Eat Like A Local! The Traditional Viennese Gourmet Cuisine At The Famous Gasthaus Kopp!

in #steemit-austria7 years ago (edited)

Meat, meat and more meat! Agrrrrr! 

This article is NOT for vegetarians and please don't bombard me now, explaining the dangers of a juicy Wiener Schnitzel and honey, garlic or chilly Ribs. 

I would like to introduce you to an institution, the classic "Gasthaus", very popular among locals and I write this article, including lots of images for everybody who is craving traditional viennese cuisine, like I did for the first year back in town. 

Gasthaus Kopp in the Brigittenau district is my personal tip for all travellers, especially my airbnb guests.

 Address: Engerthstrasse 104, Vienna 1200, Austria+43 1 3304392 

Palatschinken heaven>>>>

Kopp is far from being ritzy, posh or hip but a gastronomic institution to a multi-cultural clientele

I forgot all about calories, diets, delicious asian vegetarian food and fresh veggies from the markets, mangoes, papayas and bananas from my own trees. I was spoiled for many years in Indonesia but I missed some Mamma's home cooked Austrian " stuff ". 



The Wiener Schnitzel attack! Don't forget to squeeze that lemon.

So, after a few months I already gained over 5kg and those pounds started sticking on my tummy that finally it had to come to an end. Now, I am struggling to get them off my butt in the near by gym. I finally feel that I had enough of those calorie bombs. 

I am back to my personal roots of conscious eating:) but every tourist should at least visit this place once and just go for the amazing "Topfenstrudel with Vanillesauce", right after overeating on your "Knoedel feast". 

Most images are my originals but some I took from their webpage. 

Enjoy the traditional Austrian dishes, those recipes made since decades, in an authentic ambience with handwritten Menus/Tageskarten. 


Image source above and below  

Schweinsbraten mit Gummiknödel made of Potatoes. 

My grandmother made the best ones ever but those come quite close. 

Get ready for The fun and more photos and check out their Facebook page.

The interior is super "kitch" and close to being very "tacky" but that makes this place so unique.

Look at those little details

Usually, it is always packed but since I live close bye I catch the less busy hours. Suggest that you call in advance to make a reservation.

The playful game of light mixed with people. 

The garden area in summer is just perfect to sip on your "G'spritzen white vine" or cold Goesser beer in the shade of the big trees.

The original and authentic "Wirtshaus" at its best. 

Beer and more beer and our famous Almdudler I like most. 

@detlev Thats for you:) 

Good night and see you in Brigittenau soon!

Discover Vienna!

Kaffeehaus Culture - The Viennese Coffee House , An Intangible Cultural Heritage And The Secession, An Artist Movement!

What's Better Than A Juicy Wiener Schnitzel for A #LoveFriday

One Of The Leading Opera Houses In The World! "Wiener Staatsoper" At A Glance And My First Job As A Background Actor.

Fancy A Coffee And Kaiserschmarrn Around The Beauty Of Natural History Museum in Vienna (Part1) 

Views To Die For! The Best Aparol Spritz And Two Rooftop Bars You Must Visit For Your Summer Holiday in Vienna

The Rise And Fall Of An Empire And Magical Places You Should Not Miss For Your Visit In Vienna

There are many, many more articles in my blog. 

Yours @mammasitta

Follow also my minnow profile @massivevibration to keep on spreading those MassiVe Vibes. Feel free to join my steemit chat channels at "mammasittas, austria, massivevibrations, baliohbali" to post your links. 

Join MAMMASITTA's Steemit Network and twitter account #steemitvibes

I am supporting Austrian authors and invite You for the discord "steemit-austria" channel



Oh your post came in right time !!!!
I am going to visit Vienna by the end of the week and just started to search for restaurants :)

You are very welcome! I am here for you for more tips! I just got back to Vienna after nearly 3 decades abroad in New York and Bali and started discovering my hometown again :) Catch me on our discord channel

I will look for you on discord channel- need some tips :)Thank you for invite.
I am going to be there 14.15.16. Most of the time I will work filming one event and Vienna landmarks.

That sounds exciting. We will also have a Viennese Stammtisch but you get all details in our channel . I give you my whatsapp for more tips and tricks. where are you from? Do you need a place to stay as well?

Thank you for asking, you are so kind and friendly!
This is where I am staying LINK
and I am filming this event
I am from Zagreb/Croatia it is 4 hoers driving. Is it close to you? It would be a great pleasure for me to have coffee with you if you have time.
We can continue on chat, to exchange whatsapp, I don't want to spoil your wall here:)

I have very good friends, my neighbors from New York who live in Zagreb. I am answering on my phone now but just in case you have Facebook find my name “Silvie Iluh Cempaka” or on Twitter as “silvieinbali”. I am replying from my phone right now having dinner outside.
Let’s hook up!!! @akashas is also here on 13/14
Belvedere area is super nice!

Ooooooh da hat jemand einen ausgezeichneten Geschmack. Eines der letzten urigen Beisln mit authentischem Wiener Schmäh ! Wenn man beim hineinkommen schon angeschnauzt wird haha :D Ich liebe diesen Laden !
Und ganz nebenbei die besten Schweineschnitzel in ganz Wien !
Sehr cooler Post und sehr schön die Dekoration abgelichtet :-)

Hahahaa ! Das hätte ich eigentlich dazu schreiben sollen was man mit den Kellern so erlebt. Hatte eine kurze Episode gestern Abend. Herrrrlich! Es ist wirklich ein leiwaundes Beisl 😋

Es wird vermutlich den ein oder anderen Touristen ein wenig verschrecken :D Ich glaub ich muss die Woche auf ein Schnitzl vorbeischaun ! Danke fürs Gusto machen ;-)

Ich wohne doch um die Ecke. Am Besten gleich mit mir :) Melde Dich wenn Du gehst.
@vieanna Kommst mit?

Das ist dann aber gefährlich für die Figur, wenn man direkt ums Eck wohnt haha Ich würde dann jeden Tag dort sitzen und Schnitzel + Topfenstrudel mampfen :D
Ich melde mich auf alle Fälle ! Jetzt ist grad noch Stress mit Uni aber spätestens dann nach Weihnachten. Vielleicht will @reconnectnature auch mitkommen :-)

Na und ob aber ich bin endlich brav und halte mich so fern wie möglich aber gehe sehr gerne mit Euch nach Weihnachten. Ich fahre eh nach Tirol. Merry XMas

Mhhhhh good food! After a long and hard Day work it is so Nice to have the real taste from meat.
I always be happy when Im in Austria on wintersport, the people, the nature, AND the food! Some favourites are Kaisersmarn, goulashsuppe, germknodel .... mhhh so good

wow I am impressed! You know your Austrian food well

Its a pity I can not enjoy it every Day.. only 6 days a year. Only there they know the exact recipies.

I forgot where are You from? You need to let me know when you come to Vienna

From Holland... and Thanks for your kind invitation

Such a cool post! So authentic looking.

I love all the kitchy decor. It's this kinds of stuff that makes it so original and local. When I finally get to Austria, I'm going here!


Let me know when and I take you @braveboat

oh wow i saw your post today after a really long time and oh my god i am really enjoying reading your experience and seeing the pics
wow this was fantastic :)

Hello @cutiepie always nice to hear from You 🎄🎄🎄

Whenever I hear food, I usually turn

Meee toooo :) it’s very dangerous for my bootie

"Palatschinken Heaven" sounds great!

Ein richtig uriges Wirtshaus - leider gibt es nicht mehr allzu viele davon in Wien.

Da hast Du ja so Recht. Kopp ist sicher Eines davon.

Oh yes @mammasitta! I really do enjoy dining at such places when I visit Germanic areas!

It’s one of the few really original ones left. Nice to see you here again 💜

mamma tempat yang nyaman untuk bersantap bersama, dan jangan lupa terlalu banyak makan daging berlemak bisa jadi gemuk...ha..ha.. (mamma that place looks comfort for eating with our friends, and do not forget too much eat fatty meat will make you become fat...ha..ha.. !)

Tell me about Hahhaa! After leaving Asia I already gained lots of kilos 🤪 Aduhhhhh

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