Sunday Scent Experience. Dream: Circles and cycles of Nature. Lily: Freedom to be Myself and You to be Yourself. Original Photography.

in #sundayscentexperience7 years ago (edited)

Circles. Pink Lilies.
Innocence. Purity. Transition. Eternal love.
Freedom to be myself. Freedom for you to be yourself. ~Ally.

This is my third submission to the 'Sunday Scent Experience' which is the flower child of Judith, affectionately known as The Dutchess: @dutchess.

Today was such a Beautiful Day for me:

Just before I woke this morning I had the most beautiful dream, that is still with me.

A white bird silently hovered over me. I was a little apprehensive but I allowed her to alight on my head.

I felt the softness of her feathers and the sensation of something alive being on my 'crown.' I also became aware of my own melting into a 'gentleness.'

The bird then turned into a tiny white kitten ~ Resting on my shoulder, so that I was able to place my hand gently on top of her. I've always loved the way cats and dogs love playing with their tails. And in the dream, I took the tip of her tail and curled it around her, so that she could see it. She began to play with it ~ As cats do. And I just realized now she was forming a circle.

Circles in Nature.

Circles play such an aesthetic role in Nature's Beauty: Simply think of the moon and the sun, (even though spheres they appear as circles to us on Earth) ~ African fairy circles and crop circles ~ Raindrops and dandelion seeds.

However, only in the abstract world of pure mathematics can we find a perfect circle: Where exists 'a world of points and infinitely-thin lines with no room for particle inconsistencies or spherical oblateness.' Resource.

The thought came to share the beauty of these pink lilies in their circular formation. I don't know what they are called and am offering a little 'gift' for anyone who can tell me.

Fragrance of the Pink Lily.

I transplanted the bulbs of these lilies from some that were growing wild in a laneway, into my garden. So if they were to have a strong fragrance (as many cultivated lilies in florist stores have) they would certainly have one. Because they don't have heavily laden pollen on their stamens their scent is very subtle and delicate. A beautiful pale pink fragrance.


If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ~Nikola Tesla.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 160: 35 mm: f/4: 1/50 sec.


Come out of the circle of time. And into the circle of love.' ~Ally.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 160: 35 mm: f/4: 1/50 sec.

Symbolism of the Circle.

The circle is the symbol for equality as well as infinity With no beginning or ending the circle is endless.

The snake or dragon with its tail in its mouth is said to express the unity of all things as well as the cyclic nature of the Universe as it changes form in a cycle of decay and destruction, re-creation and new life.

So for me now, a pure white kitten/cat holding her tail, forming a circle around my throat centre and my feeling of tenderness for her, represents the love and honouring that I need to give to my own 'voice' as well as the communication between myself and others, respecting the values that they hold ~ Appreciating we are all one and equal.

And now: The Kitten and Lily Connection.

Lilies bloom to remind us to take full reins of our self expression. To begin expressing ourselves to ourselves. To allow this to expand naturally out into the world. ~Camilla Blossom Bishop.

Circles in Natural Law and Sacred Geometry.

Because of their symmetry, circles represent natural balance and order and subsequently the 'Divine.' The circle is also spoken of as being the parent of all shapes as all other patterns and shapes can be drawn within the circle.

Another Dream.

Off-track a little: But something is prompting me to mention it now. Another significant dream I had some time ago that has stayed with me ever since was observing a formation of a 'Flower of Life' arising from the earth, being made by hundreds of bees. I have the 'knowing' that I need to explore the 'Flower of Life' through drawing and painting.

To be continued: For now many of my assemblages and flatlays are based on circles and arrangements of 3, 6, 12 and 24. And at some time I'll share the flatlays that were created with some of these lilies and white roses.

About my work.

In my studio I create small ephemeral art pieces from flowers and plants combined with other natural materials that I find in the local bushland or surrounding urban streets.

I love the ‘contemplative’ nature of the Japanese Zen sand/rock gardens as well as the ‘mystical’ nature of ancient sacred circles. The influence of both have been in my drawings, sculpture and flatlays.

I also love to capture the beauty of nature in all her perfection but also in states of what may appear to be chaos ~ But is actually one form of a cycle of life making way for the next.

I hope these circles of pink lilies, can leave you with an ever deepening appreciation of nature's beauty as well as your own natural beauty. Nurturing and loving yourself will also strengthen your wish for more equality and unity in life.

My recent articles.

Gallery: Magical Moments

T H A N K ✽ Y O U ✽ F O R ✽ Y O U R ✽ V I S I T1.png


Sweet friend of left me completely speachless with this beautiful post. I feel so honoured that you share all this beauty; the flowers, the poems, the insights and then put my name so dearly announced in it too - i feel as if youblessed me with the gorgeous pink lillies, the soft feathered bird and the playful little kitty......what more kan one ask of Life????? I am amazed and delighted! Such a synchronity, its heartbreakingly beautiful. Thank you!!! Hope you have a blessed day - we lightworkers are in for some major changes these eclips. Love! Wish you love!

Thank you so much for your most wonderful appreciation. I didn't set out to write a 'book' ~ But somehow the connections started to gel and I wanted to be able to understand it more myself. Writing helps me do that, I'm finding.

Yes, I agree: Anyone who is already appreciative of the 'winds of change' knows they have to be responsible for their every action, thought and feeling now. Personally, I feel I have a way to go ~ But it certainly helps to keep reminding myself: I have choice all the time. I can be horrible or kind. We are constantly being presented with situations where we chose.


The dalai lama says: be kind anyway

I agree with you! 😘

You already know how much I love your work never cease to stir my soul with your magical assemblages & sharings of your heart, mind & dreams. Thank you as always!

Bright Blessings to you @allyinspirit & @dutchess :) Love & Light!!

Hi @thereikiforest - following you now!

SO happy you have both connected. We are finding each other aren't we?

It's so wonderful to have your appreciation of my work @thereikiforest. As artists and healers we share the most wondrous journey together ~ The support we can give each other and love we feel for our 'out pouring' encourages us to give more, in whatever we are doing. Love the process and evolution we are all experiencing.

So happy you have connected with Judith now. All beautiful blessings. 💗


Yes. He has a way of saying so much so simply. All we really have to remember is to be kind, no matter what is presented to us. Have the most glorious day and week ahead Judith. 💗

And to you! 🌸🌸🌸

how beautiful and such a pleasure also to read the comments and the connections your words and pictures led to dear Ally 😉

Thanks so very much Barbara. Was a 'giant' story. When I'm trying to make simple ones, they go the opposite way ~ Like Wonkie's right hand. 💗

Different events that had taken place at different times all started connecting ~ Was wonderful to feel the threads coming together. And next I'll share the arrangements that came together with these lilies ~ With roses and feathers. 💗


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