The Night Gods II- Chapter XXIX: My Fellow Americans

in #fiction7 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With Many thanks!

The Stinger, an infrared heat seeking missile intercepted the nuke over the East China Sea- the body exploding in a burst of flame, its deadly payload dropping harmlessly into the sea. From the White House Portico, the President addressed the waiting nation...

"My Fellow Americans," he began, "this was a top secret, pre-planned operation, known only to a very few. Absolute secrecy was of the utmost importance... The warhead carried by the missile shot down over the East China Sea was a dummy- completely harmless... There was never any danger to the N. Koreans or anyone else for that matter. The purpose of the exercise was to convince the N. Korean regime of our resolve in this matter- and if this resolve is tested again, we will meet this threat with deadly force. The next missile launched will carry its deadly cargo to the desired target. Moreover, let the N. Korean government be fully cognizant that we will go to any lengths to protect ourselves and out allies. I further must apologize to the members of the press present here that I must decline any questions because of the secrecy of our military operation and for reasons of national security... Thank you all and may God bless America."

His speech, as short as it was, was met with tumultuous applause. Only a very few of his closest advisors were aware of the deception. Even the young Navy Cdr. that shot down the nuke didn't know... he bought into the President's story that he had shot down a dummy. By taking this approach Denning also hoped to mislead the Russian President- thereby dissuading him from releasing any photos. Not everybody, however, bought Denning's narrative, President Konstantinov was not so easily deceived... he sent Denning a text informing him that he hoped no more deceptions of this sort would be necessary in the future. The threat was subtle- but unmistakable.

Jim's family was from the Boston area and his funeral was held in the family plot at a local cemetery. His parents, both still alive were in attendance and at Przybysz' insistence, Dick accompanied Ann, David and Anica to New England- for appearance sake and to provide security, although any action there would be most unlikely. Jim and Ann's children were flying in from Arkansas and it was decided that David would drive out to Logan Airport to pick them up. Ann insisted that they remain with her after the funeral and Dick reluctantly agreed... The danger was greater now, but Ann's feelings at this tragic time were important. If the children agreed- they would stay.

Przybysz remained in Washington, he had work to do. He had come up with a plan he thought would successfully lure Fleming out of the White House and to his demise. The Doctor had provided Przybysz with some intel he had received from within the intelligence community about a boatload of young immigrants from Asia, many of them women of just the right age to pique Denning's lustful attention. Przybysz gave Fleming a call...

"Look, Fleming," he said, "we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. You have to understand, I have an objection about what our boss does to white girls... The others- not so much."

"What are you saying?" Fleming was curious but guarded.

"What I'm saying," Przybysz began, "is that maybe I can do you a favor... us both a favor. Just my way of burying the hatchet, if you know what I mean."

"No, I don't know what you mean," Fleming said impatiently.

"I'll tell you then," Prz said. Either this guy was stupid, or he was fishing. "I got some intel you might be interested in... A batch of young girls from Asia."

"And how do you know about this?" Fleming asked suspiciously.

"I have my sources... You forget who had your job before you did," Przybysz said in a conspiratorial tone. "Like I said, I have my sources, just like you do."

Fleming thought for a minute before replying... Maybe this guy was trying to play him- or more likely, he was getting worried and wanted back into Denning's good graces: "Go on," he said.

"There's an address on the Baltimore waterfront- a warehouse," Przybysz told him, "where they'll be this evening."

"You going to be there?" Fleming asked.

"No," Przybysz replied. "I'm out of that business for good. It's all yours now- just put in a word with the President for me... if he likes the merchandise."

So that was it- just as Fleming suspected. He was trying to get back in Denning's good graces. This could work out well, if the girls proved worthy... Not that Denning was that particular. Maybe a little Asian spice would be right up Denning's alley.

"When and where?" he asked.

Przybysz gave him the address on the Baltimore waterfront. "8:00 this evening," Przybysz said. "Look for Capt. Sanchez of the Sedonia, it's under a Panamanian registry... He'll be expecting you."

"Ok Przybysz, thanks," Fleming said, "maybe you ain't so bad after all."

"Well, I'm really sorry about our little altercation," Przybysz said trying to sound sincere. "Just trying to make up for it- a lucky shot was all it was... and besides- white girls and all..."

They hung up with Przybysz feeling much better- the plan was going smoothly so far. He thought he could play on Fleming's arrogance and apparently he was right.

Fleming thought, 'what an idiot- he's scared and wants back into the fold'. He'd play Przybysz and get his connect, then when the time was right, it would be good bye Mr. Przybysz.

At the cemetery just outside of Boston, Jim's funeral was underway. A tearful Ann sat between her Son and Anica. The children got along well with the newest member of the family... in fact they adjusted well to being uprooted from the environment they had known all their lives and transplanted to Arkansas. It was decided they would return to Washington with their mother and uncle David. The priest delivered a beautiful eulogy and everyone in the funeral party took turns saying their goodbyes by remembering some fond memory of Jim. After saying goodbye to Jim's parents- Ann, Dick, David and the kids left for the airport in their rented car.

Fleming was right on time... After arriving at the Baltimore wharf, he espied a man dressed like a sailor, leaning against a piling smoking a cigarette. He was wearing a sailor's pea coat with the collar turned up and had a breton cap pulled down over his eyes. Fleming approached cautiously...

"Capt. Sanchez?" He asked.

"This way please," the man replied in a heavy accent.

Fleming followed him into a nearby warehouse. Once inside, the man spun on his heel shoving a double-edged knife into Fleming's lower abdomen. He jerked his head backward quickly so the cap came off... Przybysz wanted Fleming to know who it was that killed him. He pulled the knife upward, allowing the razor sharp blade to do its work. "Sorry, Fleming," he said, the girls couldn't make it."

Once he was clear of the Baltimore waterfront and well on his way back to Washington, he called Dick. No answer, they must still be on their way back from boston. he had already informed Dick as to the delay, so he left a brief message... "Done," was it.

Upon reaching his apartment, he sat down to check his email in case Dick or David had tried to contact him that way. Nothing, but there was one from an unknown source- 'Check videos of the Governor's Conference' and a date. Przybysz knew that Dick was looking for something to link Denning to his wife's murder, perhaps this was it. He began a computer search for public records he could download and send to Dick. he found that the entire affair had been video-transcribed by a company in Virginia, just outside of the DC metropolitan area. Damning his luck, Przybysz would have to wait until morning to contact them. His phone rang- it was Dick...

"I take it we have one less headache, if your message means what I think it does," he said.

"It does," Przybysz told him. "Are you going to be up for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure," Dick replied. "What's up?"

"I'll be right there," Przybysz said hurriedly. he printed out what he had found and left for Georgetown- stopping only long enough to pick up a stuffed animal for Anica, who adored them. 'You're going soft,' he told himself with a chuckle. When he got there he was relieved to see that Ann was beginning to adjust better in coping with Jim's death, thanks in most part to the presence to her children. Upon entering, Anica ran to greet him, throwing herself at him so hard he almost dropped the teddy bear behind his back.

Anica was thrilled with her bear, clutching it to her. Przybysz was amazed at how pleased she could be with something so simple. "Oh," she exclaimed, "I just love it!"

Prz got Dick's attention and reached into his overcoat, withdrawing the papers. "I got an anonymous email a while ago," he said. "I thought it may interest you."

"What is it?" Dick asked.

"A mysterious message," Przybysz replied, about a governor's conference. It might be what you've been looking for to tie Denning to Phillips and his wife's death. There's a video disc made by a company in Virginia that was hired to document the whole affair. They'll be open in the morning I assume."

"This could be it," Dick said studying the papers, "the break we've been waiting for."

"How's Ann taking it?" Przybysz asked, concern in his voice.

"She's doing a little better, now that her kids are here- but hard still," Dick replied. "She's tough. She'll pull through... it'll just take some time."

It would be a long wait until morning. Prz took Anica out for ice cream. Ann's children declined, opting to remain with their mother, despite her protests. When they returned to the townhouse, Przybysz decided to sack out on the couch so they could get an early start to retrieve the disc- this delighted Anica to no end and Przybysz practically had to carry her up to her room so he could get some sleep.

At the White House, Denning turned on the television to the news channel to learn that the body of a Kenneth Fleming of Washington DC had been found by the nightwatchman at a Baltimore waterfront warehouse. Although there were no details, it appeared to have been the result of foul play... Police were at the scene investigating. Denning was infuriated.

"That bastard!" He muttered under his breath.

(For links to previous chapters- go to Chapter XV)

GIF by @papa-pepper



I really need your help. I got the three important links to The Night Gods II, But when I scrolled back through your post I could only go back 4 months. Do you have any links to The Night Gods? The first in your series? I've made myself a blog/post with the links to The Night Gods II and The Lottery Council, and if you want I can do away with it, Would really like to read the stories though.

By the way... It's incomplete.

Thank you, at least I can get started at the beginning instead of in the middle.

Give me five minutes and there will be 2 more chapters.

Fleming was a pain, glad he's gone. Also, I like how Anica is practically family by now.
Keep it up!

Thanks Buddy! Just wait until The Night Gods III... It came to me early this morning- it will blow your mind!!!


great chapter as always, dear friend ^_^

Thank you my dear Silvia... Early this morning the storyline for Night Gods III came to me (at 2:45 AM) and it's going to be even better!

wow, I can't wait to read it ^_^

Here's a little preview... In the land of the blind, a one-eyed man may be king- but in the realm of the dead and dying, a spectre reigns supreme.

well, now I really really can't wait!!! This preview is superb!

If I can tell it as good as it is in my head... This will be the best in the series. Whoops- I almost gave it away!!!

Nice as always.

Thank you dear friend! Just wait until The Night Gods III (I got the concept early this morning 3:30)

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