The Old Dog Reports: Final Steemcation Summary Using SBD And The Advcash Debit Card

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Last night I returned home from my 9 day Steemcation. This means that I have thoroughly tested my debit card and that the final results are now in. 

@lellabird60 enjoyed our third trip with the e bikes as we cycled 60 km through the vineyards and quaint towns.

In Previous Articles I Explained The Necessary Steps Leading to my Steemcation:

How Did I Use The Debit Card During The 9 Days?

  • I filled the car with diesel twice, bought a liter of oil and paid everywhere to park our vehicle
  • I payed for all meals, drinks and snacks for 3 people
  • I purchased tickets to see the new Spiderman movie, golfing in Rheinfelden, the Skywalk , the tour of the brewery, and the airship Museum.
  • I rented 3 e bikes for the day.

In other words I paid all expenses, apart from the hotels, with the debit card. Interestingly, with the money that is still loaded on it (€ 440.00) I could have paid a large portion of that as well!

Here above you can see all of the transactions that I've made!

SBD earned from Steemit paid for some great meals and goodies during our Steemcation! Thanks everyone!

Movie tickets, e bikes rentals, museums and the list goes on and on. We traveled a lot through Germany, Austria and Switzerland and Steemit paid it all! AMAZING!

Were There Any Problems With The Debit Card?

As you can see in the above image I used the debit card successfully 12 times during the Steemcation including 2 cash withdrawals of € 200.00 each.

In two restaurants where I tried to pay using the debit feature the card was rejected but in both cases I used the withdrawn cash to make the payment. Including my pre Steemcation tests this means that I now have a success rate of 15 out of 17 attempts or about 88%. Quite frankly, my other mainstream credit and debit cards don't work either from time to time and so the problem is likely with the vendor.

A Word to The Wise

If you get a debit card and want to use it exclusively, withdraw some cash from an ATM just in case the card doesn't work. If you don't have another card or any fiat cash it could become embarrassing at the very least!

This Steemcation Has Gone Full Circle! How?

During my trip it was a pleasure to chronicle much of it here on Steemit. In fact, while away I wrote 6 articles. Two of these have already paid out and so conceivably I could have continued traveling while loading my card with new incoming funds. 

Of course I live and travel in an expensive area of the world and paid for 3 people. Imagine though the possibilities for some in other areas of the world or those who are willing and able to economize. Now that's real Steempower!

Some Final Thoughts

I am a Steemer for the long haul. I have always powered up my "earnings" but I decided that it was time to try out the system. For me, this is not a job but a hobby and the culmination of a year long social experiment and personal challenge. Could an Old Dog that had never even been on any form of social media find success here on Steemit?

Things have worked out very well for me here on Steemit. Here's the good news: If I did it so can you! Thanks a lot to all of's been quite a ride!

What do You Think?

  • Are you enjoying your Steemit ride?
  • Will Steemit power some of your future necessities and adventures?
  • Are you here for the long haul?

I hope that you enjoyed this article concerning my "Final Steemcation Summary Using SBD And The Advcash Debit Card!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, if you upvote my post and leave a comment I will do my best to upvote it with some of my 42,000 plus Steem Power! 


It was truly a historical moment when we paid for our first 3 beers (Weissbeer, I might ad) with your Steemcard...all of a sudden it made things so real....thanks for the great Steemcation Old Dog!

Yes it was fun and exciting as a trip but paying with earned SBD was amazing!

Grandissimo Old Dog!
What a Steemcation!!!!
I don't know exactly what will I do... I hope Lou and Dee can give me some help with my stories... but it's not easy cause they have some jobs and other things to do.
I will try to do my best... you are inspiring :-)
Thanks for everything :-)
Biiiiig hug!

Hey @steemetri, you are doing great and your posts are very funny. Remember that you are very new here. Try to post a few times a week and keep having fun. Comment regularly and let everyone know that you are mannequin! That's so cool!

AFAIK my friend is still not being able to use the card but then you probably don't have the same.
I resteemed just in case
at least it's an 88% success
it's looking good
and the fact that you can withdraw cash out of it - is already a guarantee it works
so it's quite promising
perhaps it would shut the FUDs up
or at least gives us a bit of reassurance this is bound to work long term
am I hear long term? I intend to atm

I love it when I go eat out and then post about it and get paid in the past
so I can relate with you
it's like you traveled, ate, have fun doing stuff you like with your better half to get paid - sometimes more than you spent yes?
that's only in Steemit :)!

Welcome back after the first ever Steemcation! Now you have firmly coined the term STEEMCATION in gold. Henceforth, no Steemian would like to go on a vacation but Steemcation will be the trend. Here's to the new beginnings!

Steem is the new gold! And yes, I'm enjoying my Steemit ride. But I don't see it as an opportunity for easy money. At least it's not free money. You totally deserved this steemcation 'cuz you've earned it. You have added a lot of social value through your regular input, through your talent, through your time, through your love, through your experiences etc. Sharing and creating new relationships may be fun for you but it doesn't mean it's free. The network you have created gives power to your social currency. Probably you could have earned as much or more by spending this time somewhere else. So there is always an opportunity cost to your activity.

But we should always be wise to choose a work which don't feel like work. So we never have to work again. For me, I'm not expecting Steemit to power my necessities but if it does, that's a bonus. It's fun to spend time here whenever you can because whenever I'm on Steemit, it's steemcation for me 😊
Spending my free time in the company of intellectuals from various fields and different regions which may earn you some cryptos too and may be steemcation like yours then I would be a fool to miss such an opportunity!

You really are an inspiration with your comments! You make so many good observations and you are correct that a lot of time has gone into my "success" here. I've really enjoyed it and I have learned many new things by following my curiosities. Thanks for the kind words and the support.

Mille grazie!
This is really great information about your experiences and your steemit philosophy as well. A currency needs to be used in real life, if it can be called "currency" in truth.You proofed this successfully.
You call yourself old dog, but in your brain you are much younger than many other people. This you have shown with your posts and your ideas and your often funny stories.

Thanks so much for your visit and your kind words. You are a true crypto pioneer with much to share with others.

Thank you for posting @kus-knee.

Lovely photographs and writing concerning your Steemcation.

Innovative and entertaining........ not to mention useful so many are trying to figure out how to apply not only Steem but cryptocurrencies in general to every day expenses.

Are we enjoying the Steemit ride?
Will Steemit power some of your neccessities and adventures?
Are you here for the long haul?

You have given Steemians something to think about indeed.

The Steemit ride has been a fantastic experience.

This last HF has certainly brought to bleujays attention that Steemit can dramatically become a different place with the advent of a HF and has given pause to the idea of business as usual.

With regard to your second query.....the beauty of Steem cannot help but be thoroughly appreciated for what it is when it becomes a means of obtaining either necessities or adventures. is currently and will be.

Third query......Yes....just may go about things a bit differently adjusting to changing Steemit policies......if it were not for the people relationships Steemit would not have lure for bleujay that it does......the people make all the difference.

Principle....Life/Steemit demands flexibility....Flexibility demands thinking.

Thank you for opportunity to think on these things.

All the best to you....Cheers.

Thanks so much for your well thought out comment. I wish you joy and success.

"Will Steemit power some of your future necessities and adventures? Absolutely, I hear rumors of a land where they speak Portuguese.

Are you here for the long haul? Absolutely, coming up on my one year anniversary. I'll have to do the obligatory post, of course

Very nice to read of your positive plans! Talent, tenacity, tact and technique have taken you places!

Thanks Old Dog. We'll see where it goes. By the way, speaking of being taken places, have you heard any updates on Steemfest?

I haven't kept up much since the announcement was first made.

I was just scrolling on @kus-knee comments and noticed yours. Are you joining Steemfest!? That would be so awesome!! :))

Seems like you had a great time. Your posts gave me a lot of motivation.
You know, Steemit is like an addiction, but a very good one. After registration on Steemit i forgot about all social networks that take a lot of time and distract from work.

I think im here for a long time)

I'm glad that the post gave you some motivation. Steemit, contrary to other social media is an investment. You have fun and the possibility of earning some crypto. All the best to you, your joy and your success!

You are right! Its a great possibility and in the same time you can find a lot of interesting information here, amazing photos, stories. Now im Steemit addicted lol

Well you know that I live from what I generate in steemit, for me this is not sopresa, I pay all my consumptions with the money generated here, I work with two cards of devitos Xapo and Virex and a platform of change that deposits me in local currency AirTM- Uphold, with these three variables I have my economic life resolved, I also have savings in virtual currencies and SP that are destined as retirement insurance.
Steemit is the best social network.
Thank you very much dear friend @ kus-knee for telling us about your experience and the opportunity to tell our
I wish you a beautiful day.

You are an inspiration @jlufer! It is so interesting to read about your off ramps and savings. What a great model you are for so many here!

You didn't spend too much!you are anche economist! :)
Forum the moment i have 25€ in steem,in my vacation will be waiting!
I'm a new entry so i think is normal and i'm not famous...that Will be helping!
I'm trying to do a nice blog with my pictures.
I don't pretend ti be rich in a few days!

No, no ho speso troppo! Vado adesso a vedere il tuo blog!

Wow, it seems that some dream has come true after reading your post that with this debit card we can do so many things from dining to traveling everything and just steemit, earn SBD and enjoy the life.

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