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RE: Digital Relationtrips

in #steemit5 years ago

I un-follow people mostly who begin to 're-steem' multiple posts constantly, which clutter up my feed making it more likely that I might miss a followed friend.

My thoughts are, that some users don't realize others may not have the same interest, nor time to read what 'they' are interested in, nor realize how they are cluttering up peoples 'feed'...???

Personally I have no problem with re-steeming - selectively...I do it myself.

Anyway, hope you and Pura are having a pleasant day in the Tropics.


You’re too kind, angryman, I’m glad we’re following each other. I know what you mean about the resteems, too, especially certain initiatives that have their members resteeming the same article over and over and over and over and.... For example, when there’s a begging contest and a whale is offering some SP—I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. “Unfollow, unfollow, unfollow... click, click, click.”

Or what about the new feed cloggers I’ve been noticing, these steemmonsters battle (if that’s what they’re called) results, are you getting those? All it says is “so in so” lost to “Joe blow” or whatever—lame. “Click.”

It’s tough to have a bad day here, sir. 😉 I hope this Sunday is your favorite one of the year, I’ll see you soon.

Thanks for stopping by, @angryman.

Or what about the new feed cloggers I’ve been noticing, these steemmonsters battle (if that’s what they’re called) results, are you getting those?

Yes, I get those too but probably not as much as I would have gotten if my 'follow' list wasn't somewhat narrowed down.

There is someone who I follow that is currently involved with the 'monster' thing who I up-vote, but they are actually in part, performing an experiment with 'value' and reporting on results.

It’s tough to have a bad day here, sir. long as the Cops are leaving you alone, right?

Followed list narrowed down—yup! Those battle results caused me to do some narrowing too. long as the Cops are leaving you alone, right?

A big huge “HA-HA” right here. I should explain: what I meant was; it’s tough to have a bad day—if we go outside, however, all bets are off!

What’s on your agenda this week, @angryman?

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