🎶 Open Mic Songwriters Week 4 - Theme: Because We Can - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

in #openmic7 years ago

So I am still playing catch up with Open Mic Songwriters, this is being made somewhat harder given the huge increase in entrants into Open Mic - this week we again smashed the record, with over 190 entries for one week!

On top of that we are getting new entrants into the Songwriters Challenge, so it is really nice to see new faces popping up all over the Open Mic space.

This week again there were so many amazing entries, I just love how you all interpret the themes so differently each week - the originality and inspiration is amazing!

You should all be stoked with how well you are doing each week, to put out this higher quality music in such a small time frame is truly remarkable - I have heard many songs and thought to myself, that so many of these could easily reach success in the mainstream music industry.

That really is the level of work we receive here each week, we are looking at some of the best music I have heard in years - and to think that the entries, in the Songwriters Challenge have only just been written baffles the mind.

Alright well enough out of me, here is my Songwriters Challenge Week 4 - judges top 5 selection!

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @anniemacleod - Just Because We Can

Oh wow I absolutely love this song, it has all the classic elements of a great song - I just can't get enough of it, I'm on listen like 40+.

Firstly I will start with this weeks theme "Because We Can", your interpretation of the theme is brilliant - I personally love darker toned songs and I love that in spite of the attempt we made at a positive theme, it influenced you in a way that created yes a sadder song but in my opinion a brilliant beautiful and tragic song.

You have perfectly incorporated this weeks theme, using the line to epic effect throughout the song - it is the cornerstone of the song and the way you have used the line, creates one of the most powerful lyrics in the song.

I love how the lines evolve over time throughout the song, and the overall lyrics are beautiful, poetic, tragic and real - I believe most people will be able to relate to the song perfectly.

As the song continues the lyrics paint a clear vision, I can already see the film clip to accompany this song in my mind - there is a beautiful yet tragic tone to this song, it just gets me in the feels on every listen through.

Now for that amazing melody, wow if this is your voice when your sick I can't wait to hear it when your all good again - you have an amazing range and control, there is a sweet softness to your voice and I just completely love it (I can only hear one moment when you need to clear your throat - you did great all things considered).

Ok well I skipped over the melody a little there, but you have incorporated a complex vocal arrangement that perfectly suits the tone of the song - starting lower and then those beautiful sweet high notes, just melted me.

I can't help but sing along with you now, it is a brilliant song but its structure is perfection - I love the verses, the chorus is sublime and the bridge brings it all together and works so well.

This song feels old, polished rehearsed basically tried and tested, so to know it is an original song written in under a week is just phenomenal!

In one song you have made a new fan, I want to hear more and soon - it's the perfect combination of emotion, language, meaning and music.

The way you use high notes to accentuate the emotions and lyrics at the ideal moments, it gives me constant chills and goosebumps everytime I listen to it - its tragically beautiful and poetic, relatable and just perfect in every way.

I am really looking forward to hearing more from you soon, you absolutely killed it this week so congratulations on a brilliant entry!

2nd Place - @melavie -Because we can

Every single week you emotionally break one of the judges, but this week your hauntingly beautiful tragic song hit me especially hard - there is just so much sorrow and sadness and just a touch of hope for the possibility of change.

You have a truly astounding voice, it gives me chills during most of the songs I have heard from you - I just love singing with you and there is nothing more I love the a song dripping with emotion.

Your vocals combines the perfect amount of deep powerful moments with softer gentler higher notes, I just love the melody you have chosen here - it suites the tone of the song beautifully and enhances the emotion throughout.

The lyric and melody are the joint focus of this song, the piano accompaniment is a subtle backing that yes contributes to enhance the song further - but honestly isn't the center point of focus for me at all.

The lyric is just so powerful in it's message and intent, you have a masterpiece here and I just want to share it with the world - the sorrow of how things are verse how they could be and all it would take is our own action or motivation.

There is a tragic beauty with humans and you capture it perfectly in this song, we are capable of so much greatness and yet we tend to settle for the easy path - destruction to suit our own needs with no regards for not only the others here now, but those that come after us in the future.

I feel that most people will feel a strong connection to this song and the beautiful tragic message contained within, if there was every anything to help convince those who control these industries of destruction it would be this song!

This is really one of the most amazing, beautiful and hauntingly tragic songs I have ever encountered, you have encapsulated everything great about music - and best of all this is how you chose to use your insane talent, so thank you for putting this out into the world it really is perfection.

3rd Place - @onetruebrother - Because We Can

Wow this week is all about powerful themes and yours is just so beautiful and tragic, there is a sweet hopefulness that just completes the song brilliantly.

I am a big fan of your music and this week you again didn't fail to impress, from the first strums of the guitar I felt the emotion you were setting us up for - then when the vocals started and the melody fell in line, I knew you had another amazing entry for us.

You have used this weeks theme as the beacon of hope we need to strive towards, I love the deeper themed tones people have developed this week - you have created such an emotional impact, with absolutely beautiful music.

I love songs that tell stories and convey deeper meanings and themes, your songs never fail to impress with not only the brilliant playing and singing - but the lyrics and melody combine to create a musical pleasure for all to enjoy.

As always with only a guitar for company you have a full sounding song, there isn't anything I would change it really is perfect for me.

The structure of your music is always spot on, you have all the classical elements of a hit song - a great melody, beautiful guitar backing and killer lyrics that actually mean something.

Every week you come up with something amazing, I am a big fan of your music - it transcends age, race and religion and is relatable to everyone in one way or another, it is a timeless classic for sure.

It's hard to believe the high quality of work we get from you each and every week, it's really amazing to be able to witness and hear such brilliant music and get to call it work.

Another powerful message this week, you absolutely nailed this weeks theme - and provided me with another favourite song to listen to, I can't wait to hear more from you as always.

4th Place - @basilmarples - Just Because We Can

Oh man before you even start with the song you have me chuckling away, I love your energy - you manage to connect the moment the camera is on, your personality comes shining through beautifully.

I love the more comical take you have been giving us throughout the Songwriters Challenge, every week (just like this one) you perfectly capture that weeks theme and use it to great effect - it's truly amazing to watch the sheer variety of types and styles of music we can get from just one theme.

Your distraction techniques must have worked because I just thoroughly enjoyed your entry, you nailed the theme incorporating it as the outro/ repetition verse/chorus - on that nice interesting choices in song structure, I like it when the formula gets mixed up a bit from time to time.

Can I just say there really aren't many song about zombies out there in the first place, but this is just great especially with the focus you have given the song - I love the last of us so that probably didn't hurt things either!

Also not sure how many songs out there contain the line "time to shiv some zombies baby", I love the comical performance that you gave with it - everything you do enhances the overall song so perfectly, I'm a big fan and look forward to hearing more.

You have a great voice hiding behind your comical presentation, I'm not one for jazz so extra bonus points there for having me enjoy it so thoroughly - such a creative and original song that stands out for all the right reasons.

Im stoked you have stuck with it for four weeks, you have amazed and wowed me at most turns so keep it up - your a great musician and I love your very distinctive and creative style, I can't wait to hear more!

5th Place - @luisferchav - Lies

What can I say man, you have a really amazing gift and you keep sharing it and I love you for that - this song encapsulates everything I look for in a song with precision.

You have an amazing voice, your song uses complex language, it has a deeper meaning and used this weeks theme to great effect within the song.

The music creates a full and vibrant backing for your gentle vocals, the song builds so well - there is a beautiful combination of lower sections, coupled with these super sweet higher notes that really make the song a whole for me.

Another entry that feels polished, like it had been written years ago and now your settled and happy with the final product - I am just blown away by what people are creating in just a week.

I love your music the unique sound you create with it is just perfect, the haunting sadness of the lyrics fit so beautifully with the minor tones of the music and melody - such an enjoyable song to sing along with and hear, keep at it I'm loving your music!

Honourable Mentions:

@chrisroberts - Because We Can

Just before I finish for this week, I have to say an epic shout out to all those who have made it to the halfway mark - you are all going so far above and beyond my wildest dreams and I can't wait to hear what the next four weeks will bring.

Every single one of you should feel proud of the amazingly high caliber of entries we are receiving, most of these songs are as good if not way better than music we hear on the radio each and every day - the fact that you are producing this level of work, let alone that its on a rather tight time frame is astounding.

I am so honoured to get to be a part of this Challenge, each week I feel even more lucky as I hear what each and everyone of you has produced - I only hope I can explain my views and feelings as to why I pick who I do and know that all of you are doing sublime work.

I am becoming fans of so many entrants work it's crazy, you have all won me over in a big way and never fail to provide us with simply amazing songs to curate - so a big thanks to all who entered, you should be so proud of yourselves!

Until next time...

Which was your favourite entry this week?

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Thanks @krystle you are right it is really hard to keep coming up with ideas in a short time frame, but your kind words inspire me to keep trying! I try to tell myself not to be attached to the popularity of any songs that I write, but when I get such positive feedback it does mean a great deal...peace to you

I'm happy to hear your pushing yourself to keep going, I understand your point exactly about trying not care - but know you deserve the positive feedback, so I'm glad it means that much to you :D

Thank you SO much for your words! Sometimes it feels a little surreal to read these things and recognize how others feel when listening to my songs. And I'm a bit worried that I break a judge emotionally Every week. I guess it's good that I'm gone for a while now with no possibility to make another video so you guys can recover. :)

No worries at all you have serious skills and don't stress about wreaking us that's gotta be a main goal as a musician - to make the emotional connection to the listeners and you did that in spades with this entry.

You broke me in the best possible way, I don't cry over any old song - it really was pure brilliance and I loved every moment of it!

I'm so sorry to hear you won't be able to join us for then end of the challenge, I have thoroughly enjoyed your entries and either way I look forward to hearing more from you when you return.

Cheers for dropping by :D

gracias @krystle abrazos!

No worries mate :D

I must say, @krystle - your picks and reviews are always worth the wait! Great job, girl!

Thanks mate, I do my best :D

Hallo @krystle how are you
Plases like and follow my @fadhilon1997

Good job good music :)

excelente eleccion!!

excelente eleccion!!

visita mi blog xfa.!!

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