STEEM means a lot to ME after 10 months, what does STEEM mean to you?

in #steem6 years ago

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I've been thinking a lot lately about what STEEM really means to me

Not just the currency, or the blockchain, but everything that makes this platform unique. What feelings it invokes, and what potential it already holds for the future of every single person who comes in contact with it, and even many who don't! I've been around for a while (since May 2017), and still wish I could have seen the first few months of this in action!

To me, STEEM is much more than just a network of social media sites, not to mention ones that actually pay their users for creating and engaging with content. STEEM is a new way of life. A way to break free from the bonds of what society says you 'should'. STEEM is a feeling, almost an emotion. STEEM is connectivity like never before, and not just the superficial 'connections' we get out of other social media. Something about this idea of incentivizing engagement has created an environment where people actually listen to what others have to say, and often give incredibly thoughtful feedback. STEEM has created real-world friendships and connections that will last a lifetime, all the while inspiring people to become better, and do more, than they ever dreamed possible! STEEM has real power, not because a government 'allowed' us to have it, but because we are creating it every day. STEEM is putting the power to do real change in the hands of the masses, and with it, they can do anything!

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A tiny bit of history about myself, and my own experience with STEEM:

My childhood was pretty much hell. I don't exaggerate on that statement. I have gone into that a little bit on my blog, and will likely do so more in the future, but today isn't the day for that. Today is a feel-good day. When I became a teenager, dropped out of school, and began living on my own, I didn't have the motivation to do anything but stay alive. I worked whatever job I could find, and used sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll to keep my mind off of life's real problems, and that leaves no room for ambition. I took shelter where I could, and with whom I could.

Then, at 26, I had a child.

Life and it's priorities change really fast when you have a tiny human being to nurture, educate, and protect. Carlin is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me, the other being his brother Vincent.


When Carlin was first born, I knew I wanted to find a way to work from home, and spend as much time with him as possible. I started up a website that would introduce people to earning money online, and the money would come in from affiliate commissions and referring interested parties to sites they could potentially earn from. Boy oh boy did I learn pretty quick what that world is all about... Even "opportunities" that would pay you, turned out to be little more than MLMs and outright pyramid schemes. I discovered Bitcoin in 2014, and started promoting free ways to earn some satoshi to get people started up. These were the early days of faucets, where you could easily earn hundreds of thousands or even millions of satoshi in a day, which today would be worth a nice chunk of change...
The website still wasn't bringing in enough money to make it all worth it, and after 2 years, I was still working a full-time job to pay the bills. Logically, I closed it, and focused my online energy on bitcoin, still searching for free ways to get as much as I could. I've been burned on Cloud Mining, I've had websites turn out to be scams and run off with hundreds of dollars (which today would be worth hundreds of thousands...).


A few months after I closed down, I discovered Steemit.

A blogging/social media site that pays it's users with cryptocurrency? And I can join for FREE? Sign me up! I earned $30 worth of Steem from my introduction post. I bought a debit card from BitPay (with bitcoin I had gotten from trading STEEM through @poloniex). About a week later, I traded the rest of my STEEM for bitcoin, and deposited it to my new BitPay debit card when it arrived in the mail. An hour after setting up the card, I withdrew $20 from an ATM down the street!

You got me, Steemit! Hook, line, and sinker!

I'll do whatever I can to honor your whitepaper, and create as much value for this platform as I possibly can! I have done my best to put forth the greatest effort I can on my writings and my blog in general, since day one. I'm what you'd call scrupulous.

This behavior was developed as a coping mechanism from my childhood, but it has served me well as I traverse this windy road we call life. This mentality has earned me an organic following of over 1100 wonderful people. I say 'organic' because I have never played the 'upvote for upvote' or 'follow for follow' games, and have often spoken out against such things. I despise the idea of buying upvotes, and that too is something I have been very outspoken about. My integrity has wavered of late, and bots have become a way for me to try to get my content in front of those who might be genuinely interested in it. The Trending and Hot pages have become one big game of 'who can pay the most for this spot, and earn a fat profit for nothing'. One thing I've learned in nearly a year on Steemit, is if you truly believe in the value you are creating, it will eventually reach it's audience, and you will see rewards that line up with your own opinion of your content.


I've yet to be engaged by some of the big time players, but I'm not the only one who thinks I deserve their attention, and I'd love the opportunity to chat with minnows, dolphins, and whales alike, to explain why I deserve your support. I've started many projects centered around community. @steemparents was a project I started to show parents the kind of love they could receive here, and the power STEEM has to change their childrens' lives. It has kind of been on the back burner for a while, but I plan to revive it soon with all the gumption the team I gather around it can muster! @steemfreelancers if off to a great start. Only 2 months in, and we are empowering freelancers around the world to advance their careers, and boost their STEEM earnings. My latest aspiration is to open a real-world makerspace and STEEM hub in my hometown, and I'm only weeks away from making that dream a reality!


My passion for this amazing ecosystem has only grown during my time here, and has progressed to my getting the STEEM symbol permanently tattooed on both my hands!

I am now a walking billboard for everything this symbol stands for!

My efforts to promote this platform to my community will increase 100 fold with the opening of @thesteemhouse, bringing as much value to the #promo-steem tag as possible over the coming months, and hopefully years!

I plan to put the STEEM Blockchain to work for my hometown, and my hometown to work for the Blockchain, giving people earning opportunities they could have never dreamed of pre-Steem, bringing value to everyone involved!


I have a new motto that I repeat to myself every day now:

"No matter what it is, make it happen."

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Enough about me, though. I ask again:

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What is the meaning of STEEM?

How has this platform changed your life?

Have you used the power of STEEM to change the lives of those around you?

What value are you creating for the long-term growth of the platform?


Here's a challenge to Steemians old and new:

- Tell everyone what STEEM means to you. Write a post, make a video, draw a comic, or paint a picture. Express yourself in your own way, and let the world know how STEEM makes you feel!

- Put "whatsteemmeanstome" all one word, at the very end of your post. You'll see the same thing on this post. This will make it very easy for @ginabot to let me know when someone participates in this, without devoting a whole new tag for one challenge.

- Share your post on another social media site. Any will do, so long as it's a separate audience from Steemit.

- Put a link to your post, and a link to where you shared it to, in the comments below.

In an effort to promote the altruistic use of bid-bots, I will be rewarding the first 50 people who complete this challenge with a 0.1 SBD bid to @upgoater. When this post pays out, I will reward 3 of my favorite submissions with a 5 SBD bid to @appreciator. That's up to 20 SBD in rewards for this challenge!

I believe the only good use of a bid-bot is to reward a creator beyond what your upvote alone could. I don't like the idea of buying votes for one's own post, as to me, it violates the true "spirit" of STEEM, and what it stands for. I chose these two bots in particular because a portion of the funds they receive are used to fund other projects within the STEEM-ecosystem. Read more about those initiatives here (@upgoater) and here (@appreciator).

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STEEM means a lot of different things to different people, and it has the power to create real change in the world, for better or for worse. I never know how to end these things, so I'll just say thank you for reading, and if you found this post interesting, consider upvoting and/or resteeming it. Even better, take part in the challenge, and let everyone know what STEEM means to you!




I join steemit in January 2018, its my 3rd month here on steemit. In this 3 months tenure I personally like steem very much. Before steemit I use the social media like facebook instagram etc, one of my friend introduce me steemit. So when I join it, it become very helpful to me. In this community I see different people having different thoughts. Everyone share his/her thought with us. It become
Very helpful to me. Before steemit I was very weak in writing but now I read different blog, I learn how to write a blog. I concluded that steemit is very helpful to me. I am glad to here on steemit

That's fantastic! I'm glad that Steemit can help you learn new things!

Thank you for your appreciation. Here in steemit we are all like a family, we will help each other to learn more and more. We will have to appreciate each others. You also visit my blogs and give me your feedback. That will also help me to learn more from you

Steem means alot to me, but steemit has given me an opportunity to make use of my creative mind positively.

I never knew i could sit down to make a positive contribution through writing.

Apart from the financial gain, there is joy in communicating with people from diverse background.

The financial gain is great, and has allowed people like myself the freedom to work from home full time, but the engagement we get from others is worth far more in other ways.

Absolutely, the engagement with others is great and memorable. I love your intelligence

I enjoy your enthusiasm @thatsweeneyguy.
I really like the idea of Steemit and keep telling people about it. However, I find it hard to find the time to engage on here sufficiently to get any meaningful online relationships or following. This makes me wonder whether it's worth it for a personal account. If nobody sees my posts, why waste my time?
On that note, I am reluctant to slate traditional social media platforms. There, I have useful networks that have helped me build real-life relationships. So, currently I am swithering. I have posted about this previously and nothing much has changed since ...

There are ups, and there are downs, and getting started on here is no easy task. I don't earn a HUGE amount of money. I'm able to scrape by with the help of other sources, but the value I'm creating here will attract a whale soon enough, and I feel that's the mentality all of us minnows should have.

Just keep your head up, and you'll find your place among the SteemStars soon enough!

See, the whole dependence on whales... I suppose it's just like regular society. We're simply recreating it in the crypto space. It's like a business or charity banking on celebrity endorsement.

Ah well, onwards and upwards. I'll stick around for a while for sure. Once I've sorted out some other things, I'll try and become more disciplined in my activity on Steemit.

Keep rolling, @thatsweeneyguy. You're enthusiasm is infectious. 😊

I don't like to see it as a dependance on whales, but they have the power to change lives in one second, while it takes a little more time and effort for we minnows 😁

I've only been on Steemit for a month and a half and I have to say I love every second I spent here. The slow but steady growth, the fact that I learn new things about the platform everyday. Everything is awesome.

I discovered Steemit just a few days after I decided to quit Facebook because I was getting tired of wasting my time there without getting anything valuable in return. Now I use the time I used on Facebook on Steemit instead. And it's one of the best decisions I ever made.

Steemit is going to smash other social media platforms! The cat is out of the bag now, and the people who interact with this platform will never want to continue sharing their thoughts for nothing.

I could not agree more. And we also have to remember that Steemit just like cryptos in general is only at the beginning of the journey.

Sooner or later we are going to the moon! :)

Absolutely right! I have no doubt that I will never work another 9-5 ever again!

we are in the same discord channel but I have never realized this man. You have gone through.

I admire what you are doing in Steemfreelancers and the vision you have in using Steem to change lives not just for an online community but also your area.

Thank you for your kind words. I try to use what I've been through as motivation to do better, rather than as an excuse for doing wrong.

Thank you also for your continued support of @steemfreelancers, and I hope to turn @thesteemhouse into one of the greatest things that has ever happened for my city!

Amazing post.. It really feels like you made it happen. I dont know about the tattoos on both hands haha but that really shows your commitment to the platform. Ill at least share your post if i dont have time to join the challenge. 😌

I try :D

I haven't gotten a tattoo in nearly 10 years, and only have a total of 4. All of my tattoos mean something very special to me, and this one is a constant reminder of the amazing things this platform has already allowed me to do, and will create for my future.

I'd love to hear what STEEM means to you, and I'll likely run this challenge until I have all 50 submissions, so I feel you'll have plenty of time ;)

@thatsweeneyguy, I am glad that we meet and have continued to cross paths on Steemit. Thanks for opening up about your past. Thanks for the work you do to make Steemit and Frankfurt a better place.

I hope to get a submission up for #whatsteemmeanstome. I appreciate you, man!

I will forever strive to give more than I receive! Creating value for the blockchain is easy when you believe as much as I do in the power of this community and infrastructure.

I'll likely run this challenge until I can reward 50 people, so you'll have plenty of time to get something written :D

Here is my entry.
Posted on FaceBook.

I had not posted to FaceBook in so long it felt kinda funny!

Oh hey! I hope everything works well for you! It is very interesting to see various Steemian's journey as they're all very organic and interesting at that. I hope @thesteemhouse soars man and everything you do gets favored.

Things are looking WAY up for @thesteemhouse! Spoke with our chamber of commerce the other day, and they seem almost as excited about the idea as I do! Should be opening our doors within a couple weeks!

I forgot about Facebook ,since i use steem 😂👌 steem=all

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 6 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 39 SBD worth and should receive 106 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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