Apply here for dolphin support: 0-300 SP accounts.

in #steem6 years ago

Some of the first users from the lower levels of @themesopotamians, my user-level support and leveling up program, will be graduating into level two shortly, and that means I have some spots opening up in level one. I'd also like to generate something of a waitlist, because this is the level that needs users added most often. You can see a program overview here, and in general on the posts on that account.

Applications today are for ongoing support from either the @doctorworm or @particleman account, currently votes in the 12c/post range, until you reach 500 SP. You'll also get the opportunity to level up within the program, with support continuing until 5000 SP. Level-up guidelines are currently in process.

Eligibility guidelines:

  1. You must have less than 300 native SP. (Before calculating any delegation.)
  2. You must be a community-oriented poster, and have some evidence to show for that. (This is open-ended partly so you can tell me what it means to you.)
  3. Your long-term Steem strategy must be to grow your account.

There are no requirements to support the system in return, though obviously I appreciate it if you do, and it will help me advance more users in the future.

To apply leave a comment here with something about who you are, what your community participation level is, and what you would like it to be in the future.

Be aware that since I'm basically handing out money here I feel no obligation to be fair in my choices.

This needed a random photo of something, so here's an orangutan reading in a hammock. Own photo.

A week ago, i would be valid, but gained lot of SP last week so dont meet the requirements now. I created a project for easier curation which i feel will be able to push me to dolphin eventually.

Hello tcpolymath,

We meet again, even though I actually have been following your support project all these while, admiring it quietly. I read yesterday about the Sargon's statistics week 5, marvelling at the Steemians growth who you choose to support. The fact that a few of them have actually gained close to 150 SP during 5 weeks is truly astounding. And the others are no slouch either, I believe you chose to support the right people ^_^.

But this is not about them, ho ho ho. It's about me but I'm not really good at talking about myself.
So I am @scrawly, an artist and an art curator on Steemit. I joined 3 months ago and so far I have managed to accrue close to 200 SP. I plan to stay on Steemit for the long term because I really like the people here in this community and because I grow also as a person, as I said in my diary a few days ago.

I curate art for @c-squared and I am also in training to be a curie curator. My goal as a curator is to reward people who produce high quality contents and retain them in Steemit. Though money is very important to keep them around, as an artist, I also understand that morale support is also equally essential, and that's why I strive to give them encouragement through my comments. I am quite proud to announce that I have won the comment contest in c-squared several times, though not at first place because there's no way I could write 137 comments in a week like what spider is doing. She is truly a blessing to the artist community.

I delegate a few of my Steem Power to two community projects, @centerlink and @anzub. I believe this kind of support is essential to give little support to those who need it the most. When I was here in my first month, every cent of income was a big deal and these projects help me survive and I plan to pay it forward further when I amass more SP.

Anyway, that's all I can think to write. Thank you for creating these benevolent projects, as I said above, I think your help have substantially contributed to the people's growth that you have supported so far. I am glad that Steemit has people like you in the community.

I'm not sure which account you'll be in yet, but you're accepted. It might be a day or two before I figure that out.

she is an amazing steemian, tc and im sure she will be an amazing mesopotamian too :D

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

You’re too nice, spider. I will believe in you who believe in me ^^.

Wow! A very pleasant news. I’m excited to hear more about this account ... thank you, I will be waiting with anticipation ^_^.

Thank you, I appreciate your support very much :).

That's great! ^.^ I'm so happy for @scrawly! ^.^ She's a wonderful person and a very hardworking girl! I'm sure she'll be a irreplaceable helper and curator! <3 <3 <3

Whew, because of something wrong with my feed I almost didn't see this! Thanks to @davemccoy for resteeming or else I may have missed it!

Although @eoj is only a month old, I've been on Steemit since January through my crypto alter ego @starthere. Since the beginning my strategy is to contribute through content that is hopefully interesting and valuable to the community. And have a bit of fun! And meet people of course, although I'm way out in Asia, that hasn't happened yet.

Speaking of real life, because my background is in disaster response, I find myself trying to highlight good work outside-of-steemit as well - the humanitarian implications of blockchain technology, practical ways people can give back/volunteer, that type of thing.

I love what @themesopotamians is trying to do. My goal is to slowly build up enough of a vote to help other people in a similar way, with a special focus on people in developing countries, so that folks may actually be helped in real life. I'm looking to @themesopotamians, @newbieresteemday, @pifc, and others for inspiration.

Although my voting power is micro at the moment I'm still trying to give back to the best of my ability. At this point that means producing solid content, running games, trying to engage and encourage, bring real life people to the platform (I've convinced my wife @suitcasemama to join and am working on my sister), and connect people, something I'm fairly good at in real life. If I can introduce people to good projects I'm satisfied.

As you can see, I'm a bit all over the place in terms of content, but my strategy remains constant: produce good quality content, connect, fight for every penny (thank you @dustsweeper!), slowly earn rewards, put everything into Steem Power, help those who come after me, and stick around for years. I think to demonstrate that Steemit is what it advertises itself to be ("quality content is rewarded!") will be a huge draw to bring in the masses. That's the story I'm trying to be able to tell.

Thanks @tcpolymath for running the @themesopotamians, one of my favorite initiatives on Steemit. There are some awesome applications so far! You've got a lot of good options, I don't think you can really go wrong!

I highly recommend @eoj or @starthere... Even though @suitcasemama has all the talent in the family, he is a very engaged and positive steemian that will do great things with the power he builds! :)

haha! @davemccoy, youre going to get me in trouble at home!!!! i wouldn't say i have ALL the talent, just most of it! haha!!!
<3 @suitcasemama

@suitcasemama, you'd only be in trouble if it wasn't true!!! ;)

Thanks so much for the recommendation and the "encouragement" @davemccoy! :) :) :)

@suitcasemama lol... its ok I won't show him this... but we all know its true ;)

If you hadn't been here in a couple of days I'd have poked you. I'll have a spot for you but I need to see what happens to the voting power this week before I figure out where.

YES, awesome! No worries, just stick me anywhere, I'm just excited to be a part of it! Looking forward to meeting my "classmates" to see how we can start supporting and encouraging each other. Thank you @tcpolymath!

If you're on Discord message me at tcpolymath#2171 for an invite to the server.

Okay, I'll look look for you there, I'm starthere plus some numbers...

Saw this from Steem Artists' discord. Is it possible that I can be considered?

Started my Steemit blog in February, I am now at 119 Steem Power. I plan to continue to create art pieces daily, and grow my Steemit account.

I don't have much more to say, I try to help other artists with critique and comments when I can, but I am aware that I am an extreme introvert. I do try and make the effort to push myself out of my boundaries when I have the stamina to do so.

Either way, great initiative. All the best.

Yeah, still time. This is a valid entry and I'm still in the middle of the first round of evaluations so I can fit you in there.

I enjoy looking at your art, goodnode :). Good luck.

You are wait-listed, and may make it in at some point based on how our voting power goes, but are not guaranteed a spot.

Thank you for the note. Great initiative. I will try to give back to the blockchain in the meanwhile and grow my account to the best of my abilities.

Thank you for all you do for me and everyone else here. I'll spread the word to some very specific folks I know who deserve something like this :)

Love the orangutan pic by the way. Very random, but did you know that they share 98+% same DNA as we humans? They are amazing creatures. And if you ever want to get really depressed, check out the connection between "our" consumption of palm oil and their demise.

I'm somewhat involved in tapir conservation, and they have many of the same problems with palm oil. It is pretty awful.

Yes, it is @tcpolymath, and when you start to look at just how many products include palm oil as an ingredient, the problem seems almost insurmountable.

Wow, that's a great opportunity, @tcpolymath! Especially to those artists out there who really spend a lot of time, energy and love to create works of art, pieces of themselves and share them with the world.
To be able to show what you love, what you dream of to other people and even get paid for it... well, let's say it sounded fictional ten years ago. But now... we live in a world full of resources.

I joined five months ago. My friend and colleague from the university recommended the site as a great opportunity for extra income. At that time I was entering a thesis defense procedure, and it seemed to me an interesting initiative. I wasn't sure how will I manage my working hours with my thesis and posting on Steemit, but I really needed a change in my life. A new way of creating and promoting art. And it happened. What makes Steemit amazing are the people. Incredible, inspiring, very supportive and kind. I know you can find any type of character here, but these were the ones I chose to see. You can say they are my meaning, my ikigai. ^.^
I love doing art, participating in different contests (well, winning also), helping with logos, illustrations and stuff, upvoting and resteeming great content. Ordinary things. I'm not very good with commenting, because I still struggle with my English. But love sharing my knowledge and experience in the field of graphic design and design thinking.

What I really want to do here is helping people gain more confidence in their skills. To inspire them to dream and work for their dreams. I know many who have lost that ability immersed in the harsh daily routine of traditional jobs (also called 1st Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki). Working from 9 to 5, not believing that every human being is unique and everyone sees the world not as it is, but as we perceive it in our mind. And to be an artist (regardless of the field) is truly a gift.
...I was once one of those people.

I was uncertain whether to post this comment. Not because I have nothing to share about myself, but rather would look insignificant to the achievements of other artists. And Steemit has extraordinary ones. I sincerely admire them. I found out about your initiative from the amazing @veryspider, who shared the post in the Steemartists' community. I believe there are many who deserve this support. I'll be happy to provide help, to be useful in any way. Even for a conversation, I'm like the nerd in the group, hehe.

Anyway, if you happen to read all of this, thank you and good luck with your initiative. ^.^

Your application is valid. I'll be reviewing them later, but as I was passing through your account to check your SP I was really grabbed by those white-marker portraits. Those are great.

Also your English is really good.

Thank you, @tcpolymath! Greatly appreciate your comment! ^.^

i am vouching for @katalinaooma !!! she's a beautiful and warm-hearted spirit who continues to inspire and enrich every experience she engages in :>

she is also always helpful, always friendly and always take the time to reply to her friends, even if she struggles with the language (although I think her english is perfect) and she's also very talented and she makes beautiful posts :D

please consider to take her under your wings, tc * ___ *

@katalinaooma is one of my favourite Steemians because she is kind and talented and genuine, in short, she is a beautiful person. I will always treasure people like her :).

OMG, thank you so much, dear ones! I'm so sorry for answering this late (still don't have the habit to check "mentions" on SteemWorld). I'm blessed to call you my dear friends and inspiration. Thanks to you I'm still here on Steemit and will stay for as long as I have time and energy! <3 <3 <3 ^.^

Added to @doctorworm.

Message tcpolymath#2171 on Discord if you would like an invite to the members' forum.

Wow, thank you very much, @tcpolymath! I'm so happy, but also a bit nervous, hope I can be of some use. ;)

Don't worry, you are already of some use to me hehehe <3.

Hehe, glad to hear that. ^.^

First off Hi :) @tcpolymath! Such a great opportunity. I cannot wait until I am able to so something like this when I grow up 😁 @lynncoyle1 let me know about this contest. If she has enough confidence in me, then I know I'm on the right road. I joined Steemit in Dec 2017. I started from scratch. I have not added any personal funds to my account. I wanted to get a true sense of how things worked and how it would work with my goals I had set for myself. I am very happy to say Steemit has already passed my expectations. I did not come into this thinking I would be making a viable side income for quite a while. I knew if I worked hard and consistently to find my niche and a part of the community that I fit into magic would happen. It has I am currently sitting at 38 SP (all my own hard work) and I recently did win a 75 SP delegation from @simplymike.

One of the first groups I became involved with in any way was @newbieresteemday almost from day 1 when @davemccoy and @mudcat36 got it rolling. I found several people that helped give me a good basis to start with @davemccoy, @amariespeaks, @lynncoyle1 @simplymike (for starters) I started to participate more events and contests on the platform.

Not long after that @greetersguild was created. I admit I wasn't sure at first. After a response to a post @terminallyill invited me to their Discord and offered to kind of take me under his wing. I started out as a 'Scout.' I would leave random encouraging comments and pass off the information to the 'Greeters' who would then work on making my postings more consistent. I found myself at that point really wanting to do more in the community. I would find struggling newbies off what little bit of advice I could and would direct them to @newbieresteemday, @greetersguild and @minnowsupport. Between the 3 there is enough information to give anyone a good foot hold on how to get a good start. After a couple of months @terminallyill announced he was looking for writers for the guild. I wasn't sure, but had gotten some postive feedback on those who did read my posts. I wrote a Curation Spotlight on Wed. Newbie Spotlight on Fridays and Motivations for Saturdays all under the @greetersguild tag. During this time @thedarkhorse started #PayItForward curation contests. I thought it would be a perfect fit since I was already working on 1) finding good new undervalued Steemians and 2) posting and curating them. I participated about 2-3 months. Recently being asked to start helping judge the weekly contests.

Sadly, @greetersguild is on hold or possibly done. I wish I knew. So working with @wolfhart, @thedarkhorse and @lynncoyle1 we don't want to lose the type of support that @greetersguild offered and wanted to build into. So currently we are trying to integrate a lot of the ideals and projects from @greetersguild in to #PayItForward (soon to be @pifc)

As far as groups go, I have gradually started splitting my time with @pifc and @asapers. My goal for myself is to enter at least 1 contest per week (if even just for fun) up my postings to a solid post everyday. Making sure I visit and comment anyone that visits my postings. Plus still keep up trying to put out words of encouragement all over the community.

I have found in the past few months is making the time to get out there, commenting on posts and building relationships is the best way to grow on this platform. The nice unexpected side is my 'income' has almost doubled in the past 3 months. I have joined @abh12345 Curation League and @paulag's Redfish league. To see qauntifiable grow has had an amazing impact on me.

The first 2 people on the platform that gave me much need encouragement has been @abh12345 (he didn't know and I just recently told him. He was one of the first people to respond to one of my posts with some good basic advice and @gandhibaba. @gandhibaba started about the same time I did we have constantly been helping each other stay focused and keep the postivity and faith flowing.

There are soooo many people that have helped me along my journey so far. I guess I've helped a couple too. Isn't that what this is all about? Building a community and being a part of something bigger than you? At first I thought regular social media...reddit (ick) and such. Steemit is something completely different and I cannot wait to see what I become!!

Thank you for the opportunity @tcpolymath ( I didn't mean to make it so long. I let the words flow)

Your application is valid. This is an excellent application comment.

Grab her buddy; you won't be disappointed :)

After consultation with Lynn I'm adding you to the accepted-but-I-need-to-figure-out-which-account list. Basically I'm going to watch the voting power over the next few days and see where there's room for more people. I sent you a Discord invite.

I got the invite. I'll try to do the best I can over the next few days. I am going in for surgery in the morning and won't be home until Thurs (morning) I hope. Getting excited again:D I love this feeling.

Good luck! It's not your account I need to watch over the next few days but mine. There's no need for you to do anything but be patient, which it sounds like is the story of your week already.

Thanks for adding @tryskele! For sure someone that deserves the support and is very community oriented.

First of all I think it's a great idea to create something like a waiting list. Cause a certain percentage of the Steemonians on that list will never flow into your program as they won't be active by the time they're selected to start the program. That's better than investing time and money and see them quitting after a few weeks or months.

These type of comments are one of the things I contribute to Steemit. I provide stuff to help others or let them think about certain aspects. Sometimes I also debate with an opposite opinion. All together I really believe I contribute most via my comments.

My posts sometimes learn you an easy economy lesson. Or some intermediate stuff about Steemit.

Last but not least if you need me, just ask for help!

I hope it's clear that this is my application? 😀

Your application is valid. I'll be reviewing them all later.

In your case I just yesterday was looking at you and thought well enough to invite you to the Minnowbooster whitelist.

Minnowbooster white list is something different, right?

Yes. Details about that here.

I'm sorry, I wasn't able to find a spot for you. Good luck in your Steem journey.

No problem mate!
Thanks for this message.

Hello @tcpolymath .First of all i want to thank you for creating this wonderful initiative which i only just found out indirectly from @elsiekjay blog posts and by indirect i mean observing the consistent upvotes she receives from you on her awesome blogposts. Since i am fully invested in the steemit ideals.I have only just started realizing the power and benefits of belonging to a community of like minded individuals dedicated to a common goal.I post under the community tag #minnowuprising and hopefully will do so under the the tag #themesopothemians .It is my hope that someday i will be able to grow my steempower to a point where it will be of more value to Steemians present and future with your kind assistance.Thank you

Your application is valid. I hope to finish reviewing them today.

I'm sorry, I wasn't able to find a spot for you.

It's okay.Thanks anyway.

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