Mini Motivation #54 - Do you have people in your life who don't want you to succeed?

in #psychology7 years ago

This is gonna be a tough one…

Now, while most people close to you want you to be happy and successful, there are bound to be those who don't want you too.

And they do that for many reasons.

  1. They are afraid that after you've moved up in life, they will lose you as a friend, and they will be left behind.
  2. They want things to remain the same, because they fear change.
  3. They secretly think that they are better than you, and want to keep it that way.
  4. They are afraid to try, and that you will succeed where they failed.

For #1 and #2, you can try to have a heart-to-heart conversation with them, to assure them that success won't affect the relationship. But you have to be honest with them though, because success will change you as a person, in the way you think and act. Invite them on a growth journey with you, instead of sidelining them when the time comes.

For #3 and #4, you have to make the hard choice to cutting them off, really. Or at least keeping a distance. Devious is in their nature, and they will probably be the first to feel the pang of jealousy towards your success, if they haven't already.

And here's where it gets harder: they could easily be your mentors and coaches in the past. Don't assume that they helped you grow before, they would want you to grow beyond them. Many teachers out there are still afraid that their students will surpass them, which is why they intentionally withheld information to keep their students in the dark.

Yes, upon realizing that you have friends, mentors and partners in that category, you may feel immense sadness, and even betrayed. Do not harbor anger for it's not your fault. Just move on, and you will find new friends who are aligned to your growth, and enjoy this path towards success.

Mini Motivation is my own daily strategy to inspire myself. Mostly 3 minute reads.

From Motivation, we gain Inspiration. From Inspiration, we achieve Momentum. And the rest, they say, is history.

Hope it helps nudge you a bit too in the right direction.

Oh it did? Let me know in the comments, and of course an upvote would be a nice motivation for me. :)

Stay awesome!

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Everyone experiences such friends in his/her life and definitely one should be very careful in dealing with them because these people will sometimes assure you that you cannot succeed in any way and it ultimately your journey towards glory stops.

Don't you just hate politics like this? Even among our own circle of "friends"?

I always lived my life being selective of the friends I choose thinking that if I chose a good person with similar interests as me, then there wouldn't be a need for any jealousy or hatred whatsoever, turns out, I was wrong, even these people can still harbor ill feelings against you as you progress quicker than them.

Well, I guess interest is one thing, and attitudes another, eh? I look for friends who share similar interests and values, so at least I know our internal compasses are the same.

Or maybe they have given up in putting effort to succeed. When they heard you want to do this, do that. They've already given up before they try. It's like hardwired in their brain already. They don't even start thinking how to do it, but they start and end with give up.

I've talked to a lot of corporate employees (ex and now) and mostly this happens after they have family. Yes, they fear change and they're so used to their lives, they've just given up on venturing out. I don't know what to say to these people, sometimes.

I'm sure you've met this kind of people. Do you leave them be, or bring them in growth journey?

Values change as we progress through major shifts in life. Marriage, having a family losing a parent are some that can change us, because our values had shifted because of the experience. Sometimes unconsciously too!

It's because of that that I don't try to change people anymore, because it's not my place to begin with. What I think is good, may not be good for them. As selfish as I sounds, I'll just move on, but look back once in a while to see if they decided to follow me. Then, I'll slow down, so they can catch up, and we can all walk together.

Those who wants to stay, stays for a reason. We who always look for change might never see eye to eye with them. I did the same as you, my friends who wish to stay, I chose not to influence them with my philosophy of life. I respected their decision and we'll just stay as friends, while I move on with my life and look for more like-minded friends.

Thank you @maverickfoo, you've assured me that this is not wrong. It's just the way it is.

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