Discovering Crete, Part 10 - Moon over Kamilari

in #photography6 years ago


Greetings Steemians!

One place I often visited during my stay in order to stock up my supplies was the village Kamilari. A family-run grocery store in the village's center offers a great range of authentic Cretan products.

Situated on a picturesque hillside, this village has become quite a popular holiday destination in recent years. Fortunately, the centre of the village has remained very idyllic and where restoration work has been carried out, this has been done with taste and sense of proportion. Outside the village there is a wonderful view on the sea. The famous Komo Beach, which I will show you in a subsequent post, is just a 10 min drive away.

Another attraction for me was the tavern Loggia, which is run by a local Greek together with his German wife from Munich. The kitchen offers all kinds of Cretan delicacies that can be enjoyed on the tavern's cosy terrace, but are offered for take-away, too. What I generally enjoyed very much while eating out in Crete was the possibility to always have a guided tour through the kitchen before you decide. Basically, you can choose the food directly from the pot or pan from which it was prepared. WYSIWYG at it's best.

Kamilari is particularly charming during the evening hours, when the white plastered houses of the village begin to glow in the late sun. Here are a few pictures to give you an impression:




Can you see the mark in the cat's right ear? It shows that the cat was sterilized. I talked to a local, who explained to me that there is an initiative with a vet in Kamilari that aims to collect all street cats over time to sterilize them. Once it's done they get this mark in one of their ears. The many taverns of the village attract cats from a large area so if nothing would be done the cats would quickly overpopulate the place which would result in a bad live for the cats, too.



Before you begin to wonder, the stars are in fact not stars but high ISO noise artefacts. Still, for a freehanded shot with my allrounder gear I'm quite happy with the outcome. If you wish to see, how the pro is doing it, I warmly recommend to follow the blog of @terrylovejoy for outstanding astrophotograpy.

Thanks for watching and 'til next time!


All photos were recorded by myself with an Canon EOS 7D / Tamron 18-270 mm in Mai 2018. All rights reserved.

Discovering Crete - All previous posts:

Part 1, Agiofárango I Part 2, Agiofárango II
Part 3, Monastery Odigítrias I Part 4, Monastery Odigítrias II
Part 5, Phaistos I Part 6, Phaistos II
Part 7, Phaistos III Part 8, Mátala I
Part 9, Mátala II

Dann hast du das gleiche Problem wie ich: Wenn ich mit meiner 70D im dunklen Filme, dann bekomme ich auch kleine Artefakte, die sehen aus wie Sterne. Dachte schon meine Kamera ist kaputt oder verschmutzt auf dem Sensor, oder doch ? Oder ist das Alterserkrankungen ? Ich benutze die 70D bei jedem Wetter, Regen, Staub, Hitze, und Farbenstaub von Indien , wahrscheinlich hat ihr eines davon nicht gut getan....

IMG_1726 (1).jpg

Nachdem Du wie ich auch einen angeschraubten Batteriegriff verwendest, dürfte tatsächlich das ein oder andere Staubkörnchen seinen Weg durch den offenen Akkuschacht gefunden haben...Aber aussehen tun die Bilder von der bunt bestäubten Kamera grandios :)

This technique will help :)

Wie gut ist bitte das Bild, wo die Katze von der Mauer runterschaut :D
Coole Fotos wieder mal!

Danke! Von diesem Bild bin ich tatsächlich auch sehr angetan - (glückliches) Timing ist manchmal alles. :)

Hey @shaka I very much appreciate the shout out :) I think you are just doing fine with your moon images though. A light median/despeckling filter will knock those hot pixels out (or you can cheat and just select a circle around the moon, and set everything outside the circle to black).

However, I actually prefer seeing the moon against a late afternoon blue sky like some of those you posted above. They are perfect as is.

Thanks @terrylovejoy, normally I would have gone for the filter option. In this case though I somehow found the noise quite fitting. Even some red "stars" there if you look close enough.

Best regards!

die katze (oder der kater) lässt mich gerade darüber nachdenken, welcher nationalität sie wohl angehört...
ja, wie unsinnig ethnische diskurse doch sind! dieses tier kennt keine grenzen, ist nicht reserviert gegenüber einer anderen, nur weil sie eine andere fellfarbe hat oder längeres haar. kreta, afrika, asien - wir sind alle gleich. man muss das individuum nicht mögen, aber alles darüber hinaus zeugt von fehlendem horizont. vielen dank für deinen beitrag. lg

Yes, these houses are beautiful and for sure the sun light can give extra glow and extra shine to these houses and then they will shine like an gem. And most importantly what i liked is, people are loving plantation and they are doing plantation outside of their houses and it's really pleasing to watch.

Cats are sometimes reflects as great mystery and they always stay in different moods and sometimes they communicate more into facial expressions, but i really like cats because their laziness is adorable.

The composite moon picture is really beautiful and the eye-catching stuff is the combination of white moon and blue sky and it's really breathtaking to explore. And in my opinion nature is living art and it can amaze us everyday with usual things.

And night moon is always reflects as story telling and full moon can just leave us with essence of amaze because the beauty of moon is immeasurable and for sure night sky with the moon is greatest aspect of Black and White Photography.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

@shaka I love small villages where I may find organic food. As you earlier mentioned that at the tavern one can enjoy local delicacies, I think this is also a USP of this place besides its beautiful location.
Your photography is nice as always but the photographs of the cats were really very attractive. Those cats are so cute and innocent looking! They are doing right thing to control their population. Otherwise, it will become disastrous for them as well. Human population should also be controlled likewise because our over population and skewed sense of development are destroying the environment of this planet extensively and making every creatures life hell. I think if conditions are not improved, the world would become a hell and we won't be able to see so beautiful places any more.
@terrylovejoy's posts on astronomical photography were very useful. I found one of his post very helpful in which he taught to take astronomical photos with just a smartphone.
Keep posting like this.

wow moon shots!
it's hard to get something as sharp a shot as the last pic!
awesome work as always!

I love the kitty pics, as well
very expressive

Thank you!

Auf Kreta würde ich mich wohl schon alleine deshalb "pudelwohl "fühlen, weil ich so gerne Katzen mag. Schön, daß Du die immer wieder einbaust.
Ob es am Komo Beach auch Katzen gibt?
Auf die Strandbilder freue ich mich schon jetzt...

Also an Katzen herrscht dort wahrlich kein Mangel. Am Strand sind sie allerdings nicht anzutreffen, da gibts zu wenig Essen(sreste) ;)

Hello Friend how are you ? for what you publish of Kalimari is a very picturesque town, I imagine that it is an important part in the history and the mythological culture, it impresses what you say that maintains its original structure, and that has been restored, in that way maintains its historical value. A very quiet environment, for sightseeing, and should be for that appearance that shows in the shots that make the place attractive to know, I imagine you heard good stories of the inhabitants, such as what you account for the sterilization of cats, for stop the cat overpopulation, as they reproduce quickly, as I always congratulate you for those good photographs, which fill us with knowledge and adventures, you travel know and transmit to your followers who remain eager to await your next adventure, greetings through of the distance and thanks for sharing. @shaka

Wow its beautiful!! I fly to Corfu tomorrow, have you been? It will be my first time at the greece Islands and i am really excited :) - Any recommendations?

Not really, since I haven't yet been to Corfu. But I'm sure you will like it - if you're sufficiently heat resistant ;) Enjoy your trip!

I love it!!! And we are really lucky with the weather :) People are so nice here! And the beach is just perfect. Maybe ill write about it some day. Have a nice rest of the week yourself! :)

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