A Day in the Clouds (Chapter 22) - The Hours Between 0200 and 0300 (Part 2 of 2)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

This is a continuation of the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the previous chapters to catch up with the story. Enjoy!

<< Chapter 22 (Part 1)


The multi-talented @verbal-d (who, by the way, edited this chapter) has bestowed a wonderful gift for this story. If you aren't already following him, I advise you to do so. While you're at it, follow his @peacemaker account as well.

We spread our wings, and rose high above the canopy. Tears filled our eyes as soon as we caught sight of our burning village. The sight of the giant swatting our comrades out of the sky didn't help to assuage our grief. We made our way to the where the giant was, to coordinate the assault against it.

    "Rally whoever you can and use up all your viento to hit the back of its knees," I instructed. "I'll circle out front and lead the distraction effort."

    "Why the back of its knees?"

    "Just trust me, I've ... I've dealt with it's kind before."

    "Dealt with it? How? When? I have never even—"

    "J-Just trust me, okay? Can you do that for me, Lumpia? We have no time. I need you to get people on board with this. I'm 100% certain this plan will work. I'll explain everything after we defeat it."

Our paths diverged as soon as we arrived near the town square. Lumpia took the high road, while I flew close to the ground. I urged everyone I came across to distract the giant so that our kin could hit it from behind, but only a few heeded my call. Many were busy scrambling, hiding or running away.

From a distance, I caught a glimpse of Menudo, along with other strong men Paksiw and Tinapa. They were throwing whatever random object they could find at the giant. It proved enough of a distraction to capture the giant's attention. But, it was a risky move on their part, because they weren't agile enough to outrun the enemy if it came closer.

    "Go, Menudo!" I cheered. My facial expression quickly turned from optimism to sheer horror. The giant lifted his enormous foot right above their heads. I focused all the viento I could muster to thrust myself to where they were, but I was too far away. "Run, Menudo! Run! Fly Away!"

I wasn't sure if my message ever reached them. The giant had already sunk its foot on the ground where they stood by the time I arrived. Speechless, I slid on the ground using my knees until I was at a complete stop.

They weren't the first casualties of the skirmish. If we weren't able to stop its rampage, they wouldn't be the last. I felt the giant sizing me up as his next target. Transfixed by the savagery that I had seen, I wasn't able to tell for sure.

My mouth was agape, and the background noise faded away. In its place, a piercing ringing was all that I heard. Dust clouds that had spread over the town accompanied the deafening din. From the corner of my eye, I noticed some movement buried beneath debris of wood and stone. I walked unsteadily towards it, hoping for signs of life.

With my viento, of which I had very little at that point, I fashioned an armas to shove away the debris. I aimed at the ground in front of the pile, and managed to almost completely clear all of it. Beneath it, I discovered my mother curled up into a ball.

I broke down, and clutched her head close to my chest. She struggled to breathe, and was barely able to move. I tried to hold my emotions in, but the gush of a combination of relief, worry and anger was too much to contain.

    "My son," my mother whispered.

    "Please, save your strength," I begged. "W-Where ... Where are the others? Is everyone safe? Father? My siblings, where—"

The dim light quickly darkened, as the giant loomed closer above our heads. I was out of it — the sight of my mother on the ground took my head out of the fight.

My mother smiled, as she caressed my cheek with her shaking hand. She wiped the tears off my face and pleaded for me to stop sobbing.

    "I thought I was the one you were consoling?" she teased, trying to crack a weak smile.

I chuckled between bouts of sobbing. "How could you make a joke at a time like this?"

    "This is the perfect time to make a joke, but I promise that's the last one."

    "Don't say that, don't ... D-Don't say 'last' please? I—"

    "I'm proud of you, my son. For everything that you are. For what you have done, and for everything you have yet to accomplish. You have the potential to do great things, and I want you to share all that you are to the world."

    "Mother, I—"

    "I love you, my son," she mumbled softly with her final breath. Her eyes remained opened, staring at the starless night sky.

There it was again. Isle la view. The last words that my mother ever said to me. At that moment, every slurred syllable made perfect sense. I felt its meaning seep through the very fiber of my being.

    "I love you."

The earth trembled, as the giant stood right in front of us. In mere seconds, we would all be together once again. I closed my eyes, placed my lips on my mother's forehead, and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, I heard a huge, continuous thud in the distance! I opened my eyes, and saw the once fully erect titan falling backwards. Its knees extended forward as it made its descent. Behind it, my kinsmen hovered, recovering from a coordinated attack. They collectively threw their viento at the back of the giant's knees.

I laid my mother on the ground slowly, let out a deep grunt, and kicked myself off the ground. Off-balanced, the giant could only watch as I made my ascent. I outstretched my arms to the side and invited everyone to lend me their viento for one final strike.

When hot wind and cold breeze met, they engaged in a destructive dance. They formed a whirling wall of air that destroys everything in its path. The moment I accumulated enough viento was when I intended to unleash it upon our adversary.

I felt a sudden rush of energy flow through me. Gusts of wind blew from all directions, healing my injuries and augmenting my powers. This was the strongest I had felt in my entire life. I felt like I could take down *all *of the giants with the power coursing through me.

I pulled in the smoke from the entire smoldering village to my left hand. At the same time, my right hand pulled in the glacial air from distant frigid mountaintops. Imagining the planet cracking in half, I gritted my teeth as I pulled my hands closer together.

The clouds cleared and the moon illuminated the surroundings. My kinsmen scattered in hopes of avoiding my devastating strike. The moonlight slowly revealed the face of the enemy we were battling, and I was horrified to discover that the giant looked exactly like ... me!

My view switched for a second, revealing what the giant was seeing. In that moment, I felt like I was falling on my back looking at a tiny figure with his arms outstretched to the side. It took a while before I realized that I was looking ... at myself.

My view continued to shift for a bit, changing perspectives every other second. Different contrasting emotions filled me, not knowing which of them belonged to me. Confusion, anger, sadness, fright, hatred — I felt all these emotions together, at the same exact time. The time between shifts became less and less, that it became hard to focus my viento, fly and not fall on my back.

My gigantic doppelganger slid his right foot back and regained his balance. On his way back to an upright position, he lunged forward and pummeled me with a headbutt. Or, was it I who struck the tiny figure with my head. I wasn't quite sure which one I was anymore.

Disoriented, I flung my arms forward and accidentally unleashed my viento. The massive strength of the winds threw me outside the village and off the cliff. I was in a fugue state as I fell, and didn't have any sort of control over my body.

It felt like a long drop. My whole life had already flashed before my eyes, and I was still continually falling. Darkness was the only companion that I had during my descent.

It was unnerving. We were on the cusp of victory, but my hesitation proved to be my undoing. Was I successful in defeating the giant? If it remained unbeaten, did it continue its rampage? Did the villagers know that the giant resembled me? Was my family alright? Was I living the last moments of my life?

Time went by slowly, but I eventually regained control of my hands. With the last of my viento, I surrounded my body with a shield made out of wind, and braced for impact. I closed my eyes, as my protected body dented the ground below.

As soon as the dust settled, I stood up and climbed up the crater. The fall had tattered my wings, and I had no viento left in me. It was still dark, but the moon provided enough illumination. My entire body ached, but I knew that I had to push forward.

Upon reaching the top, I heard the sound of chains clanking. A guttural growl crept closer. From the darkness, an enormous hellbeast revealed itself, in all its dreadful splendor. Obsidian fur covered its entire body, and it was only matched by the impenetrable gloom of the night.

I stepped backwards, careful not to make any sudden movements. My sweat dripped down the side of my face, like its saliva drooped down its sharp fangs. I made small, silent steps, until I couldn't make them any longer. Pinned to a corner, the monstrous creature drew its head closer and sniffed my entire body. I flinched when its breath hit me, and my sudden jerk aggravated the beast.

My body trembled as it barked at me wildly. Its jaws snapped, and its fangs were an inch away from abrading my skin. Just when it was about to bite down, I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat!

Catching my breath, I sat up from my bed and tried to recount everything that transpired. It couldn't have been a dream; everything was so vivid. Sweat drenched my entire body, and I couldn't stop myself from shaking. It was a cruel torture reliving everything. But, I didn't know if it was a side effect of the reconditioning or from the ingestion of memories.

If the giants already knew everything that I was going to do, then what was the point of doing anything? I had to think of something that the giants would have never been able to predict. My hallucination, dream or vivid recollection — whatever it was — held the key. I had to take out their secret weapon without them knowing.

The extremely passionate @ryivhnn has created this magnificent viento-inspired artwork for this story. Close your eyes and picture this masterpiece, as you imagine Ledd soaring to new heights. Please be sure to check out @ryivhnn's wonderful artwork and in-depth logs of her experiences with homeschooling her children. You can also become a patron of hers on Patreon so that you can support her regularly.


<< Chapter 22 (Part 1)

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Oh, and one other thing! I don't normally do this, but I'm asking you if you could spare a vote for @tincho and I. We're currently in the running to win @the-future's latest contest. Thank you in advance! :D



Excellent work dear friend @jedau congratulations on another wonderful material
There is nothing comparable to the love of a mother and nothing more tender than to see the tears dry a child. Thank you very much for another great job
have a beautiful day.

Thank you for taking special notice of that, my friend! That's really the most important point of this chapter, and I couldn't get through with writing (and reading) that without shedding tears. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it very much :D

A tear came to my eye as well, when he understood what Isle La View meant.

Always great to hear comments like this! :') You know, I just noticed that I messed up a bit and have been uploading the unedited chapters >.< I have already fixed chapter 22, but I'm afraid I'm not able to do so for the earlier chapters. It's a real shame since verbal and I worked hard in modifying those. Bummer...

What if you put them in as comments? and both upvote it, and get me and dreemit to upvote - then they'd be the first comments.

That's a great idea! I haven't thought about that. Although, I was thinking of releasing a compiled version in exchange of STEEM, to get the donation line going. After payouts, all of the chapters wouldn't earn anything anymore, unless people direclty give to @zeppelin. I'm weighing all the options, but that's a great idea to consider, my friend. Thanks for that! :)

You could do both ...

I could, I just don't know what the repercussions of it would be. I mean, as much as I want to, I really want to make it accessible for all. But yeah.. I have the initiative to think about as well. A lot of things to consider, and I really appreciate your input, my friend!

Oh man Ledd fighting yourself is the worst because you know all your weaknesses, and worse again when you don't know which you is the real one DX

What a horrendous nightmare, poor thing.

(sorry for the mild comment today, the headache persists, but I love your stuff too much to not say anything and I might not get a chance if I procrastinate til it feels better XP)

No worries, my friend! Just keep on resting and prioritize on getting better :D The story will be here waiting when you're back to 100%. This and the previous chapter are my favorite ones of the entire story, so I hope that people really take the time to digest every detail of this.

I'm not afraid to admit it, but I couldn't get through writing this without shedding a tear. Even though this is a dream sequence, it feels like the staccato of the entire story. Thanks for stopping by even though you're ailing, mate! :D

The digestion and really feeling it wasn't the problem, getting thoughts together and expressing them in a fashion the receiving party will register as coherent was XD

The votes even poured in here. That's great!! I'm happy for you, mate! :)

Don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll be able to articulate it better once you're back to 100%. So just focus on getting back to it in the meantime :D

Well J suspects it might be the cold weather on an old injury, which could be the case. And pulling insane hours on Neopolitan wouldn't have helped (I don't even know why I did that to be honest, it was stupid and I do know better despite appearances!). If I stay on top of the tai chi, it's no problem. If I don't, well sometimes this happens. Which means I will only get back to 100% when it warms up if I can't get out of the feedback loop (I need to go to tai chi but if it's causing this much pain I can't drive there...) XD

Well, JJ is a wise man indeed. That's a really understated, yet common, cause for feeling under the weather. Ginger and turmeric tea might help speed things along.

He has his moments ;) I don't like tea or any infusion type drink really so I'm going to have to do things the hard way :)

Ohh, that's news to me haha Definitely consider it though. One sip and you'll be on the fasttrack to recovery. You don't even need to savor the taste and just down it in one drink haha!

Aw, his mom! That was a sad episode I must say and the confusion of Ledd during the fight as his perspective changes . You are doing the crescendo nicely dude!

You know what, I'm man enough to admit it, I couldn't get through writing this chapter without shedding a tear (a manly tear, of course!!). I had been so invested with these characters, and this was at the tail end of a grueling NaNoWriMo, so the dam had finally cracked. It's silly, because apart from being a fictional story, that even happened during a dream sequence. A DREAM SEQUENCE! For Pete's sake!! Haha!

Thank you for the kind words, broseph! Now the the story has lifted off, all I need to do is to stick the landing :D

I am absolutely sure you will nail the landing! It's cool to see how it's starting to tie up though!!

Manly tears are absolutely fine ;0)

You've always had a good outlook on it, so I fully trust you, dude. Must be the glasses! Whether I stumble and fall or not, I'm just happy I made the leap. Some of the best months of my writing career has been the 6 months I've been posting the story here, for sure :D

How many more is there? I think I missed the starting few so not sure the hours it started at. We must be approaching dawn! You got anything lined up for after?


I really don't want to say because I don't want it to come true but...

Only 2 left :'( I literally wrote a 24-hour day story, for a 30-day competition and published it over the span of 6 months haha!

I have been slacking off on writing the follow-up stories, but I have tons of ideas in store haha! I should really crack the whip and just write whatever so that I could continue posting content :) I hope you get the chance to revisit the chapters you missed some time, dude! So that you could see how everything ties together :)

I am sure I will get back to them. As soon as I find a slot!!

Wow only two. I thought it had the feel of coming together. You will be sad to see it over definitely. As long as you keep posting when it's done I will be happy!!

Will this story be done or is that a misdirect and it will really go on forever? Will I still be posting when this story is done? Will Ledd make it out in one piece? Will I make it out alive after?? So many questions!!

excellent post @jedau:) up and follow!!

Thank you so much! I hope you get a chance to read from the beginning so that you get caught up on all of the events and action :D

Goddamn, man! That was an epic journey you just took me on!

The sadness of seeing his mother utter her final words, the giant doppelganger and the disorientation it created, the massive beast at the end. Your imagination is honestly something to behold, @jedau!

I love the hidden messages within. The "Isle La View" play was awesome and I'm so glad he finally understood it's meaning. But the giant twin. An anger against himself manifesting in through "tiny" Ledd's attack maybe? It's all intriguing stuff and so so beautifully pieced together.

What a magnificent talent you are on this platform. Loving your work and am so happy you're growing so fast in popularity. A consummate artist never goes without receiving their dues. You fit into the category perfectly. :)

Brilliant stuff, my bro. :)

I definitely leaned heavily on the philosophical aspect, brother! I'm glad you noticed that :D You know, when I was younger, my imagination was way more vivid, I just wish I got into writing earlier so that those worlds wouldn't have been lost to time.

I just wish my follow-ups to this story is as well received as well. My biggest fear is peaking too early. Heck, I haven't even written a single word for any follow-ups yet! Haha! Their just all raw ideas.

I'm just so thankful for all the support you guys have given me. If it weren't for all of you, I don't know if I would've made it this far in the story. It's always great to know that I'm writing alongside my esteemed peers. That feeling of camaraderie is worth more than any amount of STEEM :D

Great write up.

Thanks for that very insightful comment.

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