This Week's Random Acts of Kindness by the Steem Blockchain #OpHumanAngels

In the Video Below I'll Recap This Week's #OpHumanAngels Actions

Prepare to be inspired, or maybe even break out the tissues, like how I always end up having to...

(Video: 15:11)

Here are the Highlights

Also, I'm sorry I don't have my little co-host with me this time, I know you must have felt so empty inside not hearing how "weird" you are today :) He'll be back again soon I'm sure...

OpHumanAngels.. Conoco edition By @davedickeyyall

#OpHumanAngels: A mission for my momma. By @khackett


Chalk With Me in Denver By @phoenixwren

A Birthday Celeberation Like Never Before #ophumanangels By @goel.tarun

An Update on Birthday Cards For Kaitlin By @phoenixwren

OpHumanAngels: Did Someone Say Cookies? By @khackett

Steemit Ophumanangels cards day 1... By @chackett

The Power of Positivity By @davedickeyyall

Sneaky Ninja at work... By @chackett

Gif Ideas for #OpHumanAngels By @steveconnor

I hope this brightened your day. Join us anytime in the #ophumanangels tag. You are Needed! Keep Shining and Steem On!


You always brighten my day Lyndsay 😉
What a fantastic group of people you have involved here.
It'd be nice to here from someone who's day was made by an anonymous note from you guys.
Have you had any feedback locally?
FYI Great gif at the bottom babe.

I haven't had feedback from this latest Op, but when we have gone out and given free hugs, with the notes, we got instant feedback <3 People crying, laughing, it's so great...gonna have to do a free hugs day out here again soon.

Well hopefully it won't be too long before I'm over there collecting mine 🤗

This is such a wonderful initiative. And you are such a blessed soul, lighting the dark corners of the world with your positive glow.

Does one just do kind things anonymously and then document it with the #ophumanangel tag? I could spread some cheer with quail and chicken eggs :)

Although I never believe the 'story' we are told in media about the state of the world or even who the 'bad guys' are, it is still told and often colours the world and peoples atitudes with darkness and mistrust of one another. Yet, in the reality of our communities and when one on one and face to face, we are all, mostly, decent beings who want to be loved and to give love.

I am often skeptical of what the future holds, but knowing things such as this and you and even the hope that platforms such as Steemit might bring, there is a light at the end of the tunnel of our futures.

Let simple kindness build up to a great and joyful world!

Yes, you can be anonymous, or do what we are doing, and be us, but yea, we sneak around usually leaving treasures for unexpecting neighbours, and even random strangers!

I would absolutely LOVE to see an Op from you! Please help us for realz!!!!

I experienced a miracle a few years ago and I am still enjoying it because I no longer need blood transfusions.
As with random act of kindness, kindness comes to me a few times each day through here at steemit and I am never so grateful in my life.
God bless the steemit community.

That's so great, thank you for telling me about your miracle! Bless you I'm so happy for your Health!!

And bless you @cryptopie

Well Well kindness and harmony are two integral traits of Humanity. To serve others with respect is the Symbol that humanity is alive yet.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Aesop

Look your idea is prevailing which i saw for the first time on your blog. I have started this practice with my students and i asked them to forward this concept as much as you can.

Today One little Angel came to me a offered me a White Rose and said, "Sir you are so kind accept this for all those valuable advises"

I was about to cry after that Creator is Really happy with me <3

I am so much obliged to you for compiling these acts of kindness to share sense of Love and Harmony among the people of World.

Together we can make Violence Free to this place.

You are our Leader <3 <3

More Strength to you My Lovely Friend @lyndsaybowes

Stay Blessed, Steem on :)

I'm so happy that everyone's actions made you have more faith in humanity. Thank you for writing @salmanbukhari54, I hope one day you join us!


Aww!! I love you too Angel!! :) :) Soooo sweet, this makes me really smile!

Oh Lindsey,these are all so beautiful, so thoughtful, so wonderful, so charming, I am lost for words.
So much ophumanangels goodness in these notes. They are awesome, and people are smiling. Thank you so much for sharing.

Thank you for feeling the good energy from this <3 Much Love @edith4angelseu!

This is such a beautiful initiative @lyndsaybowes a save these posts back for when I've had a long tiring day because they lift my spirits and give me a real hope for the future of humanity. A future where we all fly and elevate each other on wings of love. There is so much more good than bad in this world and so many beautiful people. It's humbling and at times easily forgotten, never forget people :D

I'm so happy these uplift you @perceptualflaws <3 <3 <3 I know that means a lot to everyone involved!

Stand here to activate your miracle

This one really got me. I remembered the days that I used to be sick, I kept on telling God to work a miracle in my life and put an end to it......... And He sure did.
All these nice notes from all these nice people, wow, the angels are on the loose to heal the world. Thanks for sharing ma, for being an angel.

I am so happy that you were healed, this is great news @eleaza, thank you for sharing!!!

my principle was if plan A fails, there is always plan be
but now it became there is 25 letters left because I think it's more good

Such a good idea hey?

"Believe you can and you will"
that's the most one that impressed me
all the messages are beautiful in fact and delighting

I'm so happy that these brightened your day @mr-dreamer, that's awesome!

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