My New Years Resolutions. A rough draft.

in #resolution7 years ago

The second half of 2017 took me by storm.

I discovered Steemit, dove in and have been engaged daily ever since. I think it is absolutely mind-boggling that such a platform exists to give us all a voice and to get rewarded for staying positive and contributing alongside each other.

random thoughts.jpg

Have you ever dove so deep into a new hobby or project, only to have it totally consume every waking second? And then to sit back during a rare rebreathing- To wonder what you did with all your free-time before this newfound obsession? 😀

Steemit has given me a lot of great opportunities for a better future, and 2018 will be the start of giving back. I have a love/hate relationship with charities. So many seem to be mismanaged, or corrupt. Others give too much that they never really help people, and instead create a welfare state.

Where is there a healthy balance?

I see a lot of children in the Philippines living on the streets. Hands out everytime I walk past. Sleeping and eating under a bridge with sometimes dozens of siblings and parents. How can we help these families, if they are not willing to help themselves? I oftentimes see them eating snacks, big chips, ice cream, 'Angel's' burger but never vegetables... Their parents are always on standby to receive their alms after a passerby places a few coins in their hands. What do the parents do with this money? Some are on drugs, or alcohol. Many others cannot get ahead because they don't understand simple budgeting, and dont save the donations to afford a roof over their heads. Others see begging as 'easy and free money'. There is no incentive for them to work, if they can just have their 6 children working their solemn faces at the busiest of intersections for some loose change 18 hrs a day.

So... Enough of the rant. My New years resolution is to give back via education. I think this is the key to giving a gift, that keeps on giving. The old adage- 'teach a man to fish...' applies here.

How am I going to do this? I haven't gotten that far ahead yet! This is why I am here on Steemit. So many influential and intelligent people to share ideas with, a very positive community at its core.

Steemit did it right. Sure there are some trolls. But those that are positive are rewarded more, so I believe many of these trollers shed their skin, and came over to the light-side.

This is just one of my New Years' resolutions. Of course the old- Eat healthier, workout more, etc. will be on the list 🙂




100% upvote just because.

I did pay a booster for a vote. I do not hide this. I paid actually more than 100 SBD's for this blog. I am marketing myself, and reinvesting in my future. The more I make, the more I can give to others. :)

well said @purepinay, that's why people loves you...i will support you all the way...

Keep steeming my friend.

Thank you, @mrblu!

i want to share with you my latest poem...hope you will love it...@mrblu page its about a woman in my dreams...^_^

Thank you! I'll check it now

Ohh I thought you already posted it... 😊

hey @purepinay what is stealth upvote?what is its functionality?

It doesn't have any function at all, check it's profile and wallet and it's one of those accounts ghost account 😉

wow! U r really a pure pinay... Keep it up mam

And it looks like on your wallet, you transfer profits to blocktrades to take money off the website. At least @purepinay is keeping the money on here. Just my opinion.

Isn't it funny how you go around steemian's page and spread your stealth upvote, when all you do is claim rewards on your wallet and transfer every little penny to block trades? Does that make you feel better? Is this how your helping the community? What is your purpose with this?

Why not help the community by sharing positive thoughts or write blog at least.

Happy Steeming!

I'm proud of you dear @purepinay. I read your blog carefully and when I read these lines, believe me, I was literally crying:
Hey My New years resolution is to give back via education. I think this is the key to giving a gift, that keeps on giving. The old adage- 'teach a man to fish.
Actually now a days as per my knowledge everyone thinks for himself / herself. Nobody thinks for others specially for poor and needy people. After @surpassinggoogle you're the 2nd who is doing great job for humanity. I must appreciate your efforts and will contribute in future once I get some good rewards of earning.
Keep it up your great wok and Stay Blessed!

I just woke up and this the first thing I read. Thank you for giving me strength.

We don't see the real situations behind those photos. Pain is universal and I have suffered emotionally, mentally and physically but this didn't hinder me from getting where I am and I still a lot of things I want to achieve.

Thank you for your kind words and for your support. I look forward to everyone's success here. I hope we always keep inspiring each other.

❤️ -Gil

@purepinay. I have gone through your short article many times. I am just trying to figure out what kind of person you are and how should I treat you, a long-distance friend (whom I have never met or I don't know would we meet up someday or a fellow steemian who is kind enough to support the needy and fellow steemian), an inspiration for me to take up some nobel cause just like you.

I simply respect you not because you constantly upvotes on my posts but for the fact that you are a very good human being and I'd be lucky enough to have a friend and fellow steemian like you for the rest of my life.

I am not good at names, but I remember you from my older posts. It is my biggest pleasure to know that I inspire my fellow Steemians.

Thank you for your continued support and for the treating me so kindly, hopefully, I can give more back to the community.

How's everything going on with you? I hope everything is well.

<3 - purepinay

Ya. Philippines & India are both on the same page. Both are allied to each other politically, economically and to many things, I am not aware of.

From the very first day, I came across your profile something struck my heart. It's not the wallet balance which made me talk about or think about you, but somewhere somehow I realized you have a pure soul & heart. An I must confess I was not wrong at all in recognizing you.

Get going and wish you all the success and happiness you deserve.

What a great post! Giving back is such an important part of life. With your passion you can help a lot of people there in the Philippines. If you can teach more people there how to get on Steemit, it will greatly improve their lives. Thanks for the help you have given me, as you know I try to upvote and help as many people in the PH as I can. I have also donated some money to Shelter Box to help with the people affected in the resent storms there. If you don't know about Shelter Box, look at some videos on Youtube. Onward and Upward!

I appreciate your support, my friend. You have been here since my first week on Steemit.

Thank you for your help and your time.

I also watched the news. It's really depressing. We always want to help. Even my family's home got ruined by the recent storm.

It hurts to know that I could give them all they want but I don't because that would only hurt them by always depending on me and not able to learn how deal things on their own.

I could build a new house for my family for the amount of money I have but then my future will be on stake. I always want to help, the thing is I only help the ones that are willing to help themselves. My life haven't always been a fairytale, that's why I am determined to achieve my long term goals, and I take advantage of every great opportunities.

Thank you for the update, I'll look it up when I get back to the City, right now my internet is as slow as a snail 😅

Hope you are having a wonderful holiday!


Yes, I know what you are talking about. Sometimes the best way to help someone is to not help them, but give them guidance if they will take it. It can be very frustrating when someone, especially someone you love, will not help themselves.

@purepinay I wish for successful 2018 for you and your family. You have a wonderful heart. Yes, there's a lot of less fortunate people and we can share our blessings to them. Me and my husband had an unusal encounter when we were giving foods and stuff when we were in Manila last October. So we were walking down the road going back to our hotel from Robinsons mall and we saw this little girl maybe around 6-7 year old walking passed us with her worn out shoes so my husband said lets buy her a shoes. So I asked the girl where is her mom so that we can give her money to buy the shoes. So the girl took us to her mom who had a small carinderia beside the street. So I gave a 100 pesos bill and told the mother to buy shoes for her daughter. But the mom get mad at us and question why we are giving away money and feeding some people on that place. And I told her we were just sharing our blessings, I wasnt born rich in the Philippines and working/living in another country had given me a diferent perspective and I want to share my blessings to the those people who cant afford the comfort of living. The mother took it in a different way so I ended up apologizing her. And my husband was shock on her mad reaction. Anyways,happy new year!

Thank you for your continuous support and for the warm greetings. ❤️

That's a sad, am not good at handling rejection especially when my intention is good. Sorry that happened.

Sometimes we think people need help from others but they don't really. I think it's good that the mom at least have a pride but maybe sometimes too proud, or we don't really know the reason why she acted that way.

From my opinion, she didn't want the gesture it made her feel like she can't take care of her daughter's needs and it was a blow on her ego. And I understand. Anyway, keep on posting!

oh sadyang kay ganda ng iyong artikolo,
ako ay napapa saludo,

ang napaka sweet ng Purepinay na lahi mo,
kami ang napapa-wow sa iyong artikolo,

sadyang kay ganda ng iyong mukha,
kasing liwanag pa sa ganda ng umaga,
alam kong, maganda ka at
pati narin ang boung mong pag katao .
kaya mahal ka namin aming sinta.


mula kay dontryme ang iyong masugit na follower ^_^


Aw! Thank you for this!

Keep sharing the good vibes 😘

sanay makita mo ang aking artikolo at basahin ang mga tula kung ginagawa,.
maraming salamat sa iyo..^_^ @purepinay.. mabuhay po kayo..


Your 2018 road map is a very positive one and i'm glad that you are creating this awesome opportunity to help the people need, changing life's for the greater good should be a way of life for us human's, my good wishes go with your project i resteemed / followed you for updates on this

Thank you so much for your support.

I wish us all the best in life. See ya around 😉


I'm happy to find that a fellow Eastehanon could be in steemit. I'm from eastern samar, as well. Anyway, good to hear from you. Keep slaying fellow steemian and easternian. haha

Hello there, Eastehanon!

Where in Eastern are you from? Hope to see you around more often 😉

❤️ - Gil

I'm from Giporlos. But I spend most of my days in Cebu. Hope to see you in personal. hahaha

Haven't been in Giporlos. I live in Cebu but I went home for Xmas with my family. Today am getting back to Cebu.

What do you do for living?

Im still a student taking my Masters degree in San Carlos. Haha ☺ Anyway, i find that you really love what you're doing. Fighting.

Oh a student, welcome to Steemit! How'd you learn about the website?

I'm one lucky investor in bitcoin, and since then become an avid investor in cryptocurrency coins and tokens.

Before I invest, I read the fundamentals, the team, the products, and white papers. I stumbled upon steemit through my interest in STEEM token. And I'm amazed by the thriving community and involvement of the members.

I'm surely gonna invest in STEEM and STEEM dollars.

Oh wow! Am glad to know another Steemian is into investing. You know, there's only few Steemit investors if look at the chart and Steemit coin is still under valued so there's a lot chance to grow. Lucky us who are invested early on crypto. It's just getting better and better.

Of course there will be ups and downs but no risk no reward.

You're not new to investing and so I believe you'll do great here. 😉

Thank you, yes I do love what am doing. There's a lot of growth here, different ways to become successful. Something that other social media site can't offer. So take advantage, time money and money is time.

So take time to learn. Have read the welcome link and FAQs, yet?

Yeah, it's a good way to redistribute the wealth of the world. haha. I've read FAQs. haha

Phew! Am glad you were able to find the FAQs link. I have been babysitting some minnows, can't even count the numbers and some of them still didn't finish reading the article, might have to remind them again... Hehe

Anyways, everything we need to know is available on the interwebs, but am happy to help if you have any questions, I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Talk soon. 😊

Happy new year. This is really good idea to try and change them. Feels happy by reading articl.Nice

Thank you my friend for reading! How are you? What's new?

Definitely something to think about when it comes to education. I appreciate your fish illustration. Adequate training is needed for the younger to thrive and supplies value for them in the future. I know you mentioned many of the youth live on the streets. It is reasonable to feel conflict when you have no money to give them but also hope them well. I could suggest that the best way to educate and give back would be using your time. Food for thought. Thanks for the post!

You're right, it takes a lot of effort to teach an individual and even a great patience. My mom is a really good teacher and I am really proud of her.
I just don't like the idea of giving money to an individual because it might help them today but then what about the day after?

Food for thought, yes. Although, let's say we can teach 10 individual but there's only very few who will take it seriously, that's just reality. Maybe that one person or two will also share what they learned. That's one person/family that will no longer suffer from hunger.

I can only hope.

Very honest and humble answer. I appreciate your reasoning and keep up the good work! It is true that not all those taught will accept the teaching or act on what they learn. That is how it goes sometimes but if you can impact just one person, that is what makes all the difference.

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