Do small accounts have a place "at the table"? / ... and why cant we be friends?

in #steem6 years ago


"Stretching thoughts" - Nadim Karam

For some reason i tend to start all my ramble posts with "lately". I dont know why that is. Maybe because for all the time i have been here i was working hard to get recognition in my niche. Not much else was in the center of my focus. Things were happening and regardless of what i thought about it, there was always that other thing i had to do before.

Now that i feel comfortable where i am, as i said in one of my previous posts, i dont feel i can financially speaking exceed where i am now, i found it a "good idea" to add more things to my focus. Continue strong with what im doing, improve as much as i can but try and broaden enter some other discussions as well.
Everything i have now could tomorrow turn to dust which im fully aware of, and i could become one of Steems "cautionary tales". Its a dangerous game when you have something to lose. A misstep, a moment of weakness, saying something without thinking it through.

But still, i feel like speaking up is a good thing.
Anyways... Enough with the confessions already Marica. :D

These last few days ive been reading a lot of posts about interactions between various factors on this platform and their roles. Who should be acting how, what is allowed what is not, how this could affect this other thing, etc... Reading about valid and invalid criticisms of the platform. Some more mild, some aggressive.... Miss-understandings and open wars. Some siding with a camp, some staying neutral, some not caring.

It made me think as to what is actually the right approach to all this. We may call many things "drama", but at what point do we say: "This drama is affecting all of us"?
Should we stay silent because we are small, not care or maybe say something?

<When gods are at war, the people should stay silent.

And yes, in the context of this platform you could call those with the most power "gods" in a sense. Something very "Ancient Greece" about it. They affect change on the platform, they attract "worshipers", mold opinions, motivate others to action, not necessarily because of what they do on the platform, but rather because of what they are.
Like with anything in this world, this is just human nature.

So where do we all fit in here? Does it matter what you might write up after that coffee buzz hit you and you feel super motivated, or that more "fun kind" of buzz when you dont have to work on Saturday. :D
Ive no idea... (very smart, "you", asking question you never give any answer to :P )
What i know is that you should maybe try it out for yourself. Put some effort if it suits your character. Maybe Steem just hasnt had someone yet articulate and diplomatic enough from the "lower classes" to get their voice heard....

But maybe im just writing nonsense. Steem, crypto, tokens, "free money" maybe its all nonsense.
Who wrote what to whom on a social media site, and now some girl is calling internet accounts "gods"? Cmon, you people are crazy.

Well yeah. If youre not willing to accept that this revolutionary idea is revolutionary enough to change the mental image of society about what social media is, then this all must seem crazy to you.
But for the others that see the complexity that formed on this platform, not only because of the new technology, but rather because of seeing for the first time ever what happens when you combine that tech with the human condition.
Just saying it as shallow as possible... when money is involved, legitimacy is gained..

But i digress, (Just cant write without ending up all over the place. :D )
I wanted to talk about how we should act during these times. The steemians that dont really have much influence on the platform but have things to say. Should they stay clear and let those in charge fix things, not bother much and keep silent.
That is something for each one of us to decide for themselves.
Your actions on this social media site should always be in sync with your core values.

What i can say is that just because you might disagree with someone, your opinions clash, maybe even your egos. Even if insults are thrown between you, there is simply nothing that cant be resolved with discussion.
Even between the biggest enemies, when surrendering even a centimeter is not an option for either side, a solution can still be found.

"Theres just no talking to this guy!"

Of course there isnt if you take that approach.

There are no evil people here that ive seen. There are just people that are different. So whenever you interact with someone, even if you disagree with their side, we should always try to understand the person we are interacting with. Thats a person with their own problems, their own qualities and faults just like us.

Flag, insult, hate, backstab, insult, attack, hate... FFS.

If we wont try to understand each other here, then whats the point of all this? Earn some money while it lasts? @ned might as well go ahead and pull the plug.

Im really trying hard to not make this post "corny" (aka "mawkishly sentimental" haha), though i might be failing badly. :D

And thats about it from me today :D. For those that read it all the way through, youre awesome.

And to everyone else:


Some of my music videos:
On my own: Les Miserables:
AC/DC-Thunderstruck/Beethoven-Moonlight Sonata instrumental
Aretha Franklin: Natural Woman
Steem Original: TO THE MOON
James Arthur: Impossible
Moving on (Original Song)
Frank Sinatra: My Way
Elton John: Can you feel the love tonight (Lion King soundtrack)
Enya: May it be (LOTR soundtrack)
Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack (Hoist the colors and Main theme)
I dreamed a dream from Les Miserables
The Minnowsupport Lullaby
Schindlers List Theme
Sam Smith: "Im not the only one"
Meno/Pechichemena: "Wait" cover
Whitney Houston: "I have nothing"
Beyonce: "Listen"
Cee Lo Green: "Forget you"


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook good

Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.

You are a genius Mr. Ball

Hahahahha. Mister ball is a mover of ideas.

He totally is :)

Well it's a very interesting situation. Depending on how you believe the situation to be, there's various levels of urgency that drive the dialogue. If you're the kind of person that believes the current state is unsustainable and will cause the whole thing to come crashing down and are passionate about its survival, then you aren't going to mince words in lashing out at who you think is the problem. Of course that's not the most productive way to go about doing things, and we've seen the ugliness first hand here on the platform.

No, there's plenty of adults here though that all think similarly about the state of the platform and what would be beneficial for the platform. I don't think necessarily that small voices should shut up either, because just like in a democracy, small voices add up, and can snowball into a real movement.

Anyway I'm finding myself starting to blab so I'll stop here. To close it off, yes, small accounts have a place in the discussion, and we can surely be friends despite disagreements we might have (okay this isn't quite true. But at least we can be respectful citizens).

Ah yes the small voices do add up. But just like throughout history taking down one voice can discourage the others.
The stick hurts small voices more then the big ones.
But can small voices become big over time... Its really something i love watching... We werent here to explore the world, we are to early to explore the universe, but wer here just at the right time to explore new technology and the human condition.
I dont know what will come of this all but i know ill have some things to say if it once comes to an end.
As i said... Money gives legitimacy. Silly but its true.

Anyways thx for dropping by.

I honestly do not know if this experiment is going to work or not. Not that I don't have great hope for it, I do. Serious hope. To the degree that I am all in and this will most likely be my last stand (I'm 67 remember).

If it does work, then we (those of us here now) are right on the very pointed end of the spear. The part that often gets worn off when the spear is used.

I'm a big believer in percentages. Like big percentages. And that they change so slowly that they seem to always be the same. Like one in ten thousand is truly evil, and one in ten thousand is truly a saint. That there are X number of asshats and Y number of good guys in any group of ten thousand.

With that I have a third option: Find the good guys and WORK TOGETHER. I am bright enough to realize that I might be an asshat and working with asshats but they are people that I can work with.

Lots of little people that act somewhat in concert can be a FORCE. For me, I see myself in the 'gather them together' stage. Will it work? Stay tuned :)

Thank you. It takes serious conviction to publish articles like this.

We all might be asshats. Who can tell. I just try to see who does most good by the most amount of people. In the end it all could be a moot point.
If prices continue to go as they are, whos good, bad, better, worse, it wont matter much.
We are all subjects of price speculation.
I put all i can give herebon Steem... If that doesnt amount to anything i can say i tried.
Ill have some stories to tell and a expirience to share.
I dont know... Maybe thats enough.

If they buy 100,000 SP they have a place at the big boy table ;)

Haha. But should it be like that Adrian? Shouldnt an argument be valued based on its merit or the wallet behind the person that made the argument?

i agree... shouldnt it be the value of the steemian, and not how rich they are?

Haha. Well Marica I would say it should be some sort of combination ;) The wallet invest shows a level of care and responsibility. And if we combine that with some nice argument we get a real lovely mix! Care and sacrifice really important aspects that get's combined with an argument :)

Have a nice 6000 SP flag for being a spammer.

PEWWWWW... shots fired XD. love it :P

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