The Night Gods II- Chapter XXVIII: Plan B

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

The best efforts of the young Marine went unrewarded... The Nevada, in comms blackout was unreachable. The countdown continued with scarcely 15 minutes until a nuclear disaster. It was Adm. Stehle that spoke:

"Mr. President, there may be another option," he said.

"What?" Denning asked impatiently, "if we can't contact the Nevada, there's no way to stop the launch."

"Yes Sir," the Adm went on, "but we do know her location. The George Washington Carrier Group is in the area. We can contact them and scramble F-16's before the launch, They carry Stinger and Patriot air-to-air missiles... maybe they can shoot it out of the air."

"But what are the chances of success?" Minnick asked doubtfully.

"What are the chances if we don't at least attempt it?" Asked the SecNav.

"Do it," Denning said. "Do it now!"

"Also," Stehle put in, "the Ticonderoga class cruisers have AEGIS... SM-2's. It's usually just used to protect the group but..."

"Yes," Denning said hurriedly, deploy now, while there's still time."

The Marine Sgt. contacted Adm. Walter Lenninger, commander of the George Washington group. The task forces generally consist of an aircraft carrier, the flagship of the group; a couple of Ticonderoga class guided missile cruisers; several destroyers and a couple of submarines. The Nevada an SSBN Ohio class sub usually operated alone or with a couple of Boomer class subs for support. With the comm blackout, even the boomers couldn't contact the Nevada, only stand guard.

Adm. Lenninger called general quarters, instructing his XO to prepare the F-16's and scramble them ASAP. He then hailed the commanders of the cruisers and gave them the coordinates of the planned trajectory of the nuke. In the White House Situation Room, four men paced nervously awaiting news of the operation.

Denning excused himself momentarily to use the restroom- while there he splashed some cold water on his face then made a call. The public turmoil over the strike would provide perfect cover to undertake an operation of his own...

"Fleming," Denning said. "That address I gave you in Georgetown- it's time."

"Right away, Sir," Fleming replied. "The girl too?"

"Both of them," Denning told him. "Two less thorns in my side."

"The Senator won't take this lying down, you know, Sir," Fleming said.

"Fuck the Senator," Denning said humorlessly, "maybe he'll be next. You wouldn't mind that, would you?"

"Your wish is my command, Mr. President," Fleming said with a grin before hanging up.

Fleming parked around the corner from the Shoemaker home under some trees that would shade his car from the streetlamps. Bret was working late at the station, reporting updates on the strike against N. Korea. Despite reports that the strike had been cancelled, most of America stayed glued to their sets awaiting news. Fleming hid in the bushes in the adjacent vacant lot.

Jim was walking Bart past the lot when he thought he saw movement in the bushes and decided to investigate. As he drew closer, a figure emerged from the shadows.

"What are you..." Jim began.

"Just draining the lizard," a voice said. A large man appeared and struck Jim in the head stunning him momentarily. Bart lunged forward sinking his teeth into the man's leg. While Jim was trying to get oriented the man produced a knife from under his jacket plunging it into Jim's neck, severing both his jugular vein and carotid artery on the left side. Jim collapsed in a heap, a gurgling sound emitting from his lips. Bart shook his head viciously sinking his teeth deeper. Fleming kicked the dog away with his heavy boot and limped quickly to his car.

Bart went to his master and began whining. After nudging him with his paw and getting no response, he raced home where he began scratching feverishly at the door. Hearing the noise, Dick threw open the door to find a blood-spattered Bart who immediately began barking frantically. Dick knew the sign all too well and followed the dog to Jim's lifeless form. He called the police, not looking forward to the task ahead... Telling Ann her husband was dead- they were devoted to each other. It turned out to be unnecessary... she already knew, just by looking at Bart.

The DCMP showed up within minutes, Lt. Garrard and his partner Det. Walsh. Dick knew Walsh well from the threatening calls to Lena awhile back, although Walsh was unaware.

"You find the body?" Garrard asked after introducing himself and his partner.

Lena had gone down the street to sit with the grief-stricken Ann, who was taking it hard... You could hardly blame her. Bret was present having returned home from the station.

"Do you know him, Mr. Shoemaker?" Garrard asked after making a remark about the frequency of killings near the Shoemaker home.

"Yes, Lt., he's a neighbor," Bret told the detective.

"And you?" Garrard turned to Dick.

"He's my brother in law," Dick replied.

"You get along?" Garrard asked.

"I didn't kill him, if that's what you mean, Lt.," Dick said.

"Sorry, I have to ask," Garrard said apologetically.

"It's ok," Dick said, "he was walking the dog. When the dog returned home alone and began clawing the door down, I followed him here and called it in immediately."

"Thank you," the Lt. said. "That's all for now. Thanks. Just make sure we know how to reach you."

By this time the crime scene investigation team had showed up and began cordoning off the area. Bret would return home with Dick... Ann would need all the support she could get.

"One more thing," Garrard said. "Has his wife been told?"

"Yes," Bret told the cop, "my fiancee is with her now."

"Ok, thanks," Garrard said. "We'll be in touch. Here's my card, if you should think of anything..."

As they were leaving, Bret turned to Walsh: "Good night Detective," he said.

Walsh never stopped looking at his shoes. "Night," he muttered.

'You know him?" Garrard asked his partner.

Walsh shook his head: "No, not really."

Bret and Dick were both silent on the way to the house, both knew who was behind Jim's death. When the arrived they found that Przybysz was already there and was busy trying to console Ann. Anica sat next to her, small arms draped around Ann's shoulders... Both were sobbing softly.

"Prz, I'm glad you're here," Dick said, "can I have a word?" He nodded toward the kitchen. Prz followed Dick into the other room: "You know who's behind this, don't you?" Dick asked.

"I have a pretty good idea," Przybysz told him. "Consider the matter closed."

"Thanks, Buddy," Dick said gratefully. "I'm really glad we're on the same side again... We'd be lost without your help."

"Well," Prz replied, "I don't know yet how to stop Denning from his madness, but I can damn sure stop Fleming. You stick close to Ann and Anica- especially until I get this resolved. Make sure Bret and his woman spend the night here. If you don't hear from me by morning then..."

"You don't want help?" Dick asked, concerned for his friend.

"No, they need you here," Przybysz told him. "I got to make a call and get this sanctioned- it won't be a problem, just a formality. You protect these guys."

"Ok pal," Dick said. If you need anything..."

"Nope, I'm good- see you soon," Przybysz replied. "I hope."

Przybysz headed back toward the White House knowing he'd find Fleming there... The trick would be getting him to leave. As he drove, formulating a plan, halfway around the world, four F-16's had scrambled from the deck of the George Washington in anticipation of the imminent launch. Although the young Marine Sgt. continued his efforts, the viewing screen designated for the Nevada remained blank... only Adm. Lenninger's aboard the Washington image was present. There was less than 10 minutes to launch as the F-16's fanned out over the S. China Sea, eyes diligently watching radar for missile lock.

It was Cdr. Ryan Miller, nickname "Peckerwood," that spotted it. He was from Alabama, had light blonde hair and pale blue eyes- almost an albino. His roommate at the Naval Academy was a black guy from Little Rock who had affectionately given him the sobriquet. Best friends, they still served together on the George Washington. He called it in:

"Flight command, this is Eagle 6," he said. "I have missile lock... Permission to engage."

"That you Peckerwood?" a voice asked.

"Yessir," Miller said back. "I have missile lock on our bird."

"Engage," came the reply.

Miller lifted a red tab on his control panel and threw a toggle switch... he pushed a red button on his joystick: "Fox 2, armed and away," he said. A Stinger missile streaked through the sky.

(For links to previous chapters- go to Chapter XV)

GIF by @papa-pepper



Wow... you're getting good at these cliffhangers! Oh, and go Bart!

Thanks... He's a good dog, but they should have gotten a pitbull instead of a Golden Retriever!

Hehe... yeah... or even better, a German Shepherd! They have good bite force, are heavy enough to topple a human, and are super protective!

Well, good old Bart gave it his best!

Great!!! Really great chapter after the cliffhangers of the previous chapter! I have to say that I appreciate the details that you used to describe the actions!

It took hours of research to do that... I didn't make any of that up. I had to look up what kind of subs do that, What kind of missiles, Meteorological data about the Korean peninsula... I guess people may think I make stuff up off the top of my head- but I try to make it as real as possible!

Thank you my dear... I think today I'll post Archie & Silvia and a reader's guide to the NG II examining evil.

you did a great work studying all details, I always appreciate when a writer do this, because I think it can help the readers to "feel" theirselves inside the story! ^_^
I'll wait Archie & Silvia and a reader's guide, great!

I always try to put as much realism as possible into my work! As you'll see in the reader's guide, much of the purpose of the stories is to point out evil at the highest levels of society!

This post has received a 0.31 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @richq11.

Great works, I wish you success

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