Psychological Material for Standing Up to Create Change

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Two months ago, and even back into December, I had Steemit Community Discussions as a podcast with other people to discuss some things related to Steemit. In the after show we would get into even more serious talks where I would share some thoughts and notes on things I was writing.

I wanted to bring awareness to the community about issues that need to be addressed, issues that will help to improve Steemit by understanding Steemit in relation to the real world.

Previously planned topics and issues to deal with on Steemit:

  • what would steemit look like in a real world model (so that we can understand what is going right or wrong)
  • work for rewards vs. lazy no effort rewarding
  • what will build long-term success
  • issues with bots
  • gambling mentality 0-risk free-lottery picking scams

@bitcoinparadise, @charlie777pt, @seablue, and @sirlunchthehost are some of the people who had heard me talk about these things, and I told them I was planning on talking about them in Steemit posts. The flag issue came up and it wasn't going to stop. I was involved in being hit by them, and so were others. But others don't seem to care so much about what is happening with flags even if they are affected... No one else was standing against it, so I did because, indeed, I was personally affected by it and had enough.

I'm not new to controversy. I know how this works when you speak up. I have experience in this. Staying silent gets you more comfort and convenience, especially in success that you already enjoy. Speaking up is a risk. I knew what I was doing. I did it because it's right. I had to put my personal preference to just keep being successful aside, and do what needed to be done, regardless of the tole it would take on my success.

If you care about something, and want to stop falsity from getting into what you care about, then learning about what is false and why it is such, is required. Self-knowledge barriers need to be taken down so that actualizing and realizing what is right can be done.

These posts are some psychological tools and material that I was laying out to prime people into wanting to learn and do something about issues:

There are other posts as well, prior to the two months period where I was trying to really target specific self-knowledge barriers. These posts also deal with understanding ourselves more so that we can act when needed in order to change things for the better.

I hope some people go through some of this to understand the importance of facing the negative, learning about it, and then standing up to change the current condition we find ourselves in. We have the power of consciousness to affect change, if we empower ourselves with knowledge of ourselves and the world.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-03-02, 10:02am


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Words to live by! Great stuff, as are some more (from my favorite guy)

Stand up and Shout for your rights.
"In order to change the world, I guess a person would have to really get his head together first before he can say anything to the world, to change it."
Jimi Hendrix

Thanks for putting all this together in one easily bookmarkable place.

The one thing that always resonates with me is the central idea that it's not enough to simply "hope for change." Change happens because people care enough to identify issues, then step forward and get involved in offering possible solutions. Shortcuts (aka technological substitution and the "lottery effect") work like temporary band-aids at best, but more likely serve as the road to failure.

Communities are built by humans, "clever technology" is merely the infrastructure. Elsewhere, I was using an analogy to describe bots vs. humans as a bot being akin to getting in your car, driving through the busy city center, driving back home and asserting that you "saw everybody today." Which is very different from finding a parking space, walking around and talking to everyone you know and meeting people for a discussion at a café. Arguing that the two are "the same" shows a remarkable lack of understanding of... LIFE.

Welcome. Indeed, I've talked about band-aids, I think in the root cause post. Inability to understand the root cause and how to properly resolve the issue will end up with band-aids that don't actually get rid of the root infection.

Have you notice on Steemit especially, and in the net, so many people are pro-AI and robot future, like blindly? The transhumanism? Fear of death leading to dreams of immortality and perverting the human genome with "enhancements" because they aren't satisfied being "human".

This brainwashed code=law=superior is something ingrained in many programmers. They are so upset about the failure of humans to do things properly, they want AI and tech to save them. Not going to work. The reason we aren't doing things right is because we don't care about wright over wrong enough and to learn more and more and more and more!

People argue that bots have attention, and that's the key to why a REAL social media and social network required HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, not bots. Bots don't have attention and they can't evaluate things properly like humans potentially can depending on the level of consciousness. Some people are so low in consciousness they can't even recognize value in valuable knowledge... lol.

Yes, I have noticed the "tech worship." Oddly dichotomous, really... the desire for immortality, yet a desire to abdicate accountability for one's true self and humanity. How does THAT work?

Since self-inquiry is pretty second nature to me, I find that I sometimes have to pause and pose the question of whether I am simply old and it's a generational thing, like every generation has been troubled by the direction of its offspring. I suppose I could embrace that if I observed that this new paradigm was creating personal contentment and satisfaction... but I am seeing complaints and unrest, so something is not working.

To me, there is a progression that goes information ==> knowledge ==> wisdom and it feels like we're stuck at "information." And wisdom doesn't seem to have much value as long as we can keep throwing technology at the problem... it's faster and "easier." But to what end? It's not a Matrix I want to be part of... hence I keep writing and suggesting, regardless of whether it falls on deaf ears... maybe SOMEone will hear and think "Maybe we should try that..." I don't care about credit or recognition... my "creadit and recognition" is being able to look at a community and observe people ("the world") being better off as a result of it existing.

I'm a millennial generation, just barely. It's not a generational itself, but the state of consciousness reflected in the generation. All these new ideas and new tech, infatuates consciousness, entices it. Dreams... but no proper thinking.

Knowledge is the information. Understanding comes next. Then wisdom. Just to clarify your process. Technological progress without moral progress results in self-imposed suffering.

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