The Infatuation with "Positivity" and Doing "Good"

in #psychology7 years ago

Much of my work focuses on the negative. Why? Because people are already focused and infatuated on the positives at the expense of ignoring the negative.

Facing the problems in the world and ourselves isn't something comfortable to do. It's easier for us to keep doing what is comfortable and remain attached to it because it gives us what we want.

We are automatically drawn towards things that "feel-good" both physically and psychologically. We are automatically repelled from things that feel-bad, or things that take us away from the things that "feel-good" to us. We consciously and subconsciously want what "feels-good", and don't want whatever it takes that away.

What "feels-good" brings us comfort, security, and a sense of "well-being". What "feels-bad" brings us discomfort, insecurity, and a sense of anxiety.

Comfort and maintaining our current condition, is the path of least resistance where we don't have to expend effort, energy, time, and work to learn and understand about the uncomfortable things in the world, or to change anything about it.

Only paying and giving our attention to what makes us "feel-good" is like being lovestruck and infatuated with the positivity of the appearances we see as "reality" in our limited perception of what is happening in reality. We want to stay in that "feel-good" state with blinders on from wearing rosy-colored glasses. We induce a feel-good state by seeing what we want to see.

Christian3400 (free art) from deviantart

We focus on the things that are positive and the things that we see as good. We are conditioned by a society that has much falsity and perpetuates aspects of evil or negative behavioral manifestations that harm others. Evil hides within a veil of good.

Through the conditioning into falsity we are immersed in the appearance and illusion of "good" and "order". We focus on maintaining those appearances, yet we don't look into understanding what good and order truly is. We continue to ignore the evil and chaos going around because it makes us feel bad, not "feel-good". We don't learn about the negative, evil or chaos in order to see those manifestations in our lives.

We become infatuated with being "positive" and doing "good" so that we can all get along, but we're not stopping the negative and evil. Trying to expose the negative or evil in the world, is met with denial or even hostility and most see that as "negative" and they don't like the conflict. Attempting to create good while we still create evil in our ignorance, denial and refusal to look at ourselves and the world honestly, only keeps us locked into confusion, counterproductivity, and inconsistency that will not work.

In order for something good to truly and fully work, evil must be faced and then stopped. Focusing on creating something good, at the cost of ignoring evil, will allow that evil to continue.

Imagine being in an abusive relationship, yet not being able to see that that is what is happening and be in denial about it. Imagine that all you want to see is the positive in another, because you don't want to face the reality of the negative that is going on. So you keep up a positivity mask and look at things with rosy-colored glasses in order to live in an illusory bubbles of reality. If others tried to make you aware of your current condition while you continue to remain in denial and in rejection of facing the negative in your life, you'll never be able to admit that there is negative in your life and that you are in an abusive relationship.

When we focus on creating more of the good at the expense of ignoring the evil that persists, two potential paths will likely form:

1- The path for evil to wash away the good that was built upon a false foundation

or more likely...

2- The path for evil to consume the good into its own projection, preservation and protection

If we attempt to build something good upon a false foundation due to our ignorance of the current condition in reality, that faulty foundation can eventually erode and collapse, and our attempt to construct good will fall like a house of cards because it is built upon an illusion.

Alternatively, if the good does not crumble away from being built upon falsity, those who do evil will seek to consume that good into furthering the agenda of evil. This is where there are masks of good, masks of positivity, that by default have us accept the evil through a refusal to face the negative. Then the evil persists under the guise and illusion of "good and "order".

Those of us who are unaware and do not understand what is evil, immoral, wrong, negative, etc., will not be able to do anything to stop it because we can't even see it.

There are many things that are created for good, but then get co-opted by those who perpetuate and create evil into the world. We believe things are "good", "right", and "ordered". We are infatuated with the appearances, but don't see the substance of the hidden wrongs all around us.

As long as we continue to live in fear of facing the negative, wrong, immorality and evil all around us, we aren't going to truly get where we want to go.

Some people think that doing good balances out doing evil. Do you really think that doing evil with your left hand and washing it with your right hand will work to produce the results you want? All this does is mask the evil and negative in the world so that we have trouble seeing and understanding it for what it is.

This is what creates artificial images and appearances of "goodness" that we think are a true reflection of our society or ourselves. Living through a positivity mask or rosy-colored glasses to actively focus only on one aspect of reality will only serve to blind us to what is going on, and limits our potential to greater, higher, truer and realer self-actualization and self-realization of the good we can actually create into the world if we face and understand the evil. Only through the knowledge of what is wrong, immoral, evil and negative that we or others create, can we ensure that we or others do not continue to create such negative manifestations in the world.

Care for truth, and seek to learn the truth of the falsity and negative in the world around us.

There is no requirement to do good or be glowingly positive in order to set the world right. The ONLY thing that is required to set things right, is for people to NOT create evil and negative manifestations in the world. That automatically sets things right and good. We can always improve upon that default neutral position as well, to actively create positive good.

Developing the care, courage and willpower to face reality and ourselves honestly is required in order to bring about a better way of life for ourselves, others, and the world.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-02-21, 9:25am


Al Gore wrote a book called An Uncomfortable Truth. As it turns out the only thing about the book that was "true" was the title. The truth is uncomfortable and people inevitably avoid uncomfortable things (unless you're weird like me). The truth is the most important thing. I watched a video yesterday about the Theosophical Society, an organization ostensibly devoted to "the truth." In fact they seek to formulate and define a truth of their own. This is the biggest stumbling block to finding actual truths...individuals and groups that want (in fact exist) only to define what others should believe. By the way, where can I get a pair of them glasses???

LOL, that was funny, only his title was true indeed! Yeah, the supreme importance of truth is not understood by m any in this world. I think the glasses can only be purchased in your own consciousness boutique, it's in the New Age booth :P Thanks for the feedback.

New Age booth! That's rich, I'm working on an article about tavistock and the New Age movement!

Excellent piece as usual.
The battle is as much outward as it is within.

If see my neighbor kicking the crap out of their dog I can go over there pat it on the head and give give it treats to make it feel better but that in and of the itself will not stop the evil of the abuse.
Nothing wrong at all with calling evil what it is.

Yup. You get it. :) Th eonly way evil stops is when people stop creating it. Sometimes something ins so big (the system) that we can't get it to stop individually, and so we all need to individually change until we are at the point where we are united to change the way of life overall. Until then, we can change our individual lives and those around us and that spreads, if people care for truth and care to learn about whats going on. Thanks for the feedback.

Nice post. I sometimes say "The truth is not about making you comfortable", or "The truth is often uncomfortable".

I tend to agree with what you were saying as well. I approach it in my own way, but pretty much the same.

Also I've written on the word Bravery before. Bravery does not mean "without fear". That is fearlessness. Bravery is about doing something even if you are afraid of it, because it something that needs to be done, or would be beneficial.

EDIT: Resteemed - good post.

Indeed. Some people care to a certain degree, but might lack enough of it to activate that fire of courage/bravery to face the fear and persevere in spite of it. Thanks for the feedback and support :)

The problem can be partly blamed on the natural inertia and aversion to change that people exhibit. Like in your example of an abusive relationship, the fear of radical change in their lives is usually what's stopping them from from taking drastic steps, instead of recognising this, they find it easier to live in denial . "I'm still ok, what's the worst thing that can happen" mentality

Oh yes that is a factor, static learned helplessness vs. effort, work, fear of unknown that change invites. The "Devil you know" vs the unknown of being without the accepted current condition. Where do I live? How do I survive? How do I get an income? Dependence messes with psychological factors to motivate change. Thanks for the feedback.

You're easily my favourite contributer here

Thank you :)

I upvoted your post because of the deep insights you've been sharing. But I do not approve with what you're saying. First: Most of us, at least those who believe in mainstream media always get those evil news and pictures brainstormed in their mind, so I wouldn't say they're living with pink glasses. Second: You cannot prevent evil by fighting it! We all should acknowledge what is going on out there, not denying it and not looking away.
But violence creates always more violence.
Accusation creates more reasons to accuse other people.
That's the law of resonance or attraction.
We created the world we are living in, so it is up to us to change it.
So third, we can eliminate the emergence of evil by abandoning evil thinking.
We don't want to solve problems, we want to create solutions. On all levels of existence.
Care for truth, and seek to learn the truth of the falsity and negative in the world around us.
Yes, but don't focus on that, that will create more negativity, we actually want to prevent. Focus on those things that are good, concentrate on the better and things will change step by step.
All you need is love!
Love, Light & Unity

I didn't speak of ignoring the facts, but to focus on the things we want to have and not on those we don't want to have. That has nothing to do with New Age Bullshit! But great pics!

@krnel, you seem to be full of judgements. Perhaps saying "is" less, and "seems like" more, may be helpful. It usually pays to leave a little wiggle room. Consider your knowledge may be less comprehensive than you're aware of/believe.

@asabovesobelow you are full of judgement seems.
You could use less "seems like" .................perhaps.
It pay's of to be clear............................usually
Your knowledge is less comprehensive than you are aware of/ believe.....maybe.......If you would consider it ;)

@wordsword thank you for your input. I will be the first to admit I know next to nothing, and I bristle at reading anything I wrote which could be interpreted as pedantic, as that is not my intent. I was only trying to illustrate the use of E-Prime, so I will continue to use "seems like" and try to avoid the use of "is" whenever possible.

@asabovesobelow thank you for your reply. I was not "attacking" you, or intending to do so, in any way. Of course your free to use whichever " language" you use it's not mine to decide:) And what I wrote was with a wink (which I added a few minutes later it helps showing the tone of voice or "mood" something is written in
...........I hope;)

I use E-prime myself too I guess, although I was not aware it is called that. It depends on who I'm talking with or what I'm talking about. But I'm always very direct when I tell people on my own principles, But I let others be free in having their own believes and I speak in that (restrict myself) way too, to them. I hope you know what I mean, because English is not my native language and that combined with written language ......well you can have a lot of misunderstandings about the tone something is said ;)

edit; the way I see it, your reply was not pedantic maybe mine was more pedantic, lol

LMAO! I will visit your comment one day to break down your inability to common sense, because I am you, you are me, and I truly care about you.

And I am you and you are me, and we are all together, as they say. All is one. I do subscribe to the Law of One, so there it "is".
I promise to try and improve my "inability to common sense" - much love to one and all.

Sorry I had to spend all my precious free time after working a long day on the dumbass bellow who clearly has no concern about his well-being or mine or yours, or anybody for that matter but I don't believe you are in as dire of a situation as him and it seems you recognize the truth: we are one, which means I have made the right choice!
Peace and love!


Another informative post. Thank you.

This is pure gold in text formation. Beautifully written, and a very understated perspective that needs more voices! Thank you for sharing!

"Focusing on creating something good, at the cost of ignoring evil, will allow that evil to continue."
Bitcoin: create a form of currency but fail at realizing all you're doing is creating another "precious commodity" and not currency at all.
"Those of us who are unaware and do not understand what is evil, immoral, wrong, negative, etc., will not be able to do anything to stop it because we can't even see it."

Another fascinating illumination on an interesting topic. It is interesting to notice that it took about 5 minutes to do something positive, and read this cool post. I could have chosen to use that 5 minutes to focus on something negative. So while I ignored all the negatives out there calling for my attention, I freely gave it to reading this post, and others like it. Balance seems to be a large part about the journey. Everyone's balance is difference. But from the simple act of ignoring all the clamoring evils in the world, I was able to appreciate something positive. Just a thought. Also, I'm interested in your thoughts on the measurement of emotional frequencies. I could hunt down links, but chances are you would have better references. But I've appreciated this symbiotic relationship between the conversation of yogis and raising chakra energies, and science which has measured emotional frequencies for healing effects. Both have found that practicing positive emotions have enabled healing illness, repairing dna, improving mental abilities etc...

LOL, that's not really the point of looking at the negative and understanding it. You can't but your focus on negative all the time, even for people who are locked into not so important negatives things in their lives, like their hair, or weight, clothes, or what not. Different words convey meaning in a positive or negative representation of something, and can be mixed in a text. My posts aren't only looking at the negative, as that act itself of looking at the negative is a positive of learning about reality as it is. It's not negative to do so. The negative is the thing being looked at. The understanding provided by understanding more of the negative in existence to understand the intricacy of the problems is a positive experience. Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you for the reply Krnel. I appreciate your posts!

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