The Night Gods II- Chapter XXII: A New Revelation

in #writing7 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

Eddie's body wasn't discovered until the next morning. A neighbor whose dog was relieving himself in the bushes of the lot next door saw what they thought was a homeless man sleeping and called the police. The usually quiet neighborhood was awash with police cars, firetrucks and paramedics... The deceased was identified as Edward Phillips, a resident of Washington DC, formerly of Boston. Massachusetts.

In a very different part of Washington, Alan Denning was in a panic... he was beginning to run out of allies to do his dirty work. Lockhart was dead, that prick Przybysz had turned and he couldn't trust that pussy Press Secretary. With Lockhart gone, his direct ties to the media were all but severed and when the press got hold of this, it could spell disaster- even though there was no direct tie between him and the dead man.

At the Donato residence down the street from where the dead man was discovered, activity of a different sort was going on. Although there was still no concrete evidence tying Phillips to Denning, Dick was now certain his hunch had been correct. If they could come up with some some irrefutable proof it might be enough to precipitate impeachment hearings against Denning... although the outcome would still be in doubt- it may at least erode public support for the ongoing war.

After being questioned by the police for what seemed like an eternity, Bret and Lena set off for their respective offices. On his way, Bret's secure phone began to ring...

"Bret, it's Dick... I'm going to fax some background about the dead guy outside your house to your office."

"You know who he is?" Bret asked surprised.

"I've been investigating him for awhile now," Dick said. "I'm pretty sure he was the one who killed Mrs. Denning and the Attache Lewis- but I still don't have anything to tie him directly to Denning."

"How should I present it?" Bret wanted to know. "I don't know how much to say about him at this point. I want to scoop the others, but I don't want to damage our investigation... You know, the cops taking it over."

"I'd just give them the backstory... just the facts for now," Dick told him. "Tell about his pardon and that he's been living in the DC area for several months now... You're the journalist, you know what to do."

"I'll run it by Leo when I get there," Bret replied. "Maybe we can use the 'help from the public' angle to get more information."

By the time Bret arrived, Leo was already pouring over the info Dick had sent..

"This is dynamite," he exclaimed excitedly.

"We need to get this out as soon as possible," Bret told him, "before the mainstream guys pick up on it."

Denning was pacing the Oval Office nervously... when this got out- and it would get out- how long would it be before some smart journalist, or a smart cop would put two and two together and tie this to the death of his wife.

Bret, thanks to Dick's diligent investigation, scooped the mainstream news guys by hours. By lunchtime, however, the proverbial cat was out of the bag. Network news had picked the story up from the wire services and headlines from coast to coast displayed the gruesome tale: Convicted Serial Killer Pardoned By Governor Found Slain Outside Home Of Local Journalist. Bret not only broke the story, he was becoming something of a media sensation in his own right.

Bret had, at Leo's insistence, declined detailed interviews with the networks. It made perfect sense and Dick emphatically agreed... sooner or later they would be tying this to Denning and no one involved with the Crew wanted to give the mainstream news the opportunity to stonewall the story, which they would undoubtedly do even though Lockhart was gone. This entire issue would remain the purview of Leo, Bret,

The story below the banner headlines read: Convicted serial killer Edward "Eddie" Phillips was found slain outside the Georgetown home of investigative journalist Bret Shoemaker and his fiancee Lena Cedeno, senior aide to Senator Warren Ashby. No motive for the crime has been established and a spokesman for the DCMP says that they have no suspects at this time. the story went on to describe the gruesome nature of Phillips' crimes in graphic detail and how he had received a pardon after spending 16 years behind bars.

It was nearly dark when Bret got back to his townhouse. The yellow crime scene tape had been removed and Lena was busy making dinner.

"Well, if it isn't the movie star," she laughed.

"Not even remotely funny," he grinned back. "Whew, what a day."

"Dick wants us to drop by later, if you're up to it."

"Sure," Bret replied. "What's for dinner?"

"Penne," she said. "It's almost done. How about pouring some wine."

"Merlot ok?" he asked

"Fine," she said back.

After starting the dishwasher, they headed down the street where they met Jim, Ann and Bart who greeted them excitedly.

"Well, well," said Dick when they arrived. "How soon before you two head for Hollywood? You're all over the TV."

"That's funny," Bret said, "I'm not going anywhere, Lockhart saw to that... Besides, Lena would never leave the Senator."

"I won't keep you guys... I know you've had a busy day," Dick told the couple. "Prz called me. He said to hold off on trying to tie Phillips to Denning- at least until I hear from him."

"Why, shouldn't we go after him now?" Lena asked anxiously.

"Not yet," Dick told her. "Prz is right, a rat's most dangerous when backed into a corner. He's thinking of your safety. He's gone from the White House for now, but he says they still have people there..."

"Who's they?" Bret cut in.

"I don't know," Dick said. "Prz won't say... he's always played his cards pretty close to the vest. He'll tell us what he needs us to know. He's involved with some pretty shady people- bigtime players."

"Who is this guy anyway?" Ann asked. I'd like to know a little more about somebody that comes to where I live."

"He's either your best friend or your worst nightmare," Dick told her. "I met him in Central America back in the 70's."

"What were you doing in Central America in the 70's?" Bret asked.

"Consulting." Dick winked before going on. "Anyway, like I was saying, if he's your friend, you couldn't have a better one- if he's your enemy... well, you won't have to worry about it."

"So it was him that killed that Eddie guy?" Lena asked.

"More than likely," Dick told her. "Would you go around telling people if you killed somebody? He says to be careful you two- Denning may be down for now, but he's not out. He'll keep us advised."

"He won't be coming by?" Bret asked. "I kinda like the guy."

"When he needs to," Dick replied. "He says that Denning is about to get his comeuppance from whoever is pulling his strings... We need him back in the White House."

Denning was in a desperate situation and he knew it. He may be down, but he was far from out... he needed a friend, someone he could depend on... what he really needed was Lockhart, but decided to settle on SecDef Duke Wade. He was about to call him when his private secretary buzzed him...

"I have Vice President Beck here, Mr. President, he says it's urgent."

"Tell him I'm busy," Denning said back.

"He's very insistent, Sir, he says he has to see you," she replied.

"Ok," Denning told her, "send him in."

Thomas Beck was also a former governor, from a Southern state. Denning didn't like him but agreed to have him on the ticket at the insistence of Lockhart, who said it would insure the electors from the South during the election. Now that the election was over, Denning had no use for him and kept him away from the White House as much as he could on "official business."

"Mr. President," Beck began, "I won't take much of your time, I know you're very busy."

"What is it Tom?" Denning asked. "Can I have the secretary bring coffee or something?"

"No, thank you Sir," Beck replied. "I've heard from the Council..."

"Council?" Denning broke in.

"Lockhart's people, you met them," Beck went on, "I'm one, you might say. This row with Przybysz... they want it over. He's taking Lockhart's place for now."

"Who's this Council and who do they think they are?" Denning asked impatiently.

"Lockhart explained all of this before," Beck said. "We work for the Ancient Ones, the Night Gods... the ones that control this world."

"You mean the devil worshippers?" Denning scoffed.

"Look Denning," Beck was losing his patience- all pretense of civility and aplomb was gone from his voice. "Lockhart explained that's not what this is- this is all very simple... let me clarify it for you again. The Night Gods rule this world and everything in it. they subsist on the evil men do- that's why you were selected. If you don't want to play ball, then..." Beck shrugged.

"Are you threatening me?" Denning cried. "I'm the fucking President..."

"Not for long if you don't play ball," Beck replied calmly.

"What do you mean?" Denning was becoming concerned now.

"That business with your wife- and the girl... not to mention the children," Beck went on, You may be the President, but you're not above the law... especially if the press..."

"You know?" Denning asked amazed.

"Yes, Mr. President," Beck told him. "But there's something else... if you should decide to play along... something that might save you in the long run. Let's call it a lifeline from the Night Gods."

"What is it?" Denning asked eagerly.

"North Korea," Beck said. "They've successfully tested nukes- you know that already. Now they have a guidance system- ours."

"How did they...?" Denning was incredulous.

"Call it a gift. The ways of the Ancient Ones are mysterious," Beck smiled.

Denning couldn't believe his luck- a preemptive strike...

"But," Beck said. "You have to patch things up with Przybysz."

"Ok, ok," Denning said. "I'll call him right away. But there's something I don't understand..."

"I know," Beck said. "Let me try to make this simple. We desire power and money, so do you- we all do. In return the Night Gods want blood... it's what they live on- it gives them sustenance. It's always been this way- since the dawn of civilization there have been human sacrifices- remember the Aztecs?"

"Yeah," Denning replied. "They cut out people's hearts."

"Right," Beck went on. "They served the Night Gods, just as we do. It's been going on since the beginning of time- even before. The Night Gods have always been here- waiting, watching. As long as the Ancient Ones get what they want- everything is fine."

Denning was finally starting to catch on: "But how do they work? How do they operate?" He asked.

"What difference does it make?" They are within and without," Beck said cryptically. "They live in us and independent of us... Like God. People say that God lives in people, but is still the Creator- the Night Gods are the same. Now patch this thing up with Przybysz... and call the Secretary of Defense and Minnick."

(For links to previous chapters- go to Chapter XV)

GIF by @papa-pepper



Keep em coming @richq11!

For as long as I can!!!

Another great chapter, as usual, my friend!!! I'm "night gods"- addictioner :D

Well, my dear friend, it looks like you may have to wait for the book. I can't keep doing that much work for $5.00. I can post short articles and make more money to live on while Marty and I work on the book. I had hoped I could make enough posting chapters- but it's just not working (by the way- I thought it was a really good chap too). I'm just trying to figure a way to do this. If people would upvote or resteem, I'd probably be ok, but I think my posts just get lost in the junk!

so sorry, dear friends, but you have to do what you think it's better for you. If you think it's better to stay focused on the book, I (and many of us) will wait for the book, if not we read it here ^^ We now are your fans, so everything you decide is ok for us (as you can see, I'm an optimistc person, forever and ever ^^)

Thank you my dear friend. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here. I'm just afraid of what's going to happen... I'll explain in the Auth Note at the beginning of the conclusion

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Well, seeing that you're a big supporter- it's called Clouds of War.

semoga selalu sakses dan bagus

followed and upvoted you,if you like to know about steemit ,please follow me....!!!

You've been here a month... I've been here a year. What are you going to teach me about Steemit???

He's qualified to teach what not to do!

Gotta love these guys!


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