When the magic is fading. Magical Moments. Nature's Beauty. Sunday Scent Experience. White is White. Original Photography

in #magicalmoments7 years ago (edited)

When it feels.
As if: The magic is fading.
As if: The candle is a flickering.
As if: The rose has lost her fragrance.
Walk calmly through this passage. Your heart.
Is being stripped away of all falsehood and neediness.
As the petals wilt and fall. New seeds born. Your heart will rejoice.

Recently I shared a series of white roses, photographed at the height of their perfection for @johleen's new challenge: '7 Day Black and White Photo Challenge.'

Nothing is as exquisite as a pure white rose at the peak of her perfection. The voluptuous form of the rose as she opens, the velvety softness of her petals as well as her ever so subtle fragrance.

Yet inevitably, as all life as we know it on this planet, fades and decays, as a stage in the greater cycle of life ~ So too does the white rose.

With an eye and heart open to all that is beautiful in nature, I've tended to highlight the budding and blossoming of nature in my photography, rather than the fading and decaying aspects.

However as Diane @dmcamera commented 'Beauty is not always in perfection' and so I hope you will have an appreciation of the beauty that I saw was still there, in the demise of these white roses. The fragrance now transforming from something light and delicate to something more earthy and watery.


Every friendship travels at sometime through the black valley of despair. ~John O'Donohue.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 100: 35 mm: f/3.2: 1/160 sec.


This tests every aspect of your affection. You lose the attraction and the magic. ~John O'Donohue.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 100: 35 mm: f/4: 1/160 sec.


Your sense of each other darkens and your presence is sore. ~John O'Donohue.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 250: 35 mm: f/4: 1/160 sec.


If you can come through this time, it can purify with your love. Falsity and need will fall away. ~John O'Donohue.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 250: 35 mm: f/3.2: 1/160 sec.


It will bring you onto new ground where affection can grow again. ~John O'Donohue.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 100: 35 mm: f/3.2: 1/160 sec.

'When the magic is fading' is for:

My Sunday Scent Experiences.

Gallery: Magical Moments

My recent articles.

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Very nicely said. Thank you

Thank you and a pleasure Robert.

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Hi @allyinspirit,
Congrats! Your post has been featured in The Daily Qurator #51. I hope you like it.

Your Quality Qurator,
Dr. TLK :D

Thanks so much @theleapingkoala. Such a surprise and I was so delighted to see this post featured in The Daily Qurator #51.

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You are welcome my dear @allyinspirit

Keep up the good work :)

And the seasons change. I have so often fought against the change. Embracing it is my life's lesson.
Stunning photos, Ally!

YES. Mine too Melinda. I feel we all have a resistance to change or anything that makes us feel uncomfortable and yet we know that life can only be lived to the fullest when we really embrace change. I love the statement that the only thing that is constant in this world is change.

Like you I have always resisted change. Many situations I may have stayed in, but something came along and pushed me through it and out of it.

Now I recognize it's actually a lot easier on one's self to accept change and learn to love it. We become more open to what can be there in the moment. Life becomes exciting as it was when we were kids. 🦋

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Sure wish I could have known that 50 years ago!! 💕💕💕

Me too Melinda. But that's life. When we believe we are here to learn whatever lessons are needed for our growth, we can see that some of our major 'mistakes' resulted in the expansion of our learning and growth. Never too late. 💕 🦋 💕

And life will continue to teach us. Ready or not! I just spent a couple of days in the presence of my kids dad. We were married for 20 years and were divorced 20 years ago. He is a definite lesson in growth for me!

Very sad yet beautiful.........the cycle of life that we must accept 🌸💖🌸

YES. Acceptance of the cycle of life is key to our happiness. An ongoing work, but I feel it gets easier the more you accept. 🦋

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My dear Alison, I loved your post and the beauty of the faded roses. Great shots, serene post. Cheers, my friend!

Thanks so much Isabel. I'd never really seen the beauty that's there in the rose once the last petals fall. I adore faded and vintage, altered and damaged images that I see on Tumblr and especially IG. And in my assemblages I use all sorts of dried pieces of nature as backgrounds to flowers in their state of perfection. But this was actually the first time, I've photographed 'less than perfect flowers' in situ. Have a feeling it's a new beginning once again. Always something new to learn in the life of a photographer. 🦋

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Indeed, my dear Alison, I will try to photograph them too, I got excited with the idea. Here in ET you only can see roses in at the mountains areas, as they are cooler. But I won't forget and will try with other flowers. Cheers and thanks, sweetie!

Will be wonderful capturing roses in all stages with mountainous backgrounds Isabel.

When Steemit slowed down, I started catching up at IG again. So many wonderful photographers there, capturing the beauty of maturing and fading, dead and dying flowers and all forms of nature. Are you on Instagram?

Oh, you are absolutely right. And IG is full of great pictures, yes. I'm there yes, what's your account? I have 2, one personal @isabelnolasco and the other for my photography @isabelnolascophotography You're more than welcome to follow me on both if you care, I will follow you back... of course :) <3!


Loved seeing your images in both your accounts. Will take another look on Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend Isabel. 🦋

Thanks, sweetie, likewise! It's great we are connected on IG too, Have a wonderful weekend, dear Alison <3!

Thanks so very very much Isabel.

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You're so welcome, sweetie!

You always manage to see the beauty in all of nature. In life there is death... and in death there is life.... Nature is always transforming before our eyes reflecting that which is within us. You put a huge smile on my face and opened up my heart when I saw the star shaped bud reflecting the Universal love for us all. re-steemed

Wonderful my dear ! and I so agree with the beauty in everything, I love the two last shots, they are my favourites, maybe because when there are no petals anymore, you can not really say it is an end or a beginning, it let the place for a full promise of something, even if we don't know yet what it has to come after...I love that idea ^_^
Have a wonderful and bright day Ally !
my beautiful friend.png

I love how you have expressed the time of the 'falling of the petals' as being 'the place for a full promise of something' even when we don't know what that is yet.

It made me also think of how the last few petals seem to want to cling on so tightly ~ Afraid to let go ~ Afraid to surrender completely to what is as yet unknown.

Thank you for your wonderful comment Barbara, as well as your beautiful friends and our beautiful friendship. 🦋

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Beautiful post - as ever! I simply adore th3 last pic

Thanks so very much Judith. So sorry for the late response. Yes, the rose hips seem to dance on the wind don't they? It was very windy when I took these photographs. I was pleasantly surprised with the degree of clarity.

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nice photos, i love them all ... post upvoted

Thank you @gimh. Really pleased that you liked these images. 🦋

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you're most welcome, i followed you and you can visit my post to check my post. give your comments and upvote, thanks

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