I travel the world Part 131: "Up in the Air" or stuck in "The Terminal" a triple failure featuring @nanzo-scoop @mrs.steemit @lisadang and @knozaki2015

in #steemfest8 years ago (edited)

Houston we have a Problem!!!

After eating pizza and fantastic ribs with @sneak in the lobby of Volkshotel I went to bed to have a great 5 Hour sleep. Well at 8am I received a distress chat from @mrs.steemit and @lisadang the information at that time was a bit cryptic I just knew:

Pic Source

I was still drunk and sleeping but I started to pack my bag and took a shower to go for the rescue to the airport. On the way down to the lobby I met @nanzo-scoop and he offered to let me ride along in his Cab.

@nanzo-scoop ordered a electric cab... 

The driver was a bit insane he was a former F1 driver (at least that's what I told everybody in the car as he was accelerating the shit out of this Nissan...)

I think the cab drivers in Amsterdam are rigging their taxo-meters. Every 5m the fare jumps 10 Cents that is not normal, is it?

Anyway @nanzo-scoop and I arrived safely at the airport. I was flying with KLM an he was going with BA. 

@nanzo-scoop tried to pay with cash but I did remind him to be like George Clooney and always use his mileage earning credit card, so he switched from cash to Card payment. He is now stuck with 40 Euro but as GBP will be soon worthless that 40 Euro might buy him a Palace  in London...

I had Checked-in Online so I went to the Platinum Entrance of KLM

Very strangely my boardingpass didn't work so I went to the Checkin-Counter and OMG the Staff told me that my assistant had booked me on a 9:45am flight and it was already 9:43.. (I was under the impression that my flight was at 1pm). I have never missed a flight in my life, but it seems that Amsterdam was not ready to let me go... I MISSED MY FLIGHT

I informed @mrs.steemit and @lisadang and they joined me for a coffee and to find a solution for our triple failure (They missed their flight too!!!)

So we started checking our options, KLM had offered to put me on another flight but the re-booking fee was 387 Euro.. which was more expensive than booking a return ticket and throwing away the return.

@mrs.steemit and @lisadang needed to go to Hamburg so we first tried to find something cheap for them.. Unfortunately on short notice there is no cheap direct flight even the cheapest connecting flight was 223 Euro per person. So I started looking for any tickets using miles BA, Lufthansa, Airberlin, Etihad, Emirates, but nothing really nothing was bookable for the same day... 

@lisadang saved the day, she found them a way to go back to Hamburg for a low 3 figure amount so we had the first problem solved...

Of course they had to go back to the city... so we bought tickets for them and than I sent them on their way.. 

I had earned some nice rewards for my Steemfest posts (Thank you all for voting!) so I promised @lisadang that I will cover their cost for that trip back that was the least I could do for these wonderful two Steemians!!!

Than I had to decide what to do... spent 387 Euro on the rip-off KLM fare or find something cheaper??? 

These were my Options

  1. KLM 387 Euro (Change Old Ticket) 6 Hour wait
  2. KLM 269 Euro (Return Ticket throwing away the return flight)  6 Hour Wait
  3. Easyjet 189 Euro (5 Hour wait)
  4. Brussel Air Train 126 Euro (but 7 Hours in Train)

As I have my Priority Pass I decided to use Easyjet and chill in the Lounge for 5 Hours. So I booked the ticket online and checked-in on the spot. Depending on the airline there is some stuff you have to know before you book a sameday ticket at the airport. Most airlines only let you check-in 2 hours prior to the flight if you do it at a counter. Some airlines do not offer Mobile Boardingpasses. I knew that Easyjet has a Online Check-in and Online Boarding Pass, so I checked-in right away. It worked like a charm... 

PP Lounge here I come!!!

I went to terminal 2 and tried to enter but the automatic entrance control kept telling me to go to the right terminal... So I could not enter Terminal 2 where the Lounges were located... Failure number 2 this day....

I had no choice but to wait for 5 Hours in Terminal 3... No free drinks, no food.. I bought a fresh juice and a Gouda Sandwich...

Food Post... (well it was not that bad.. )

While waiting I wrote my last two new posts HERE and HERE and answered comments and replied to chat messages...

Will I ever reach my final destination? Walking down the endless hallway to my gate

The easyjet plane arrived... 

I made it.. the plane was pretty full so I got lucky and were seated in Row 13 (Exit row with a lot legroom)

I was so exhausted that I fell asleep for the whole duration of the flight...

I am grateful I messed up this time... I have the feeling that I will be telling this story on stage on the next Steemfest...

Steemfest itself just went down way too @smooth so the god of blockchain decided I was not allowed to leave Amsterdam with all the earnings of the 12 Steemfest post I made.... At least I spent everything I earned on drinks for many new friends and our new travel arrangement... I don't mind because life gives and takes. There is always Yin and Yang which I believe in... 

Anybody else messed up too? Please post in comments

I am blogging about the following topics :

ABOUT ME: Some insides into my Steemit life  


wow, thank God you arrived safely, missing flight is always heart broken, sorry for the challenges that cold not allow you to go for the show. Weldon too for taking care of the bill, you did well. steemit will always pay you back hahaha. keep it coming. nice story.

ha! that's a cool cab and it really shows that @nanzo-scoop is a super cool guy [ not that there was any doubt, proper style too ].
In other news; glad you made it, we arrived too. Great fest!!

was good to see you! thanks for the tshirt!

you wear it better than me :))

damn @knozaki2015 you are a fine gentleman.
Tips fedora.

after meeting you I can only give back the compliment bro

damn.. I should have gone with you ;)

I nominate this post to be your best post of the year, @knozaki2015.

haha thank you !
It was meant to happen... without a doubt steemfest was not ready to let us go

Glad you made it. I think I was in the airport the same time as you, we could have had an airport after-party!

haha ;) yeah next year we do a flashmob...

Wow dude, what a trip. Also quite the fuckup that it is not possible to enter the lounges via Terminal 3.... good to know... and yeah that 'low cost side terminal' is fun right :) :) :) It's where all the weekender tourists arrive :)

yeah , it was terminal 3 but worse, it was terminal 3 section M...
that is connnected to nothing.. but they had free wifi and power. so that was ok

yes... M. so bad... And cold. In winter it's freezing over there due to the irony construction.

yeah.. i was sittting there with my jacket on.. was super cold there..

I've not missed a flight like that, but I did drop my wife off at the terminal a day early!! Somehow we both messed that up, thinking she was leaving on a Monday instead of Tuesday. She caught me before I got far, so I could come back and get her. Since we live about three and a half hours away, we got a hotel and just enjoyed the evening together. It actually turned out pretty nice. Needless to say, she wasn't late the next day. ;)

Missing a flight... aah this happened to me only once, actually last month. I forgot that there is one hour time difference between the UK and Europe (with the Brexit stuff, I believe I can say that).
In my case, I had to pay 450 EUR to go back to France [but had my access to the lounge]. That was the cheapest option.

Happy to read that the problem was solved for everybody!

450euro wow.. that's a lot of money...

Yep... I had no choice to go back to Paris on the same day, and there was only one flight left... I was then doomed... and I will not be reimbursed by my employer of course, as the mistake was mine.

hehe, indeed :) I survived, don't worry ^^

Paying it forward FTW, way to go @knozaki2015! How poetic that rewards on Steemit could be used to save the day and rescue our prized ladies. You truly are a kind gentleman, and I appreciate the assistance you shared with me and @everlove too. Grateful to have met you! Blessings~*~

hey sara, it was great to meet you ! see you sooon!

You add me missing your steemit.chat message as well, by literally minutes after I left the hotel! I will be sure to keep that up next until the minute I leave! Sorry for missing it again... long story short for those not in the know I had a car to myself leaving to the airport may have saved some much needed time for you guys! - an electric car as well but a Tesla

yeah. it was ok! the story would have been not to cool if I made my flight ;)

Exactly! Meant to be I guess ;) or maybe I forgot you to help create an interesting story haha

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