The Night Gods II- Chapter XIX: The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia

in #writing7 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... with many thanks!

Leo Rosen shocked Bret when he responded enthusiastically to Melissa's letter. "You say her parents are in town, Bert?" he asked, voice full of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, Leo," Bret answered. "They're anxious to get to the bottom of her death and they're sure that Denning is behind it. The letter shows in graphic detail how he beat her up and raped her. He had to have been the one- just to shut her up."

"By the looks of this letter," Rosen replied after reading it, "I'd say you're absolutely right. What are the chances they'll appear on a broadcast?"

"I'm sure they'd agree if we parse it just right. There's a lot involved here, Leo, this is more complicated than it looks. They've already requested an order of exhumation, but the cops are dragging their feet. A Lt. Garrard is in charge of the investigation. His partner detective Walsh is the one that was making the threats against Lena. Maybe if the Womacks appear, it'll pressure them into acting."

"You're shitting me," Rosen responded surprised. "So the cops are involved?"

"Yes," Bret told him. "I'm not sure how, or how much, but yeah."

"If we do this right," Rosen said, "it might turn out ok. Here's how I want it handled- no mention of Denning or the police for now- let the public draw their own conclusions. We're just giving the parents a voice, hoping that someone with information will come forward."

"Ok," Bret said. "I get it... it's ok if Melissa's folks say something, but not me- smart."

"No mention of the cops from you, like I said... or about the calls to Lena- nothing. All we are is a conduit for Melissa's parents to get their message out."

"Fine," Bret said. "I'll run it by them tonight. I'm sure they'll do it. I have a feeling we'd have a hard time stopping them... they want this thing solved. They're really fine people, Leo."

"I'm sure they are," Leo said. "I'm looking forward to meeting them."

Bret was right. Larry and Cynthia Womack were thrilled at the opportunity to tell their side of the story. They made a very sympathetic appeal to the public and their presentation was well received... the phones started ringing before the broadcast was even over. Likewise, it spread like wildfire across social media, going viral within hours. The public outcry was so profound that YouTube demonetized all accounts showing the video within a day.

The mainstream media kicked into high gear, decrying the interview as fake news. They even intimated that Melissa's letter was a forgery fabricated by her despondent parents. Testimonials from a cadre of experts in psychology related it to the parent's need for closure... a form of PTSD they called it. They were all so very sympathetic and understanding as they shook their heads sagely.

In Leo Rosen's office the next morning, Leo, Bret and the Womacks met to discuss their options. "I should have seen this coming," moaned Leo shaking his head. "A forgery."

"Mr. Rosen," Larry Womack said. "I'm a retired attorney and I foresaw this coming." He withdrew a manila envelope from his briefcase and placed it on Rosen's desk.

"What's this," Leo asked picking up the envelope.

"Affidavits," Womack said. "From five independent handwriting experts- the best in Arizona... all confirming that the handwriting is Melissa's. There are other samples of her writing if you want your own experts to examine them."

"I could kiss you," Leo beamed. "Thank God. We may have to use some local experts, but this lets us off the hook, certainly."

The White House was in full damage control. Denning called Sean Welbourne into the Oval Office...

"Look you little shit, I don't know what you've been up to with that Cedeno cunt, but I'm about 99% sure she's behind this- her and that piece if shit boyfriend of hers."

"I don't know what you mean, Sir," Sean said innocently. "We're old friends and have coffee at the same place- we have for years."

"Bullshit," Denning yelled back. "Listen to me you little fuck, you're going to do a press conference and inform the media in no uncertain terms that I emphatically deny the ravings of lunatics and conspiracy theorists- that includes that bitch Womack's mom and dad... and it better be convincing!"

"Or what?" Sean asked defiantly. "You going to fire me... or have me killed too?"

"Don't push your luck, Welbourne," Denning spat back. "Now get the fuck out of here- I've got a meeting... and remember what I said."

Sean gave a lackluster performance to the press, refusing the customary questions at the end. Denning's meeting was with Secretary of Defense Duke Wade in his private living quarters in the West Wing.

"Duke," he began. "I've got a situation and I need your help."

"So I hear, Mr. President," Wade replied. "There's nothing to it is there?"

"Of course not," Denning said back. "Jesus Christ, Duke, this is Washington, DC; what's true doesn't matter... it's what it can be made to look like. These assholes are deliberately trying to smear me over the death of their daughter. I can understand they're upset- but they're blaming me, We had sex... That's all."

"Of course, Sir," Wade said. "How can I help?"

"I need a crisis- something domestic. You know, black ops guys... outside of government. I need something big, something to divert attention away from all this other shit."

"Ok. Mr. President. You don't want to use Przybysz?" Wade asked.

"No," Denning responded. "He's too close and besides, I'm beginning to question his loyalty- I just don't trust him that much anymore. That's why I called on you Duke."

"Leave it to me Mr. President," Wade said enthusiastically. This was the chance he had been waiting for- not only to prove himself to the president, but to push his own agenda.

"I want something to prolong this goddam war, Duke, if you know what I mean," Denning said. "And, Duke- I don't want to know what it is beforehand... plausible deniability, you know."

"Of course, Sir," Wade replied. "I have just the people in mind. Think no more about it, Mr. President."

Wade left and Denning went back to the Oval Office feeling slightly relieved. Wade was an asshole and a warmonger, but he got things done. In a coffee shop in a different part of Washington, two old colleagues met for the first time in decades.

"Well, you ain't got no better looking," Przybysz said with a grin.

"The years haven't exactly been too kind to you either, fuckface," Dick replied laughing back. They ordered coffee and found a table away from the other patrons.

"It's good to see you Prz," Dick said sincerely.

"You too, buddy," Przybysz said. "What are you going by these days... You always had more names than a New York phonebook."

"Dick will do," Dick told him. "Nice suit, by the way- Armani isn't it? How do you like working for the president?"

"Well," Przybysz said. "I don't really work for him..."

"Oh yeah," Dick said. "The other guy there- what's his name?"

"Yeah," Przybysz said back. "What's his name... Are we going to dance around with your hand on my ass, or are you going to tell me what I'm doing here?"

"Fair enough," Dick laughed. "Look, Prz- this is Washington... the original home of dirty tricks. I'll give it to you straight- the Womacks- I'm involved in a way with them. I want to make damn sure they're not in any danger. They're good people and all they want is to find who killed their daughter- you can't blame them for that."

"Dick," Przybysz looked straight into the other man's eyes. "I'll give it back to you straight. Neither the Womacks, Shoemaker and his chick, you, or anybody else you're involved with have any worries from me... Honest buddy. I got enormous respect for you- always have. Damn man, you're the best fucking sniper I've ever seen- I'm more worried about you."

"Thanks," Dick said returning the gaze. "I appreciate that."

"Another thing, buddy," Przybysz leaned forward. "Denning's a piece of shit... a pervert. I can't say anymore about that now, but put it under your hat. As far as your investigation goes- yeah, I know what you're doing- Shoemaker is good but not that good- you're on the right track."

Dick was floored... he couldn't believe this was coming from the president's right hand man. "I really appreciate the heads-up, Prz... Really."

"Like I said, my friend, you got nothing to worry about from me... You might say we're on the same side," Przybysz winked. "I'll channel you information when I can. I hate that prick Denning as much as you. So does his Press Secretary, Welbourne- but I guess you already know about that. He had me follow the kid to one of his coffee dates with the senator's aide... But I didn't see shit. Keep an eye out for that kid, he's all right and I don't want to see anything happen to him."

"Will do, Prz," Dick said. "Look, if I get you a secure phone..."

"I'd appreciate it," Przybysz said. "Like I said you got nothing to worry about on my end, but Denning will come after you sooner or later- a phone will come in handy to give you a heads-up... He's got something going on- something big. Watch out, after that deal with the Womacks on TV, he's freaking out and up to something irrational."

"Thanks Prz," Dick told his old colleague. "Really. I can't tell you how much better I feel."

"Look, Dick," Przybysz replied. "You might be doing me a bigger favor than I'm doing you. I'd like nothing better than to see this asshole taken down. There's more - stuff I didn't tell you... Dark shit, man- darker than you can imagine. I can't get into it now- but we need to keep the back channels open."

They made arrangements to meet in a couple of days so Dick could give Przybysz his phone. They shook hands and parted ways, both feeling infinitely better. As it turned out, neither had long to wait to see what Denning's irrational act would be... it was all over the news the next morning. Massive Explosion Blacks Out Power Grid For Entire South-East United States appeared in 72 point headlines in newspapers nationwide.

Every television news channel broadcast the details nonstop for days to follow, featuring expert after expert on a host of topics from explosives to Islamic Fundamentalism. According to reports, an American cell of the newly formed Islamic Fundamentalist Front (IFF) had carried out this heinous act of terror in protest to the murder of President Imad of Oran... their exalted leader. This was the narrative on almost every news outlet... Almost.

Przybysz' tip-off to Dick, "An anonymous source with close ties to government" according to investigative journalist Bret Shoemaker, told a different story. At the direction of station manager, Leo Rosen, Bret was interviewing handwriting experts... all of whom affirmed that the letter was written by Melissa and that all of the experts hired by Larry and Cynthia Womack had been correct.

The timing of the blast in the southeast coupled with the experts analysis of the letter shed a different light on the small cable channel's handling of it's coverage of the Denning presidency... public support for the "war on Oran" was beginning to erode. After the initial airing of the Womack's interview, public sympathy began to swing in their direction... after the bombing, it turned into a groundswell... With the help of social media, the groundswell had the potential of turning into a tidal wave.

Denning was beginning to panic- he was getting desperate... and a desperate man is a dangerous man.

(For links to previous chapters- go to Chapter XV)

GIF by @papa-pepper



Still going strong - didn't see that Przybysz-twist coming!

You ain't seen nothin yet- as the saying goes! I'm doing part 1 of Chapter XX today

That's the spirit :) Looking forward!

Keep going .....I am reading

New chapter tomorrow... I'm trying to get 3-4 ahead. Marty, the artist that did the pic and I are going to turn this and part I into a book and sell it, with me doing the text and him doing the artwork and layout. To do it, it will take a complete rewrite of both stories to include descriptions of people, scenery, weather etc.... What did I get myself into??? Like I really want a fulltime job!!!


I think in the end Prz will kill Denning. I have a gut feeling!

One thing about my stories... you just never know (because I don't)


I had the same thought

Hi richq11 nice blog i like ur post so i resteemed its

Thank you. I used up my voting power yesterday flagging a bad guy out of existence... when it comes back, I'll come back and upvote comments.

love it like always keep going on awesome one

Great as usual! This chapter seems to be more longer than others, but every part of this is perfect, dear friend ^_^

Thank you my dear Silvia. I didn't want to break it up into two parts, it wasn't long enough for that. Were you surprised by our friend Przybysz??? (that's a real name, by the way... there are some here where I live. It's pronounced like Sibiz)

It's a real name???
Lol, the first time I read this name I thought that you created this name with some random letters :D Cool!

The real one is an accountant lol!

I'm catching up again on the Night Gods II. Enjoying watching it unfold.

Funny thing, I went to school years ago with a girl named Cynthia Womack .
I think I'll keep an eye on her! Haven't been in touch in many years...

Looking forward to the next part!

My favorite teller at my bank was a beautiful redhead named Ginger Womack... That's where I got the name from (Melissa was a redhead).

Hahahahaha. Pathetic attention craving beggars.

Nobody likes a beggar... this is a place for people who create content, not Calcutta!

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