The Night Gods II- Chapter XXXV: Resurrection

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

Despite the best efforts of Przybysz and his allies, Denning's impeachment looked like a sure thing. Denning may have the ear of the media, but Beck had the ear of the Senate and when push came to shove that's what mattered. Senator Ashby, once Denning's most outspoken critic, testified on his behalf, admonishing his colleagues that if the impeachment went forward the results would be catastrophic- not only for Denning, but for the nation as well. Beck, being President Pro Tempore of the Senate not only oversaw the trial, but sat serenely throughout with a self-satisfied smile- as though the outcome was a foregone conclusion... And for all practical purposes, it was. If only there was something in Beck's past that could be used as leverage against him.

Przybysz joined Dick and David in their office searching computer files for something they could use on Beck. Time was running out- the trial was in full swing. At this point all the evidence they had on Denning was circumstantial, but damning... This wasn't a criminal trial in the traditional sense- all they need was enough doubt in Denning to garner the two-thirds majority necessary to oust him. The video was bad but not conclusive and the media barrage blaming Price may have helped- but how much? Melissa's letter was also bad but without her to substantiate it, it was also inconclusive- not enough by itself to remove a sitting president.

It was all just the game of politics, played in front of a captive audience. While all of America sat glued to their televisions- it was a piece of theater designed to buy a little time and nothing else. The outcome of the trial was certain- the hearings just for show... Beck had the votes. David was scouring files from Beck's home state for something, anything they could use...

"This guy's cleaner than the driven snow," he said, "it's almost as if he was born yesterday- not even a traffic ticket."

"Nobody's that clean," Dick told him. "Keep digging."

"How about a divorce?" Przybysz asked. "People jump on divorce stories- maybe he was a wife beater."

"Married to the same woman for over 25 years," David replied glumly.

"I'll call my people," Przybysz said, "maybe they can give us something."

Przybysz called the Doctor but with no results. It appeared that Beck was chosen because he was squeaky clean- his image and past were untarnished. If the plot against Denning was to be stopped, they would have to find a different approach. Przybysz suggested termination, but that, according to the Doctor, was out of the question.

Dick called Yuri to see if the Russian had any ideas or information that might prove useful...

"Let me see what our security agency says," he told them, "I'll get back to you within the hour."

"You know what happens if Beck becomes president," Dick warned him, "the whole N. Korea strike was his doing the first time."

"I have one idea," Yuri replied. "RT- we could broadcast the impeachment trial as an attempted coup. It may at least buy a little time."

"Time is what we don't have, my friend," Dick told him. "At this point, we'll settle for anything."

Przybysz called the Doctor with the suggestion and he was in agreement.

"Can you get your people in the American media to pick it up?" He asked.

"Leave that to me," the Doctor said.

Within hours it was headline news, first on RT, then picked up by the American mainstream media... all from an unsubstantiated source, of course. The hearings at the Senate were halted long enough for the Justice Dept. to launch a feeble investigation... But at the end of the day, Yuri's prediction turned out to be correct. It bought them a week... a week of futile attempts to save the Denning presidency- but once again the trial was in full swing with a smiling Beck sitting triumphantly at the head.

It was time to prepare for the worst... The handwriting was on the wall, so to speak. Within a month at the latest Denning would be gone from the White House. Beck and his cronies, including Duke Wade and Ralph Minnick would be in and the radical wing of the Council would have their war.

Dick and his makeshift family made preparations to return to the relative safety of the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas. Anica, despite her protestations that she wanted to remain with Przybysz, would accompany them. Przybysz was naturally invited, but elected to stay for a while at least... His first allegiance was to the Doctor and Council. He promised to find a way to them if things got too hot in Washington. They had all played a brilliant game, but in the end they lost.

It was October now and by year's end there would there would be a new president- and war. The impeachment trial may have been nearing its end, but Beck and his cohorts were already rattling their sabers. Gloating about his impending victory in the Senate, Beck, in a television news interview, reminded the public that the threat from N. Korea was not only still imminent, but had increased. Konstantinov's pictures could prevent nothing now. Beck was already behaving as though he was already president.

Premier Zhao and President Konstantinov, the leaders of the world's other two great super-powers were united in opposing Beck's bellicose position, but he was undeterred in his resolve. Sen. Ashby along with other moderates in Congress cautioned their colleagues against going through with the impeachment- not because they supported Denning, but because they feared the destruction of an all out war. Zhao promised publicly that force would be met with force. Konstantinov wasn't as outspoken as the Chinese Premier, but the threat was there, implicit as it may be.

Despite the constant media barrage pushing the Price/coup d'etat narrative, public opinion was beginning to swing in favor of Beck. The handwriting was indeed on the wall. Denning himself was becoming resigned to the notion that his all too brief presidency was almost over- it will have lasted under a year.

He sat alone in the Executive Quarters watching the silent telephone- hoping against hope it would ring and Przybysz would tell him that he had succeeded. But he was fooling himself and he knew it. He was alone- deserted. Wade the traitor whom he had trusted, had switched sides... It only made sense, he lived for war- but Minnick? He supposed that made sense as well- Minnick was a career diplomat and wanted to keep his job. He considered getting drunk, but it would solve nothing- just postpone the inevitable. He decided to go to bed.

Slipping out of his clothes, he sat on the side of the bed. The porter had brought a pitcher of ice water as was his custom. There was a bottle of prescription sleeping pills on the table next to the pitcher. He picked it up and held it in his hand looking at it. Shaking the bottle indicated it to be almost full- he rarely took them. He played with the idea of taking them all and ending it- but that wasn't in his nature. he took two, turned out the light and lay down.

He awoke some time later, a bit groggy from the pills, but not overly so. As he lay there he got the feeling he wasn't alone. He sat upright in bed and looked around. There was a foggy glow in the room, almost like headlights reflecting off a mist. Peering into the fog he asked: "Who's there? Show yourself"

Nothing. He leaned forward looking hard but still nothing- but there was someone there, he was sure of it. He shook his head to clear away any lingering cobwebs. The effects of the pills were completely gone now. A form began to emerge from the mist.

"Who is it?" He asked again. Was this some trick- were they having him killed? Surely not- Przybysz didn't want him dead, it would mean certain war. Beck's victory was all but assured- why take the risk of throwing it all away? But who then?

The form began to take the shape of a man- but who? Denning reached into the pitcher- there was still ice floating on top of the water. he splashed cold water on his face to make certain he wasn't dreaming... he was awake. Standing, he inquired again...

"Who's there?"

"Hello, Mr. President," came the voice- it was vaguely familiar.

He leaned forward, reaching for the light switch.

"Don't," came the voice again.

Denning withdrew his hand at once. There was something about the voice... a certain finality. The form came a bit closer. Leaning forward, denning could almost make out the features... It was Eddie Phillips.

"But you're..." he stammered.

"Dead?" Eddie asked with a leer.

"You can't be here," Denning was confused... Confused and afraid.

"But why?" Denning asked.

"Not happy to see me?" The form that was Eddie but couldn't be asked.

"But you can't..." Denning shook his head again and sat on the edge of the bed. His legs felt shaky and weak.

"What do want?" Denning asked not sure at all he wanted to know the answer.

"You," Eddie told him.

"But you're not real- you can't be," Denning said uncertainly.

"I'm quite real, Mr. President," Eddie grinned, "as real as you are. You want to touch me to make sure?" He asked leaning forward.

"But how?" Denning asked shrinking back.

"Ask the Night Gods, they sent me. They're gods, they can do anything," Eddie assured him. "Ask them," he said holding his arm out to his side.

Denning was paralyzed with fear. Other images began to appear behind Eddie. There was Melissa, Maureen, his wife- all the girls, indistinct at first and ethereal where Eddie's presence was more physical... all there- all looking at him accusingly.

Eddie stretched his arm out in front of him, hand open, palm up. As his hand closed, Denning could feel the icy fingers, cold as the grave, gripping his heart... Squeezing. The forms behind Eddie seemed to be smiling as the hand closed around his heart.

Denning clutched at his chest and fell to his knees. Eddie stood, hand outstretched, hand closing into a fist. President Alan Denning fell forward onto his face... Dead.

(For links to previous chapters- go to Chapter XV)

GIF by @papa-pepper



A good read as always.
Waiting for the next chapter!

I'm working on it now. Thanks... One more and it's on to NG III!

This chapter is one of the most interesting. Thanks a lot!

Thanks... it was one of the most interesting to write. One more and then off to the Night Gods III which I believe will be the best.

I really like how you like and I'm glad you liked writing it

Ooh... was NOT expecting that.

If you did, I wouldn't be doing my job!

Absolutely wonderful chapter. Cool kind of wrap Denning up end, and giving us a glimpse of the Night Gods powers.

It's going to be important for the NG III

A great chapter as usual! I love how you're closed it with the "..." and after the word "Dead"!

I can't believe all I made was $9.00 on the best chapter yet! I need a resteem, my dear friend!

Done ;)

Thank you dear friend... I'm starting to get nervous again- my payouts have dropped a lot!

I went to the store at 8:00 this morning and Roland was on the fence (he never shows up until 11 usually). He looked terrible like he hadn't eaten in a week, he's all skinny now. He's been gone for days, he came around about 4-5 days ago, but that's the only time I've seen him. It may be mating time- so they can have babies in the Spring, I don't know. All I know is he was so hungry, he attacked my hand when I was putting his food out (I told you I'd have him eating out of my hand lol)

wow, the mating time, yes! Wonderful! You'll have some little babies around in the Spring, so sweet ^_^ Love is "consuming" Roland, I think :P

I hope... I almost didn't recognize him- he's so big usually... that's how I can tell him apart from the others. I thought it was Archie at first. Oh Boy- more mouths to feed!

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