily limit for trout over 12 inches, in the matter of 5 minutes. As i was tossing the fish out of the pond, my wife's cousin was stuffing them into a pillowcase. I did have my fishing license on me with the appropriate trout stamp needed for trout fishing. I don't think that would have gotten me over.

My goodness gracious you make me laugh! Brother, what I would give to throw back some beers around the fire with you. That memory would last a lifetime. Just imagining it makes me smile.

Your family is blessed to have you, Rob! On behalf of everyone who’s never said it—thanks for leading by example, sir.

Thanks for stopping by, @thebigsweed. You make me want to schedule a plane ride to upstate NY.



And what are you going to write about?
Write for what you enjoy.
Find a topic that you can write every day.
Make your own challenge and promote it.
It will be easy and enjoyable to you.
I initiated two challenges that I like and is easy every day.

Forgive me for giving you savvy!

I actually saved this response for last this morning. You took the time to put together a custom image for me—nobody has ever done that before, thank you! And thank you for the ideas, too, I’m five days down and two to go, progress—I think I got this!

Please show me the two challenges you created, I’m interested in learning about them.

Hey, eii, where are you located that shows me this tower crane in the forefront? I spent many, many years engineering those tower cranes, I know my way around them well. When I see one, they always captivate my attention.

Thanks for stopping by, @eii, as per the usual, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you.

Thank you! I had no idea I was hanging out with such a rockstar. 👍🏿

Beautiful joke.

No, really. I’ve seen that color challenge about a bajillion times—you’re the creator. That’s really cool!

A subliminal one I suppose, but yes, it’s a clue! Good morning, ustazkarim, happy Friday!

@ustazkarim. Please excuse my lack of Upvote, know that I hate doing this! This is my first time posting once a day and I’ve ran my VP down to 60% by upvoting my responses. It’s around 80% now so I’m still being light on the trigger—I’m really sorry! I hope you understand.

Thanks for stopping by @ustazkarim. Have a blessed day, sir.

Welcome to @dandays’ Random Ramblings. I love it dude. Just thumbin’ What’s on the mind!!!

Repeat: voting strength... sorry... yada yada. 😉 You’re too good to me dude—I’m glad we met.

Yeah, I’ve never tried this posting one article per day thing, I didn’t have anything prepped and ready. Typically I’m releasing two each week so I have several days to edit, tweak, edit, tweak and finally click the post button. This one, however, just a blab. A lot more fun than I expected though. 🤔 There I go again, talking about myself with ease—it’s probably just me that does that, though, right?

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts. You’ve supported me ever since that eyeball I drew bro! I won’t forget that.

My diy post typically take 2 days and that is because I have to to a little at a time, when I have time. One a day and your doing awesome!!! I need to get back in the groove and make some videos and posts other than my Actifit. I did manage to get one out yesterday now I have to get my FFF going on. I’m cooking pulled pork today on the grill but I have done a couple FFF posts on that.... hmmm I gotta think of something??..?.?.?.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You’re amazing! Check you out at a 61 😘

You’re amazing. I’m just the luckiest guy I know. About that 61, are we talking about my voting percentage? Because right now it’s so low I can’t even Upvote anyone’s response, not even my own wife—I need to work on my voting strengths. About the rep. <— I still haven’t figured out what comes after 58. 🤔

iheartu all the time beautifullest big curie trail hitter.

How’s your voting power now? 😬

😂😂😂😂 okay @dandays 😉 this one only 7 minutes to read and I did read whole thing except checking on the link 😊 i hate it when it navigated me out of steemit😆.

Well.. I think you can do the weekly auther badge's thing😊 let me help ya with a list.
Monday: what my wife doing on monday at the kitchen?
Tuesday: pay it forward curation contest
Wednesday: what's the most lovely things you see in panama or costarica make it like #walkwithme post.
Thursday: is it about time to try the steemmonsters?
Friday: yeaahhh you know... you should clean up the dish and battling to have a seat on the dining table😁
Saturday: what's my wife doing now?
Sunday: do you know a special tradition of people around when they're at the beach?

It's just example, you don't have to do that anyway 😁😁 now only 2 days away I think 😉

Mrs. Cicisaja, here let me get this out of the way first: Please excuse my lack of Upvote, know that I hate doing this! This is my first time posting once a day and I’ve ran my VP down to 60% by upvoting my responses. It’s around 80% now so I’m still being light on the trigger—I’m really sorry! I hope you understand. ok.. now that that’s out of the way.

Can you be any sweeter?! Even the way you complain about my links navigating you away from Steemit is sweet. Have I told you lately I’m glad we met? No, really! If we were given plane rides to see any of our Steemit friends, you need to know that you are definitely at the top of our to-do list! 😉

Happy Friday, sweetest chef! Thank you for the power point, I’ll deifnietly take each of your ideas into consideration—you’re the best! What’s on your agenda today? What’s this Friday look like in Indonesia? Do you feel like educating me? 🤔

I’m interested to know what it costs to rent a place in your country? Do you have links or pictures maybe? I’m curious to know the price difference between the US, here in Costa Rica and where you are.

For example, in Long Beach, Ca. Literally a few steps from the coast, a 1 bedroom apartment with a kitchen, bathroom, laundry, a parking space for your car and in a nice area—$2,000/month. That same apartment, here in Costa Rica—$900/month. (These are just averages) How do those numbers compare to where you live? Thank you!

Na! Na! I just made you read a 10 minute long page and it’s not even a post so there! Thbbb!

Thanks for stopping by @cicisaja.

I am afraid I couldn't provide you the information about how much it cost to rent a bungalow close to the beach. Because every place has their own rates depends on which part of Indonesia you'd like to stay😊 I never been to any place around Indonesia and stay there for several days or months😊 because I have that beach close to my parent's house and somewhere near to aby place where I live in Aceh.

but, here in South Tangerang😢😢😢 I never seen the nearest beach for years now. Need to go far western accrosd the mountain to find a nice beach. My hubby was living there yeaaaaaaars ago and I bet he doesn't know the cost of living there too.

Anyway, I could ask some friends who lives in Bali or Jogjakarta, Lombok and Banten too. Dunno how about Sulawesi and Papua, maybe I need to explore some information from friends who have been there.

Uhhmm.. @aliciasteyn, could please help me answer the question, because you have been in sulawesi and Java too?

My friday is fine😊 I did my laundry, quick prepp lunch and now I'm watching the final football match live on TV with the guys😊

@dandays @cicisaja im a bqckpacker, so I always look for budg3t accomodation, I think if I remember correctly many places charge between 15usd to 50usd.
Some remote places are really expensive but y9u get food atleast.
Raja ampat in west papua I paid 50usd for a bungalow on the ocean food included

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello dandays .. how are u? You can type whatever you want to express into an interesting article for reading. I am waiting for your weekend posts about delicious dishes. Friend, are you a chef?

I sure do appreciate now pleasant you are all the time! Elianaelisma, I’ve had to explain to each of me responses why I’m unable to Upvote this morning—I promise it’s not just you. And this response of yours is so thoughtful I feel really bad but please understand my intentions are good. Here’s what I’ve been lashing to my responses this morning:
Please excuse my lack of Upvote, know that I hate doing this! This is my first time posting once a day and I’ve ran my VP down to 60% by upvoting my responses. It’s around 80% now so I’m still being light on the trigger—I’m really sorry! I hope you understand.

Yeah, I need to adjust my voting strengths—that’s next! 😉

I sure am glad you like what I have to say, thank you for being so kind. As far as being a chef, no.. heck no! I can cook, I can make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich but the chef is my wife—she’s an amazing cook, I’m just a good eater. 😉

Happy Friday! Do you have any exciting plans today or this weekend?

Thank you for stopping by @elianaelisma.

They have pictures of nude woman there. Disgusting 😊 I will go there now and show my displeasure 🤩

Good luck with the 7 days posting.

@wolfhart, please excuse my lack of upvote, I promise I want to upvote you! This whole posting once a day thing really dropped my VP on responses—I need to work on my voting strengths. Just know my intentions are good—promise!

Yeah, I just confirmed that again, 13 times actually, and it seems the naked chick picture is still there! Make that 14!! 😉

Thanks for stopping by @wolfhart, I’m glad we met! I hope you’re paint free today brother—ALL day.

I understand about RC and SP. don’t worrie about it. No one can give as much votes we would like. : )

I never seen the pictures. And most likely will not seek them out. I found it funny 😁

I enjoyed this article about how Pixabay has naked chicks on their site. Thanks for posting.

My pleasure, Brandt! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Please excuse my lack of Upvote, know that I hate doing this! This is my first time posting once a day and I’ve ran my VP down to 60% by upvoting my responses. It’s around 80% now so I’m still being light on the trigger—I’m really sorry! I hope you understand.

Yeah, I was just saying to wolfhart how I verified that again this morning, 14 times actually! I’m here to report: she’s still naked. Make that 15! 😉

Thanks for stopping by @brandt.

lol! I don't care about upvotes, it's fine. I have plenty of SP to upvote myself. ;) And once steem drags itself back up from being one of 2019's most undervalued coins, everything will be different.

I have this pipe dream about posting once a day, then I make it to about 2 days in a row, and then I'm like, ehhhh good enough.

What you just said is exactly what I would say-I mean verbatim! I think I even heard your voice and you sound like me too. Ok.. what’s going on here?

You mean your voice sounds like fingernails dragged across a chalkboard too? I thought I was the only one.

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