ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #13 – The phenomena of ET Abduction and Human/ET Hybridisation as Experienced by a Regression Therapist over 40 years of work.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Some of the more controversial topics with regards ET/Human interactions are that of human abductions and to a less well known extent the alleged programs of ET/Human Hybridasation! I do not have any first hand experience of these subjects, but I have listened carefully to so many victims, therapists and others speak on this subject that I have a decent understanding of the landscape of it all and am inspired to share here something of it all with you.

et abductions

I have in my archive of online video material, numerous interviews with those who claim to have been abducted by ETs and in many cases they are uncertain as to whether there really were beings from other planets/dimensions involved or whether they were caught up in some kind of military (or even corporate) program that seeks to have them mistakenly put their experiences down to ETs.

Real ET Abductions or Fake Human Abductions?

Given that it is a matter of public record that the US government was involved in some of the deepest forms of evil against some of the people they were meant to be protecting - in the form of the MKUltra Trauma Based Mind Control Programs, it is not unreasonable to consider that some of the alleged cases of abduction may be government orchestrated and entirely human based. There have been testimonies from military people which pushed this theory and where the speakers even claimed to have been part of secret military programs where specially trained, small humans would dress up as ETs to attempt to mislead the victim and to cover their tracks. I have a grand total of zero proof that this is occurring, but I feel it is worth mentioning, since having an open mind is essential and this is certainly part of the background to all of this.

An abduction is an abduction

In many cases, it may be meaningless to attempt to seperate the humans from the ETs anyway, since an abundance of professional whistleblower testimony points to the covert human programs working in concert with ETs anyway - so there is no reason to discount the possibility that many abductions are performed by a combination of ET and human operators.

What is the purpose of the abductions?

Many survivors report sexual encounters, as well as having undergone surgical procedures and in some cases they have actually had various forms of physical implants removed from their body and documented medically - so we do have some tangible evidence to reference at least in some cases. From this we can gather that some groups are tracking some humans and are interested in their movements and evolution. The best explanation that I have heard for all of this is that of a breeding program that involves human genetics being used in the creation of new forms of beings as well as the use of human mothers to develop the embryos in some cases.


This is not just a random theory with no evidence and, in truth, there are surprisingly long lists of women who are speaking publicly about their longterm experiences of carrying hybrid children - some of whome claim to regularly go on board ET ships willingly and some of whome undergo the whole process unconsciously and only remember fragments of the experience later on.

The basic idea being put forward is that certain groups of ETs have destroyed their genetics due to over use of genetic engineering and need to retrieve DNA from Earth humans in order to rebuild their group's bodies which would not survive long if they did not do this. Whether this is in any way true or not is not something that I can say for sure - I have no solid evidence either way. The evidence that does exist, that I am aware of, is in the form of manby channellings of alleged ETs who describe the entire story and which sometimes also include the apparent telepathic communication of some of the alleged hybrid children. I remain open on this since I know that making judgements does not serve me in finding the truth.

The only tangible evidence of the hybridisation programs that I am aware of, which may or may not be valid - is that of the so called 'Atacama ET' - which I covered in post #11.

Regressions and Soul Families

I recently started another series here on the subject of reincarnation and this is also relevant to the ET situation, since the reality is that reincarnation implies and requires us to have a non-physical, spiritual/soul body that survives physical death and so it follows that so too do 'ETs'. Through regression it is possible to connect to our time in spirit and from there we can more deeply understand the origins of the 'ETs' who seem so 'alien' to us on Earth. My current understanding is that we are ALL of the same origin - we are ALL spirits who live lives on different planets and in different contexts, so it is not impossible that you yourself have lived as an 'ET', but are currently unaware of having done so due to the amnesia walls which are blocking recall of all of your past incarnations, including ones on Earth.

This is a fascinating topic in general and a huge one too, obviously. I recently watched an interview with Barabara Lamb by Miles Johnston of the Bases Project, where she describes some of her experiences after 40 years as a regressions therapist specialising in ET related phenomena.

Barbara Lamb - The Regressionist



In summation

I have only been able to briefly touch on this massive subject here - but I may return to it in later posts to cover other sources of information so that we may collectively arrive at our own deeper understandings of just what is occurring here!

What do you think/feel on this? Got comments?

If you have any thoughts, feedback or inspired, related ideas then let me know in the comments below. Thanks!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

Posts in this Series

  1. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #1 - US Air Force & CIA Contractor ('Blackbird' Spy Plane Inventor) Confirms Roswell UFO Crash & US Mil. Deals with & Shares Tech with ETs.
  2. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #2 - U.S. Colonel Exposed Roswell ET Crash inc. Survivors. U.S. Uses ET Technology and so do WE in our Computers!
  3. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #3 - Many Pro & High Ranking Witnesses Testify to ET/UFO Interactions on Earth & A Corporate, Un-Constitutional Coverup (2 hour video)
  4. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #4 - TOP Apollo NASA Engineer States an ET Race is Working with NASA + Describes Nazi Infiltration of NASA
  5. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #5 - BUILD YOUR OWN 'UFO'? - PUBLISHED PATENTS For Top Secret Flying Vehicles + US Air Force Design Whistleblower Speaks
  6. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #6 – One of my own close encounters with a plasma lightship as seen in mexican documentary & confirmed by NASA
  7. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #7 – HUMAN OR NOT? A Detailed, Visual Presentation of MANY Top Secret Military Vehicles - Spanning 60 Years.
  8. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #8 – US Air Force Whistleblower: An E.T. was Shot & Killed at a US Military Base; Plus, His Encounter With a Massive UFO.
  9. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #9 – US Military Whistleblower Speaks About Complex Interactions with ET Races During the Famous RAF Bentwaters (Rendelsham Forest) Case in Britain.
  10. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #10 – NASA Found ET Extraterrestrial Structures on the Moon – US Whistleblower – Sgt. Karl Wolfe
  11. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #11 – Is this tiny skeleton found in the Atacama region of Chile really an ET Being?
  12. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #12 – The Mathematical Proof of Ancient Society on Planet Mars Is Found In Earth's Pyramid Structures!
  13. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #13 – The phenomena of ET Abduction and Human/ET Hybridisation as Experienced by a Regression Therapist over 40 years of work.

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Very mind expanding. The regression therapy bit (i will watch) is very interesting indeed this is something I am try to research (as I said before). A lot of food for thought and as you said not enough evidence either way. My spiritual teacher say hes communicated with ET's has very vivid accounts of channeling.

I accept that ETs do channel through as at times and I have had internal communication that led up to physical ecounters within 48 hours - however, from the perspective of someone else viewing from the 'outside', the evidence is limited.

I do resonate with the message from 'bashar' the alleged ET collective, who define that all of our reality is ultimately subjective and therefore what is important is only what we decide is important for us and so there may not be much point in seeking to prove these things to others.

In any case, I remain open to new understandings.

I remain open but as you say it's difficult when you have no evidence. But I have spoken to people who I trust and they have told me things! I need to write about my orb experience.

I always found this very interesting. I dont know however, how much of these people who claim to have been abducted truly believe this because of visions they had or because the idea was planted in their head when hearing about stories of others... interesting!

As far as I am concerned, there are some people really being abducted - but I don't know what percentage are real and what percentage are either delusion or some kind of implanted, false memory.

It gets even deeper when you take in account that last part...implanted false memory, or maybe even erased memory after an abduction? Who knows how often this happens without us realizing then

Yes, I don't know the full details. I do know that several channelled sources - which claim to be from some of the ET groups themselves say that the number of beings that are taken is huge and possibly up to around 30% of ALL humans! I questioned this since it would mean that the skies would constantly be filled with bodies flying up and down .. lol.. However, it is claimed that these events are done in such a way that they are simply not witnessed. I am still skeptical of this figure, but I do think the numbers are higher than most are expecting at this point.

30% is a huuuuge number...makes you wonder why this would even be happening? We're talking about billions of people, there must be a really good reason we're being taken on that scale and I can't imagine why that would be.

My understanding is that the main reason is the hybrid breeding programs - though there are probably other reasons too and I doubt they are good.

@ura-soul excellent post as always my friend. I believe some of these abductions are perhaps related to a degree of self-hypnosis, this is understandable with certain people trying to rationalise a state of mind. That said I have studied this fairly extensively over the years and there is a reasonably high percentage of hardcore abductions that defy all explanation. I've come to believe there are at least two agends here so even if there is a false abduction element that does not take away from some of the genuine experiences that I believe some have had. Thanks for posting another thought provoking article and video .

You are welcome. The idea of false memories is a well documented one and there is evidence that the entire move to have certain experiences disagnosed as false memory was itself part of the attempt to cover up for the proven MkUltra Trauma based mind control research.

I have seen more evidence for actual abduction and for human run covert programs of deliberate manipulation than i have for 'self hypnosis' - but i remain open.

Excellent I shall read that later, great interest in Mk & Monarch Mind control programmes and indeed the work they've been doing on mind control in subsequent years, scary and shocking stuff. I'm with you on legitimate and covert abduction programmes, self hypnosis is more relatable to certain brain wave patterns. Like a waking lucid dream type state, that said it does not take away fromthe validity of many unexplainable cases that I've read about. Something is certainly going on.

That link was just the first i came across in a search on the subject, there will probably be better ones out there too - I just remember reading about the topic a few years ago.
There's certainly the potential within infinity that all of the possibilities co-exist!

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