No More Excuses- Face Your Monster

in #life7 years ago

Most peoples daily activities do not include steps towards their "dream" future. Far too often people make excuses; "I'll start tomorrow" is a common one.

It's east to blame others, or even circumstances. "I dream of traveling the world but don't have enough money." Or "I'm not happy right now because my job sucks. I'll just get through another six months of this until I pay off my (fill in the blank) and then I'll look for something better." Of "I am not happy in my relationship but I don't want to be alone."

The problem with blaming others is that you are losing!

You are exactly where you want to be at all times.

You have to consciously realize this. You are where you are in life because of you. No-one but you. You must understand that whatever you are blaming, be it a person or a situation, isn't to blame whatsoever! It's YOU. You are to blame for wherever you are in life.

The doubts? The "what ifs?" They're all you.

The voices and fears- it's all on you, my dear.

The moment you recognize this, and really let it resonate, is the moment you life will change.


The moment you decide to stop blaming others and start taking responsibility is the moment your dream future will begin to manifest.

You must do it today. Saying "I'll start tomorrow" or "just one more day" isn't good enough. One day will turn into another which will become another and another and pretty soon a year has passed and you look back and make excuses. "I knew I couldn't" or "If only."

Stop making excuses. Delete them from your reality.

You do not get lucky. You get what you work for. You get what you put effort into.

If you focus your efforts into making excuses, that's all you'll ever be doing. When you focus your intent on creating your dream existence, you will find the universe conspires to align with your effort and intention.

Eliminate the toxic monster inside you today, and start making your dreams a reality.

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Image via Creative Commons

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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Nice writeup! I like to be positive. My favorite quote is "Fear isn't real. It's something we create when we think about what could happen." . That is what i think every time when have to make decisions. I can not fear things that did not happen yet!

Exactly. We create fear, and how can we fear something that has not happened?

Well said!

This is so true. We all do this, some more than others, I think. It's so easy to blame it on someone or something else, because if you admit that it's all you, even to yourself, then you're to blame, it's your fault. And nobody wants it to be their fault. Sadly ..

Perfect image find!

I had seen it online earlier and remembered it when I read your article. Really in the same key.

This post has received a 0.35 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Procrastination has always been a killer of time. I wont lie, it also happens to me and laziness is another reason people tend to procrastinate.

Nice write up kitten.

Procrastination is a hard habit to break. I'm going to start tomorrow ;)

Every day working toward the dream. Some people never make it but a few miles from home. That thought actually scares me! 🐓🐓


Don't be like Bob. Go further! ;)

Very funny! Looks like you are plowing through and making your way to some new things. So what did you decide to call your radio show? Talk to the kitten? Lol! 🐓🐓

The Steemroom :)

Good post. It's hard for people to grow up and take responsibility.

pesky steemit website, not letting me post. lol

They implemented new security features, but there was technical issues starting last night. And only four guys were awake to work on it- they feel very bad. But they are doing everything they can to get everything running smoothly asap :)

are you like, in with the 'in crowd'?


The Titanic is in the building...


Having dreams and pursuing them is important, they often hear. We know that our dreams are filled with hope in what can become, in the creation of a new person, a new identity, new habits.

Upvoted! :-)
Thanks for sharing! :-)

You're very welcome. :-)
Thank you for your reply! :-)
Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)

You're very welcome. :-)
Thank you for your reply! :-)

Good things come to those who go out and get them! :-)

Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)

Wow! I know some people who should read this!

There are many I'm guessing! I know in my county there is a general lull and standstill... lol

Very existentialist..i like i like

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