Weekend Freewrite 02/10/2018 - Single Prompt Option

in #freewrite6 years ago


Weekend Freewrite

On weekends, we are switching it a bit up for one day. If you are ready for a bit more of a challenge - 3 prompts to weave into a 15 minute freewrite - stop reading now and look for this graphic

If you like to do one of our usual 5-minute freewrites - read on.

Today, you have the choice to write on any one of the prompts posted so far. I am pretty sure that most of you haven't done every single one yet.
When you are done, post a link to or your complete freewrite as a comment to this post.

  • Set your timer for 5 minutes.
  • Start writing
  • Use the hashtag #freewrite
  • Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)

Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.

  • Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.

Prompts to Choose From

Bored stiff
lizard cave
a smiling house
I saw a wild pig running down the street
after midnight
some change
white cat
dirty dishes
write about something which was left at your door
a purple squirrel
a shoe
It's what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can't sleep
great-grandpa's nose
a special occasion
Big wave
fresh floor wax
swimming with the dolphins
The goat ate my
the smell of a dumpster
describe green
the taste of chicken
salty air
spent and tired

She glanced around her as the pelicans talked to each other in the car and wondered if maybe she should call her Grandmother and ask her advice...

Three grapes
a red scarf
my shoe got stuck in the mud
nose hair
feet soft as fog
surprise coming to you!
green droplets
dog hair
If you have any thoughts, please let me know
I floss my tears
nose ring
sound check
stranded on the sofa like whales with a plancton's indigestion
Prompt @marinaart.jpeg

if you use this picture in your post, please give credit to the artist @marinaart

a kiss
Round is a shape
It was Saturday morning
hardboiled minds
The smell from within
palimpsest, and: describe wind
yard sale

prompt by @the.artist-98 2.png
if you use this picture in your prompt - please give credit to @the.artist-98


If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.

Here is @snooks excellent tutorial on how to join our freewrite adventure

And @improv's input:

Two things I do a little differently. I just type "timer" into google and it pops up a 5-minute timer. I also type directly into steemit. I also rarely use a photo, don't I? So that's three things.


Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts

Sledding - A Freewrite

Fluffy and Buffy- A Freewrite

White is Not Cooperating!

Laughter Yoga for Seniors

Battling Cancer with the Gerson Therapy

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.





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I will do this single! Thanks always @mariannewest.

And thanks for correcting the @zzulhas. I am personally put off with requests to follow.

Funny thing, you look up somebody's account and he/she has made 1 or 2, posts.

Why should i follow you? I think what most people don't appreciate is that to follow you requires that i should thereafter remain faithful, in the sense that i actually keep up with your steemit works, read and upvote/comment. otherwise, i can only just follow you and that is it.

The mistake most follower seekers make is to think that just following is enough. Actually, that is the least important part, follower value comes only when those who follow you keep up with your posts. And they can only keep up when you post quality and regularly, and engage....

Otherwise, they are only useful for cosmetic purposes! And i think, i know, is probably the correct word, that the lowest common denominator for all of us here at steemit, at the end of the day, is to gain value, monetary or otherwise.

You should know, i find no use for followers who never really engage in my works, either by upvoting or commenting.

Is it that my posts/works don't deserve their upvotes? lets say that is so. But is it also true that it does not deserve their comments? That is not true. In deed, it seems to me that any post that does not deserve an upvote-all other factors such as bandwidth, voting power...-constant, by default, deserves a comment, a productive critique, a word of encouragement, an advice, a clue, a guide....Just as you just did with @zzulhas.

What i am trying to say, overall, is that a lot more needs to be done insofar as the follower craze is concerned. Because, how for example, do you explain following 50,000 people in a period of one or two months? Even steemit early adopters don't follow that many.

I notice, it all comes down to follower bots! And the mentally stems from the gamble, which unfortunately seems to work, that those you have followed, will follow back.

In due time, a thousand 0.01$ of their mindless upvotes accumulate to give you some monetary value.

It is selfish as it adds no value to the platform, and ultimately counterproductive to steeemit as a platform, but that is the reality we now have, and have to contend with.

Hopefully, we sooner come to find ways around cubing such vices.

Thank you for your very thoughtful comment. There are many here who want to apply tactics they might have used on Twitter to this platform. And many, who open lots of accounts and then spam.
That is why I have a response prepared and whenever I see one, I will give them a chance.
Some just don't know and with a bit of help become very good Steemians.
If they plagiarize, we can report them to steemcleaners.

Keep on doing the good work you do. I think by educating the ones who want to do good here and ignoring the ones who are just annoying and reporting the ones who are doing harmful and/or illegal things we will eventually have a great platform.

That does, i agree.

And one more thing, i often try to do, which i trust is the right thing, in deed, the best indicator of being a good follower, is to ensure that first thing you do when you log into yout account, is to run to your feed, to look up the works of those you follow, and to share in. I think this a very good etiquette. Difficult by the way, as we always in the rush to post. But I think it is the proper thing to do, that is, if you wish to be a valuable follower, one worth being followed in turn. I am personally still not good at this, but i am lately trying to meet it as a daily goal. we all do well to try it out.

I think you are doing very well!! It is impossible to keep up with everyone, but we can at least visit once in awhile...

Finally back into it! It's very hard to post daily. I'll try and find some time to read over everyone's freewrites tomorrow :) have a lovely week everyone!

Hey all :) :) :)

I know this is a day late but I was unable to post yesterday due to connection issues!

I've gone for the single prompt option this week... Here's my 5 minute freewrite on 'Warrior'


Love Always
Hart Floe

Hi Marianne, I hope you are doing well. I did the single prompt and I am working my way down the list and not skipping. So today I have a "Lizard Cave" post! You are very creative, my friend.


Today I choose a single prompt: "blue"


I did the single prompt. Here's my entry today, Marianne !


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