A Post-Flight Outing (Original Blog)

We had just flown back in from visiting Harmony's Grandparents in the UK and this was Harmony's first flight ever.

I think she was a bit overwhelmed with all the packing, security checks and long processes with waiting.

But she was as patient as ever and I promised her once we got out of the airport we would get something nice to eat.

This photo of her happiness is hilarious to me. She is so excited to get some yummy food in her tummy.

The place we went to serves really delicious pasta and pizza :)

We are at one of my favorite restaurants called Vapiano, which has a really nice lounge type seating

This was completely Harmony when she was given her slice of pizza lol

After our meal, Harmony was completely satisfied and content with the delicious food we shared together.
I think it's amazing to think about how a baby quickly begins to eat real solid food after building up from the breast milk and soft baby foods

Another wonderful and successful day with Mama, and back to the house we go while we take one last walk enjoying the nature

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to leave me a comment and I wish you all the best.

If you missed my other previous blog posts, Please click on the provided links below:

Double Character, Double Love
Winding Down With Winter Training
Flashback Friday: Harmony, My Little Dreamer
Throwback Thursday: My Barcelona Baby
Our First Day Out
Our Little Eskimo Baby
A Mother's Gratitude
Their Uncanny Resemblance
Her Breastmilk Face
Harmony's Visit To Uncle @SirWinchester
Little Miss Pacman

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

Next post coming soon

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