in #fitnesschallenge7 years ago (edited)

Fitnesschallenge cover fail.png

My darlings!

It is with great embarrassment that I tell you I have FAILED @phelimint's FITNESSCHALLENGE.

Technically, there is about another week until it's over, but for all intents and purposes, I did NOT reach my goals. And there's no way I could in the next several days.

Now, let me be fair: I didn't fail at everything.

I just didn't reach my goals (or get even close 😏 ). I learned quite a bit about myself and hopefully have gained a few insights that will help me get closer to succeeding.

First, as expected, I started pretty strong.

I had charts and calendars to keep track of my progress, which made it more fun for me. Then suddenly... I would just miss a day... or pay less attention to my water intake... or just make excuses. During all of this hidden decline, I got the flu. Surprisingly, though I completely stopped moving for about a week (those flu symptoms) I didn't really gain anything back, but I definitely lost a lot of the exercise progress.

My focus changed.

It's not bad. It's actually pretty good. I started really focusing on creating vlogs, which is something I've wanted to do for about 5 years now, but simply haven't ever been brave enough. At first, this seemed like it literally took me all day to complete a video. 😲 And it did. Luckily, now I'm MUCH faster and have kinda found a groove to it.

I'm doing more, but have more time. 🤔

Just a month ago I was doing a LOT less, but feeling so much more overwhelmed. Something has changed. I'm feeling more able to complete tasks and add more responsibilities to my plate (and know I can/will come through).

What am I going to do about this Fitness thing?

I think I have a good plan. I've been watching others and trying to figure out what works for them and why, and see if I can find similarities in myself and use their tools. I already know that I need some kind of schedule for me to be productive. I thought I was doing this with the challenge, but really I was WAY too lenient on me. I was allowing me to workout whenever I wanted during the day. That ultimately made it really easy for me to miss a day OR worse yet, my whole day would be shitty because I was constantly thinking about working out and stressing about it.

The big change

I'm going to get up an hour earlier than I normally do... and Just do it. I fear this is going to be a pretty hard challenge for me. Not only do I LOVE sleeping in, but I HATE working out in front of people. In this case, it's my husband, who loves me no matter what... which quite frankly makes me want to be as sexy as can be for him. I feel so sad and embarrassed that I've let myself get to this point. I have to just buck up and do it. It's not like he's unsupportive in any way. In fact, if I asked him to hide in another room while I workout, he would. I just feel like that's a bit ridiculous and childish. I'm working through some hard (for me) things, but I know that eventually, I'll get over the hump.


I'm also slowly building a home gym of sorts. Nothing fancy, just a few things that will help me stay motivated and not bored. I'm super stoked to get some suspension training rings. I'm still a little worried about the cardio side of things, as I kinda hate it. LOL! But strength training, I like... and definitely could use more of it. I joke about having a weak upper body, but really, my jokes don't even come close to how bad it is. 😕

So many things are going so well!

I've been hitting a lot of challenges lately, but each time coming through and tackling them. I feel like I'm doing pretty well being aware of myself and seeing the stupid things I do(if only moments after) and figuring out/learning the lesson. That is feeling a little bombardy at the moment. 😨It's like all the lessons are being thrown at me as fast as I can take them. And I guess I can. 😍

Thank you, @phelimint !

For realz. I put a LOT of time into trying to figure out what I could do to really help myself. Without your motivation, I would have never tried. Well, I would have tried, but it would have been even more pathetic. 😅 I have zero regrets taking part in this. In fact, even though I failed hard, I'm so glad I felt I could even give it a go. The money motivation was a BIG help and hurts even more knowing I've thrown it away because I couldn't complete this. But! I'm also happy that it goes to others (probably @byn- who is AMAZING 😍) who DID go above and beyond and deserve a little extra something for their hard work. I know I'll get there.

Proof of Payment:

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New Goals

So, I'm still working on it... but I've set some new goals for myself. My deadline to looking more like me circa July 2015 is JULY 1 2018. This should give me ample time to create some new habits and start loving myself like I know I can. Besides losing weight (and inches), my main goals will be new habits. Specifically, waking up and doing cardio BEFORE anything else. I'll start every other day (alternating with some Ki Yoga) until I build up some strength and lung power, then up it to cardio 5-6 days a week. I'll also be doing strength training (cause that's more fun).


I'm not entirely disappointed. I'm glad I now have new motivation... or maybe that's the main thing I learned during the challenge: Where I find motivation. 😀 I do know that all I can do is a little better than I did yesterday, and then I win. 😍

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Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

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I hear you, I feel the same way about working out alone in front of my husband. We can go tot he gym and lift together, but doing any of my at home workout stuff just feels so weird. Why IS that???

I didn't start out strong, but feel like I kept on keeping on... but I didn't meet most of my goals that I set in the beginning. I wish I had just waited until after the holidays. I was too determined NOT to let all of my disordered issues screw up the holidays for me again, so doing a challenge didn't really fit with that.

I think you're doing well at recognizing what is important to you (I've been wanting to vlog for years myself, but can't seem to find a theme/topic or whatever) and figuring out what you need to do to change things up.

Good luck on your morning workouts. Gah. I need to do that, too, before I get all distracted by everything else!

I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one that feels weird working out in front of people. And YES! The gym is somehow different. I don't get it!

I feel like you've been quite the motivation for me. I see how much you are working at it, but then I also get to see your progress and that helps remind me that I, too, will progress... If I'd just stick to it! 😏

I'm guessing that the morning thing (if I can get into the habit) will be my most helpful feat. "Getting it out of the way" first thing may be my only hope. I like doing strength stuff in the afternoon, but will seriously choose to just lay on the floor instead of cardio. There's a two-year-old in me that's a real pain in my ass. 😆

Thank you for being so supportive during this- and for doing so awesome yourself! 😍

Hey Carrie!
You're showing a great ability for honest self reflexion with this post.
I am pushing for the same thing you seem to have more or less accomplished or improved on: Less time procrastinating and more time doing the work. Because whenever i slack off, i begin to feel overwhelmed even tough the amount of tasks / time needed seems objectively very doable.
So I hope i get some motivation for posting with your content and I hope I can somehow help you with keeping on track with the fitness thing :)

All the best and wish you a great weekend,

Thanks. The post started out MUCH longer and perhaps a little more honest, but I don't want people to get the idea that I get overly down on myself. I don't really. I mean, no more than the average person, I assume.

I think the more I do, the more I accomplish attitude is so obvious, yet something I've always missed. I remember going through times in my life where I literally did nothing, but felt over-worked, over-whelmed and under appreciated. And now I'm finding I'm actually able to do pretty much anything I decide to do.

And there's the rub.

I guess I never really decided to do this for myself... for whatever reasons. Probably fear of failure. Yep, seems like it's that one. I'm excited that failure isn't something I'm afraid of anymore, more it's something I look forward to, cause I know I'll learn something.

Don't get me wrong: I'd much rather succeed. And I think I'm finally ready for that. 😍

I look forward to you keeping me on track. I'll take all the help I can get.

Thanks again!

I am one of those people who can just not stand working out in front of others either . I wish to just struggle off alone by myself out of the prying eyes of others!

I’m glad you are challenging yourself and improving. Having the right attitude in life can overcome so many things.

I need add more weights to my little home "gym." It has turned more into a place where people know just to leave me alone. I can get some peace and quite even more so without any electronics within arms length.

Yay! I'm not (totally) crazy!
I honestly felt really awkward even saying that I was uncomfortable working out in front of others. I feel like EVERYONE goes to a gym (which wouldn't be so much an issue for me, I think).

We finally have a garage that I can potentially put some fun weights and things in. Now I'm mostly using my own body weight and chairs and tables for resistance. I like the idea of having a place to go to work out. Even if it's a different room in my house or the garage.

I think lots of people spend money every month on a gym membership and they don't go. Because on very few times I've gone to an actual gym they where almost empty.

A very small hand of my follows are very active in running, going gym what ever. I think steemit has a way of bringing out what people want to change for better. So many of us from time to time try and be healthier both mentally and physical.

I agree. I think Steemit is a place for people who want to do better in general. Sure, there are some boobs, but mostly I feel this community is a notch above the rest.

I also think a LOT of people pay for gym memberships, but don't go. I'm not sure I understand that... I mean, if I'm paying for something, I'm gonna use it. 😎

I give you big props just for putting yourself out there and being honest! If you struggle with consistency then taking the time in the morning first thing should really help. That way no matter what happens the rest of the day you know you got your workout in. You may even find you are even more productive after. Good luck starting the new routine!

Thank you!

Yes. My consistency (and my excuses I accept) are definitely a roadblock. I've decided that I'm not taking my weak-ass excuses anymore... Though I can be SO convincing. 😎

An hour early getting up seems within my grasp. Plus, I sleep too much anyway. I don't think I need 8 hours all the time. LOL!😆 It's just my bed is so amazing.

Thanks for the encouragement!

I'm glad you were able to see some positives from this challenge and will be making some great changes over the long term and able to learn a few things about yourself. That's what really matters and best of luck in the future!

Thanks again. I'm really happy to have Steemit and the world-wide family it allows me to connect with.

And good luck to you! I bet you'll be back to your photo goal in no time! 😀

You did not fail- Just didnt reach your goals :)
It seems that you are on the right track and are very dedicated make a change! Good luck @carrieallen! keep positive and persistent😁🤗

I'm failing right up those stairs. 😉

I used to think that fail was a horrible, no good, terrifying word. Not so much anymore. I'm finally finding that failing can be good, if I'm honest with myself about the outcome and what I need to do to fix it next time.

I think I had to say I had failed at this, so I could truly make the changes I need to get a new (better) outcome. I suppose time will tell.

Specifically, July will tell. 😆

Thanks for the votes of success!


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