Motivating Quotes to Take a Stand and Speak Up

in #quotes8 years ago (edited)

Do you think I'm doing this for myself alone? I had told some Steemians months ago, that speaking up on serious issues comes with a risk and the hits of putting a target on your back for standing up. I had other plans and issues to tackle.

If I was only concerned about myself, then I would have just gone with the flow and rode my success by not making waves. This is about the betterment of the community. Some people get it, and are learning more about the issue. Information is required. Caring to learn is required. Let go of false conceptions about how things are "ok" just the way they are, or that there is no "right or wrong" when the "code" is involved. Get out of the chain of obedience. Imagine better.

Wrongs occurring are issues that a community is supposed to deal with together. That's how a real, true common-unity works. When people refuse to pay attention to learn about issues in their environment, they signal that they don't really care to figure it out and are just concerned with themselves. I've done it, I know. It's a lot easier to just keep focusing on what you can get, and avoiding the potential risks and losses of standing out as a whack-a-mole target.

Protruding against the level conformity makes one a target. This is how our attention works with the saliency of stimulus from our environment. Disturbing the accepted standards disturbs the false mask of "peace" in conformity to the issues at hand. Showing the nonconformity, inconsistency, and contradiction of an issue is not often welcome. The illusion of "good" and "order" pervades people's perceptions.

Not speaking up means other people's perceptions won't change because the information will not be present. The more people that speak up, the less it can be ignored off hand and dismissed. The more people that talk about something and explain it in many ways, the more chance other people can finally understand.

I'm not a "leader", I'm just leading the way, trying to teach people about psychology/consciousness, philosophy, morality, etc. We all need to lead ourselves and be leaders by evolving consciousness to understand more important things about ourselves and the world.


Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-03-01, 5pm


After reading this post I will leave some interesting quotes of Nietzsche.
"When a hundred men stand together, each of them loses his mind and gets another one."
"On the mountains of truth, you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Thanks for speaking up. This can help others even though some may view that it doesn't.

Welcome, and thank you to you as well ;)

It's sad how truth is seldom popular, regardless of whether it addresses the one or the many. And yet, absent truth... all we tend to have is houses of cards built on the flimsiest of foundations...

Thanks for the quotes.

True that well spoken :)

I'm not saying that you are wrong. I'm still trying to figure this all out. But here's another way to look at it.

We were all invited to Steemit and decided to join. The rules were already set and if we had not liked them, perhaps we should not have accepted the invitation. I also know that Steemit has made a way to discuss and propose improvements, but the decision is ultimately up to Steemit owners and we should not get hurt feelings or furious if they do not comply.

I'll give you an example that happened to me in my own life.
I had been asked by a friend to start a group study about a certain topic that I know a lot about. I asked another few friends if they would be interested in that topic that I would guide. They said yes and seemed excited to begin. Everyone would be involved in the discussion and present any thoughts that they had, favorable or not.

Then I asked another good friend of mine if she wanted to join us, and I told her what the plan was.
Now this last friend of mine sabotaged the whole thing. It was so much drama that it almost drove me over the edge. I am very understanding, but I couldn't understand why she was balking at letting us get down to the study at hand. For weeks she deflected us by various ways including lots of tears, and tried to change the group to what she wanted which was hard to figure out what she even wanted, but I think she wanted it to just be a social group.

In the end, the whole thing disbanded as we could get nowhere. I confronted her several times on her behaviour, but the others were afraid to speak their minds for fear of making her cry again. (She apparently knew how to manipulate.)

My point here is that she should have declined the invitation if she didn't like the proposal. To undermine myself and the group like that was a terrible thing to do, and it ruined our friendship. Plus none of the ladies that were excited to delve into this study were able to do so. It was ruined for all.

So ... does this relate to Steemit?? I think that it may.
I look at the situation here like this -- I will present my ideas for change when I think appropriate -- but if my ideas get turned down I can choose to either stay anyways and forget about it ... or I can decide that Steemit is not for me.

I hope that this does not offend anyone.
Like I said, I could be wrong about Steemit. Perhaps you could point out where my analogy and what is occurring in Steemit are different.
But for now, that's the way I see it. And that's why I don't see it as right or wrong. And believe me that I always try to stand up for what is right and just.

Well I would argue the analogy is a bit different, it's not about crying and wasting people's time and efforts, sure we can stay silent and post blogs, be ok with the 200 votes 5 views things, be ok when we get flagged for making a profit, be ok when there are 2 comments, be ok when all you get is silence, WHY? WHY? WHY? can't we do better? is it that hard? you can't tell me the platform was so much better a year ago just because the incentives were there and the hype was real, it should always be about the people, because they've made it happen. It was the creators, the investors, the freethinkers, and whoever else joined in because they saw a glimmer of hope that silence was about to change, it wasn't about what was easy to hear and trendy, it was about personal experiences, :D pizzagate sure, sports, but mainly personal experiences.

That is what drove the platform up along with everything else, the content by creators, not just the token and the hype.

thanks for commenting j3dy.
My analogy comparison wasn't really about the crying part, but about how my friend insisted on changing the plan that had already been established. It was my project that I had run by others for approval first, before she was invited. She could have said no. She could have started her own group. Or she could have voiced her concerns when she joined, but then either accepted the way it was or quit at that point.
Steemit was Dan and Ned's idea and they set the rules. We all decided to join. They have given us a voice to make suggestions for change but ultimately it is up to them and we should not try to force their hands.
To me, this issue is not about right and wrong and standing up for justice. I am all about right and wrong and justice normally -- that is what my blog is about!! But I don't believe that it applies in this issue. Above there are memes about conformity and morality, that we need to stand up for this to show that we aren't conformist and are moral -- and that stings a bit that someone thinks that others who feel like I do are somehow not acting morally and conforming with the masses.

That's not how I see it. I am respecting Dan and Ned's project -- it's THEIR project and I will may make suggestions for improvement but then be polite about it and let them do what they want with their own project, Steemit. It does not belong to me. I am a guest here!

Not speaking up means other people's perceptions won't change because the information will not be present.

I take the bait.
Dan has your back. You are not courageous.

You are being played.

well he should be playing himself, I wouldn't say dan is behind him, sure he might like him or whatever, but I doubt a conspiracy is about. Plus krnel is trying to get a point across and people seem to be getting he's whining, much less about profits, I'm seriously doubting it's about profits.

So far he's tearing down what he was building up for profits, so I can't see the hypocrisy

Sure it's a bit too far in my view(since we are into the meme phase already and nobody seems to care since well why would you when you are PowerLess :P), but it has sparked some conversations that might lead away from the other two extremes socialism(snowflake's guardians) or capitalism(whales and the market) I like neither already. Good ideas here and there but overall I wouldn't drop my curation "rewards" (I want them fixed so there is a point to curate) and I wouldn't be ok with somebody because he has power, he either deserves RESPECT for his actions or he doesn't no amount of Power of Reputation can measure up to CHARACTER.

And I try to not be quick to judge. Most of the times I just don't see a point in communicating with some people, since they can't answer tough questions(don't care or don't want to)and it's pointless to pressure people and force opinions.

So i would rather have a real social-media platform backed by incentives, where people communicate work together from time to time, actively engage and build truly amazing things, because I've already seen it here and it already has happened, many times I might add, it just seems the natural way for a platform to move away from it's core principles, here it's different, so far everything is still building up to something and nobody is sure what will happen or if it will in the end work out

I'm not a "leader", I'm just leading the way, trying to teach people about psychology/consciousness, philosophy, morality, etc. We all need to lead ourselves and be leaders by evolving consciousness to understand more important things about ourselves and the world.
~12 hours ago by krnel

TLDR we are all played it would seem, do we like the tune is the question?

Do you think I'm doing this for myself alone?

Yup. Absolutely. This started as your rewards got lower, and you became worried about the level of your rewards in the future.

This about you.

Not that there's anything wrong with it, per se. We are all driven by self interest. But dishonesty about it annoying to me.

welll you are one to judge my friend, solely from your perspective.
I'm not sure he was the one that started crying that his rewards were too high and bots were voting for him, wasn't that bernie, so you mean it became a problem after the flag or whatever, but that also isn't true. If it was about him and his rewards, wouldn't you say it would have been smart and strategic, to just not bring up the issue.

I would say it's pent up frustrations with a nice timing, to blow everything up into a 4-5 day rant on politics, if you lie to call it that way, but still it's a important issue and should be noted. It wouldn't be for profits. Since writing how it's ok to be flagged will actually make you trending and praised by everyone, newbs because they know nothing and whales because it's just in their self-interest to keep a narrative going, that everything is ok and there are no problems, anyways thanks for stopping by I have yet to read your comment on the issue, I believe it was krnel is crying too much or something.

I do like your inputs and your personality, since I like different perspectives, I also enjoy discussions on topics, but what I dislike is the way you frame everything through it's all working flawlessly, much like your arguments for democracy, sure it's bought and sold to people with the interest in mind for the "investors" but that still isn't the idea behind the ideology, I've recently learned what the word means(tldr, either political equality of people or social equality for everyone )

And here are the links since I'm not willing to read through all that wiki

Good stuff. Fight the power.



Thanks ;)

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