The best question ever and super answer! 50 steem goes to...

in #question7 years ago

If you remember my previous post: The best question and the best answer to the question will split 50 steem! - then you might be one of the winners. But, before to announce the winners, I want to thank you all for being such amazing people and I'm glad that I have met you all in person or just on Steemit!


What were you supposed to do?

You had to choose a Steemit member and ask him a question ( any kind of question you liked) and if that user answered your question, then, you both had a chance to win 50 steem!  

Many of you asked me different, funny and interesting questions, but I can't choose any of you as winners because this way I have to choose myself a winner as well, and the purpose was to give away this 50 Steem and not to hold it for me! A big thank you and my appreciation is what I have for you all this time!

There were two questions that I liked and had super answers: 

First question belongs to @tincho who asked @jedau

The question: The day you proposed to your girlfriend... And she accepted. What did you feel inside of you? 

The answer:  As I lay there, battered and bruised from my long quest, I couldn't help but exhale a sigh of relief. It was a culmination of a journey that had started many years ago, and while it was only another starting point, it was a junction where we needed to shed the weight of the past.

My sword hung heavy, and my head and eyelid were leading me to the ground. Who was I to fight back against the urging of the universe?In the darkness, the only thing I felt inside me was emptiness. I felt helpless to everything I once thought I could control. There was a feeling of longing brewing deep within, but the cold marble floor extinguished it from springing to life.

As soon as she stepped inside the door, I catapulted myself back to action and enacted my plan. My mind went blank and my body performed all the rehearsed movements. We went through a rollercoaster of emotions in exactly 4 minutes, and 32 seconds. 

By the time the ride was through there was only 1 answer. By God, when she said yes, a torrential flow of positivity filled the nothingness inside me. With that, I felt complete. We hugged it out and sealed whatever gaps both of our hearts had :D 

The second question belongs to @fakj94 who asked @sadness.

The question: So, @sadness, don't you wanna meet @happiness

The answer: Hahahaha, of course! I need a little bit of happiness in this sadness world... (just kidding)

I have two options for those great people: 

  • I can add to the prize 10 steem and split it in four ( will be 15 steem each ) ( The winners have the last word, so, if they all agree, I will send the steem right away to their wallets )
  • The second option will be: I will leave two comments where people can vote for the winners ( all the money raised on those comments will be donated to @darthnava) ( This can be another small help from us! )

All the SBD from this post will be donated to @darthnava! I'm doing this to let him know that he is not alone and we all want him all the best! Cheers!


@tincho and @jedau for the winners? Remember all the money from those comments will be donated to @darthnava!

WOW, @the-future! Such ahuge honor, man. Thank you! On behalf of my comrade from a different continent @tincho, I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I have messaged him to see which option he wants to take, and we'll discuss the best route to take for us. Personally, I would want the earnings from the votes to raise money for a good cause. Plus, it'll be a fun way to cap off a contest. But, we'll see what @tincho thinks :)

In any case, this was a fun, unexpected contest. Heck, I didn't even know I was entered had I not seen my name in the comments section! hahaha! Resteeming this post for sure :D

The pleasure is all mine, @jedau and I think every single steemit users is honored to see your amazing comments on their posts. Thank you very much for being such a great person. Cheers man!

Awww shucks! So nice of you to say that, man! I appreciate it :) I could say the same about you! All these wonderful contests you put up really has a way of bringing people together. Keep on being awesome, dude!

Wow man, always helping others dear the-future! Excellent news you have given me. There I wrote to jedau to agree. But you have my support for any next challenge! Big hug my friend!

Thank you very much @tincho, I appreciate your kind words and your friendship! Cheers man!

Hello @the-future

Nice of you to organise this.


P.S I sent you a message on Discord

Hello @ogochukwu, thank you very much! I will check out that message!

So it's decided then! Haha! Best of luck to everyone :D

Yes, is decided then and I think you and @tincho are the winners! I will wait until tomorrow and if there are no changes, then I will send you both 25 steem each!

Woohoo! Fingers crossed the decision will stick. Congrats to us brother @tincho! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this opportunity! :D And, thank you buddy @the-future for holding such a wonderful contest :D

A pleasure to participate in this with you, my friend. You practically did all the work! Sorry for responding so late but I had busy days!

I've been busy these days as well, so I've been catching up with everything I've missed. No worries, my friend! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't even had a chance to win! :D

Great man! Congratulations to my friend Jedau for making me win this contest! Everything was worthy of him.

And to return the favor dear @the-future, I published a few days ago this post.

The girl never answered me and I promised to donate the liquid rewar to some contest. I do not know how many contests I'm going to distribute. I think in 4. So if you have something in mind. Let me know and you will receive your share.

I read your post and I saw that you made a great work man! I want to apologize for this delay, but I had an internet connection problem during the weekend! I will make the transfer now. I want to congratulate all of you for your participation.
@tincho and @jedau please check your wallets and let me know if everything is ok. Congratulations to both of you! Cheers

Thank you my friend! I want to give you part of the rewards of that post. I think it would be between 30 and 35 Sbd. I'm going to divide it into 4 contests. Do you want me to send them to you under the name Original Tag or The best question ever and super answer?
Thanks for always creating good content. A pleasure to have participated!

Hey, buddy, don't worry about that​ Sbd, you don't have to send me anything​. I know you can find to do something better. Plus anything I do I do it because I want, like and people deserve even more!
It's always a pleasure to see your participation! Cheers my friend.

How in the hell did I miss this?? @the-future, you're a superstar!!! You chose some great and worthy winners. Bless all of you...

Hey man, you didn't miss it if you're here right? Thank you very much bro, I appreciate it a lot. Cheers!

@fakj94 and @sadness for the winners? Remember all the money from those comments will be donated to @darthnava!

Where are you guys? @fakj94 I will ask you for one time only: bring @sadness to me! :D
I hope you will see this!

Sorry, i don't see the post, i'm here haha!

I had not seen this post :c. HAHAHAHA I prefer the split in four. I think.

You and @sadness want to split in four, but @jedau and @tincho wanted the other option. Until now they have more votes than you two! I will wait until tomorrow and send the steem to those who have more votes! I hope you all agree with this! All the best to all of you!

I prefer the first option, sharing is important...just saying 8-), btw thank you for choosing @fakj94 and me, i don't expected that, my answer is so short and sad hahaha

I liked your answer and a good answer it doesn't always have to be a long one.

Thank you, you're right!

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