Introduce My Self,My Name Is Rais


Hallo steemian

My name is T Rais Maulana Akbar you can call me Rais

I am comedian and gamers but I am more active in the game, for friends who want to add my steam account TgkRaies

I attended one of the top universities in the city of Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia

The college was named Ocean Ocean University, I majored in Informatics Engineering semester six

But this time I want to tell you about me why can play game hobby

that first of the game console VCOM maybe friends all already ga strange with its name VCOM from all VCOM games there is one game that I think make me addicted that is MARIO BROS may be all friends already familiar with the game I mentioned because all game players often play that game

then I continue to PlayStation one maybe in 2006 I play the game, CRASH TEAM RACING, HARVESTMOON BACK TO NATURE, TEKKEN 3, FINAL FANTASY VII, RESIDENT EVIL, RESIDENT EVIL 2, and many other games I can not mention, I am the game that I really like HARVESTMOON BACK TO NATURE why I like the game because the game tells about life, in the game we can breed, gardening, family, and to have children there I know the meaning of his life and his hard to find money

it may be enough to stay here if it goes on probably going long

Why did I choose to write articles in Steemit? Because I think here is a container for holic gamers like me, I can tell all genres of games around the world because through this steemit container I can get to know the holic gamers all over the world

Maybe this is the beginning of my introduction to all of steemian and maybe I pray to god not until here my article greetings


Hallo steemian 

Nama saya T Rais Maulana Akbar kalian bisa panggil saya Rais 

saya komedian sekaligus gamers tapi saya lebih aktif di game,buat temen yang mau add akun steam saya TgkRaies

Saya kuliah di salah satu universitas ternama di kota langsa,Aceh,Indonesia

kampus itu bernama Universitas Samudra langsa,saya mengambil jurusan Teknik Informatika semester enam

Tapi kali ini saya mau bercerita tentang saya kenapa bisa hobi bermain game

yang pertama itu dari game console VCOM mungkin teman-teman semua udah ga asing dengan yang nama nya VCOM dari semua game VCOM ada satu game yang menurut saya membuat saya kecanduan yaitu MARIO BROS mungkin teman-teman semua udah tidak asing lagi dengan game yang saya sebutkan karena semua pemain game sering memainkan game itu 

lalu saya berlanjut ke PlayStation one mungkin di tahun 2006 saya bermain game, CRASH  TEAM RACING, HARVESTMOON BACK TO NATURE, TEKKEN 3,FINAL FANTASY VII, RESIDENT EVIL,RESIDENT EVIL 2, dan masih banyak game lain yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan,tapi menurut saya game yang paling saya sangat suka HARVESTMOON BACK TO NATURE kenapa saya suka game itu karna game itu menceritakan tentang kehidupan,di game itu kita bisa berternak,berkebun,menjalin keluarga,dan sampai mempunyai anak disitu lah saya tau arti nya kehidupan serta susah nya mencari uang 

mungkin cukup sampai disini saja kalau diterusin mungkin bakalan panjang 

Kenapa saya memilih menulis artikel di Steemit? Karena menurut saya disini lah wadah untuk gamers holic seperti saya,saya bisa menceritakan semua genre game ke seluruh dunia karna melalu wadah steemit ini saya bisa mengenal gamers holic seluruh dunia

Mungkin ini awal perkenalan saya kesemua steemian dan mungkin saya berdoa kepada tuhan tidak sampai disini artikel saya salam


Hello @tgkraies welcome to steemit how are you? Nice to have you here hope you are having a great time reading all the other blogs. =)

best regards @purepinay hopefully you also enjoy reading my next article =)

nice intro bro

hello @tgkraies and welcome to steemit!

this is a great place with a great community .. glad to have you.
......regards @sid9999

nice to meet you @sid9999

selamat bergabung di steemit terimakasih

Welcome to Steemit from Indonesia, this is an amazing platform for creativity and imagination. Share, comment and make friends

Do you want to have a chance at making thousands of dollars in Ethereum while playing a game. Read my post to find out more

Welcome to the best community ever which values our hardwork . Hope you'll have good time here. Gud people are waiting for you... Feel free to share what you like with me and be in touch @sarinakhan

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