in #photography7 years ago

Steemit has inspired me to take a lot more photographs!

Photography was always one of those hobbies of mine, but often it would get overlooked or pushed to the side for other activities. A lot memories are forever lost, because there is no photographic evidence of them. However, since joining steemit, I've been taking photos on an almost daily basis for over a year now.

As this year (2017) comes to an end, I was reflecting on the difference that steemit has made in my life. The outlet for creativity that it provides is incredible and the inspiration that it can provide for us is amazing. I've been reviewing some of my posts on steemit going all the way back to July of 2016 and thought that I would begin to share some of my favorite photos from that time. Not to overwhelm anyone, I'll try to make each post digestible and aim for about a dozen photos of so. For newer users, this will be a chance to get exposed to some of my earlier work too.


This one was called Look, But Don't Touch featuring shadow photography and a Pygmy Rattlesnake. It was an entry in the steemit photo challenge ran by @jamtaylor. I really enjoyed entering that contest and being inspired to take photos that I normally wouldn't have thought of.

This one was called the Conqueror - Rhinoceros Beetle at Sunset and was just me getting creative and getting back into photography. Obviously, my love of creatures and the outdoors showed through once again.

This one was from a photo shoot called Life, in the pond It is a baby Snapping Turtle peeking out from beneath the green surface. I thought it was a pretty good shot, and since turtles are one of my favorite animals, I really like it!

I can still remember the day that I took this one. We were enjoying a rope swing as a family and I happened to notice this incredible part of the root of the tree that we were swinging on. I titled the photo GETTING BACK TO THE ROOT and enjoyed just taking the time to appreciate the little things, or, in this case, the things that people would have just stepped on and moved past.

While at one of the nearby ponds last year, I came upon some Green Darner Dragonflies (Anax Junius) that were mating. The sun was low in the sky and reflecting nicely, so I began to take some photos, titling the shoot Dance of the Dragonflies. I hope that they did not mind.

I called this one "help". It was another entry in the steemit photo challenge ran by @jamtaylor. That contest forced me to get more creative on a weekly basis.

Another entry for the steemit photo challenge ran by @jamtaylor. I called this one INTIMIDATION. It was a close up of a large Northern Water Snake that we found at a local park. Check out the tiny bubbles of saliva in the mouth.

Yes, another excellent photo only created and imagined because of the photo challenge from @jamtaylor. I titled it "Loss" and had Red Pepper model for it. She can be very expressive and her dark eyes worked well with the black and white I chose for this one.

Getting back into photography taught me to look at things differently, like this peculiar lighting fixture. The design was interesting enough, but when you add in the Edison Bulbs, it's a classic. Titled I Saw the Light - and I was Mesmerized, I had some fun with this shoot and still really enjoy the pics.

Lively, lovely, and colorful, here are two of @little-peppers having fun in a field. I love watching our little ones play, especially since they play so well together. This is just one of those precious moments caught in time.

This creative photo was also created due to the photo challenge. It was another shadow shoot, and it gave me a chance to mix things up a bit. I call this one There Is No Fork and used a mangled mess of a fork to cast the shadow behind the other one. It kind of reminds me of the spoon in the matrix. I thought that it could be fun to portray a perceived reality varying from the shadow evidence.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely



These pictures are stunningly beautiful.

@papa-pepper, that's great!
You have a talent in photography )
I especially love the photo with your daughters)

Thank you! You are not alone in that!

some really great memories there @papa-pepper! I particularly like the little peppers playing and the snapping turtle poking his head out! I always remember the green snake picture you took with the purple backdrop, that was amazing! Steemit has also brought the photographer out in me. I am even trying to save up my steem to buy a DSLR camera so that I can develop my skill! :D

Very cool! I had to use steemit to purchase a new camera myself, as my old one broke.

That's awesome! :D

Fascinating photos, thanks for sharing your collection with us.

Thank you for checking it out.

Excellent creativity, attractive photo. Great photographer

Ow.. That's amazing work.. You really have a talent in photography.. Keep working, keep inspiring..

I think we all have that potential, we just need to get out there and do it, learning and improving along the way.

Nice one.hahahah

Those are some nice shots and yes playing behind the camera can create some interesting and thought provoking visions. Makes you wonder what the person was thinking.

NO kidding! Thanks!

Old habits, as well as hobbies, die hard. Steemit has caused a re awakening! Thanks @papa-pepper for inspiring me too.

I am glad that you have though to reflect back on your photography over the past year. We do better with practise but I don't see much more room for improvement here. The photos are excellent. The photo, "loss" with red Pepper is strikingly beautiful, and haunting. And the photo with the two little peppers playing together reminds of a scene from "Little House on the Prairie".

Little House on the Prairie? I hadn't thought about that, but you are right. They do have some bonnets they could wear too!

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