International Fairy Day // Hari Peri Sedunia

Happy Fairy Day!!!!

It's my kind of day, obviously, so here I am sprinkling some magical dust in hope Steem will pick up ASAP 😁🧚‍♀️😁🧚‍♀️

I hope you are not frustrated nor depressed with the state where crypto is at. If you have the time for Faceook, Instagram, Twitter, etc, posting just for thumbs up, then you should be okay posting on Steemit when the tide is low, right?

Now this is when your faith is being tested 😉 This is the PERFECT time to learn new strategy, which is, BOOSTING UP YOUR ENGAGEMENT!

No. I was not talking about using bid bot, but rather spending more time in exploring Steemit. This is the correct strategy for the long run. The more you are active in engaging with others, that is how others find you 😊

So, that, my friend, is my Day 7 of #7daypositivitychallenge 😁 and yay 💃💃💃💃 am finally done with this challenge. Phew!

For this last day, I am tagging @nathenial, @nicoleslife, and @nazarblue to spare some times and do the daily challenge of 7 days 7 positivity postings 😁


Speaking of fairy, what is it called in your language and which spelling and pronounciation you like better, is it *fairy or faerie?

Today I have the following faeries teapot house to share.


Yep. It's a cake 😁

Made this just for fun.

All you need is (to make it easier) a Wilton ball/round shaped cake pan, and use only one half of the pan. Obviously if you are already awesome in carving a cake to shapes, you can bake square, rectangular or round cake, turn them into a sphere shape yourself instead getting various pans, molds, utensils and gadgets 😁


You can bake with any kinds of cake flavor you like, mine was vanilla, with vanilla buttercream.

The cake then was covered with white fondant, which is easily obtained from any cake and art supplies stores or even at grocery stores. Of course you can prepare it yourself as well, from scratch! They are available in many colors, or you can grab white one and color it yourself (with food color) as you need it.


From there on, to make handle, spout, curtain, faeries and decorations, they were all made with fondant as well.





For the face of the faeries, I drew them with edible pen.



Easy peasy 😊



So. For those who got tagged in #7daypositivitychallenge, here is the rules!

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post --> I use #sevendaypositivity instead as numeral tags only work on busy
    Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)

VOTE me as your witness at On the provided box, type thekitchenfairy and click VOTE


Find me on Discord, being friendly on #teamcanada, #teamaustralia, #thealliance, #vegansofsteemit, and helping new comers on #indonesia

Wadaooo harga Steem/SBD masih sakit perut, euy.

Butuh tolak angin nih dunia duit digital 😂

Jangan sedih teman. Waktu aku gabung jaman baheula kemarin, pas harganya hanya $1.05 satu Steem. Terus sebulan habis gabung, malah turun ke 97 sen 🤣 Teteeeep eksis. Soalnya, meski harga merosot, masih bisa menghasilkan ketimbang mainan di Facebook, Twitter, Instagram dan yang lainnya, yah kan? 😁 Jadi, tetap semangat 45 yak! Jangan berputus asa 🤗👍🤗👍

Bahkan, kalau kurs lagi anjlok gini, ini merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk menjalin banyak2 silahturahmi. Saling mendukung dan membantu. Kumpulin banyak teman. Jadi pas kurs naik lagi, bakalan kelihatan hasilnya 😊

Nah itulah saran positifku buat Hari ke 7, #7daypositivitychallenge 😁 Untuk hari terakhir ini, aku mau nunjuk @rozaaceh, @ojaatjeh, @reungkhoem untuk ikutan unggah 7 hal positif dalam 7 hari 😁


Ngomong2, hari ini merupakan *Hari Peri Sedunia. Tentunya di Indonesia seharusnya ada hari peri juga, kan peri beragam tuh wujudnya, tuyul, genderuwo, dedemit, kuntilanak, semua itu kan termasuk dalam dunia ajaibnya peri yak 🤣 Kok ga ada hari nasionalnya ✌😂✌😂

Berhubung hari peri, aku mau berbagi foto salah satu kueku, yang kubuat di jaman jebot dulu, tahun 2010.

Kue yang berbentuk teko air bekas, yang kisahnya dibuang orang2 ga bertanggung jawab ke hutan belakang rumah mak-ku 🤣 Eeeh, sama peri2 ajaib malah disulap jadi rumah mereka deh. Biar irit batu bata katanya 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nih kue ditutup dan dihias dengan fondant. Di Indonesia sih lebih dikenal dengan sebutan plastik icing. Tau kan?


Oke deh teman, segini dulu yak

dan sekali lagi, terimakasih @permanayogi, @wgustaman, @sentanu74, @anomt, @m03kr1 atas thekitchenFAIRY versi kalian 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗



Buat yang pada kena tag buat main, nih petunjuk mainnya

  • Tuliskan hal yang positif, misalnya rasa suka, terimakasih, sayang dll
  • Unggah hal positif yang berbeda2 setiap harinya, selama 7 hari kedepan
  • Tunjuk 3 orang yang berbeda setiap harinya juga, untuk ikutan main
  • Jangan lupa pakai #7daypositivitychallenge(kalau pakai aplikasi busy, atau #sevendaypositivity kalau pakai website Steemit)
  • Dan ikut sertakan foto yang sesuai dengan hal positif yang kamu unggah

VOTE thekitchenfairy sebagai saksi (witness) di Dalam kolom yang tersedia ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE


Aktif membantu pendatang baru di channel #indonesia di MSP PAL Discord

Thanks For Looking!

7 Day Positivity Challenge

Father's Day
Instant Pot
Video Call
Potty Trained
Bad Karaoke

More of thekitchenfairy

12 Questions
A Steemit Witness
Fairy and Food
Love It or Shove It
10 Facts 1 Lie
Behind The Curtain

Team AustraliaThe Alliance
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If you leave ANY link on my blog, I WILL flag you down. This is to avoid phishing and shits


International fairy day? Come on Fairy, own up, you just wanted a day for yourself. :)

Your teapot cake looks lovely though.

semangat mbak @thekitchenfairy , apalah arti sebuah kurs klo di bandingkan dengan silaturahmi. hehe

ha! you created a day for yourself because no one else would!
you're so creative kitchenfairy that cake is real artwork, amazing! God bless you guys up there!
thanks for the reminder, I'm going to vote you for Witness right now.

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