ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #3 - Many Pro & High Ranking Witnesses Testify to ET/UFO Interactions on Earth & A Corporate, Un-Constitutional Coverup (2 hour video)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In this 3rd part of my series on ET Disclosure evidence, we are going to look at what might be called the 'mother load' of Whistleblower testimonies regarding Government/Military Public admittance that ET beings have a presence on Earth and that the Military has been interacting with them all along. This is video footage from 2001 of nearly two hours of testimony from a wide variety of specialists who are coming clean about their experiences with Extra Terrestrial beings and so called 'UFOs' - including, but not limited to Air Force Colonels, a US Navy Commander, NASA Agents, CIA Contractors, Engineers with Top Secret Clearance, FAA staff and on and on.

triangle ufo

The shared message is that the public has been hugely deceived by the military, governmental and corporate groups involved with Air Defence and National Security with regards the truth of ET visitation and related phenomena. Even the most die hard skeptic will have a hard time challenging so many talented and qualified voices and perhaps that is why this press club event, despite being attended by numerous representatives of mainstream media, never made it to the newspapers at that time... It is no secret that most mainstream media is generally little more than a propaganda dept. for the same corporations who own and run the world's most destructive military forces.

Video Details

On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena.

Do we need more than this? Well, there's still a LOT more to share on this.

As always, let me know your thoughts and comments in the section below.


Posts in this Series

  1. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #1 - US Air Force & CIA Contractor ('Blackbird' Spy Plane Inventor) Confirms Roswell UFO Crash & US Mil. Deals with & Shares Tech with ETs.
  2. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #2 - U.S. Colonel Exposed Roswell ET Crash inc. Survivors. U.S. Uses ET Technology and so do WE in our Computers!
  3. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #3 - Many Pro & High Ranking Witnesses Testify to ET/UFO Interactions on Earth & A Corporate, Un-Constitutional Coverup (2 hour video)
  4. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #4 - TOP Apollo NASA Engineer States an ET Race is Working with NASA + Describes Nazi Infiltration of NASA
  5. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #5 - BUILD YOUR OWN 'UFO'? - PUBLISHED PATENTS For Top Secret Flying Vehicles + US Air Force Design Whistleblower Speaks
  6. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #6 – One of my own close encounters with a plasma lightship as seen in mexican documentary & confirmed by NASA
  7. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #7 – HUMAN OR NOT? A Detailed, Visual Presentation of MANY Top Secret Military Vehicles - Spanning 60 Years.
  8. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #8 – US Air Force Whistleblower: An E.T. was Shot & Killed at a US Military Base; Plus, His Encounter With a Massive UFO.
  9. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #9 – US Military Whistleblower Speaks About Complex Interactions with ET Races During the Famous RAF Bentwaters (Rendelsham Forest) Case in Britain.
  10. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #10 – NASA Found ET Extraterrestrial Structures on the Moon – US Whistleblower – Sgt. Karl Wolfe
  11. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #11 – Is this tiny skeleton found in the Atacama region of Chile really an ET Being?
  12. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #12 – The Mathematical Proof of Ancient Society on Planet Mars Is Found In Earth's Pyramid Structures



Maybe one time I will share my ufo expeience here on Steemit. I will see...

That would be exciting, whenever you are ready :)

That’s interresting I like your post thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

Thanks for your support - i will! :)

Thats some weird stuff. Upvoted!

Thanks! When everyone understands that nearly everyone has been lied to regarding this subject - for over 60 years - the world will be in a better shape to continue on towards balance.

Don't like when Steven Greer dismisses bad experiences some people have with some aliens. According to him they are all good.

yes, he spreads some false information too - i just listen to the witnesses as I already understand pretty well everything he attempts to add to the situation from his own mind.

It's never black or white situation. I agree most of experiences are good, but to say it's all good is bs. Recommend research from Reinerio Hernandez.

This post has received a 40.55 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

very interesting stuff and convincing!

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