Black Oak Sword, Chapter 22 -- Part One

in #fiction7 years ago


Wilson and Aella limped into the tavern. Devon stood behind the bar. He waved them over. As they approached, his mouth opened in surprise. "What happened?" he asked.

"Don't ask," said Wilson.

Devon's father, Keven walked out from the back storeroom. "A bit late for that," he said.

Aella looked at him quizzically.

"Too late," he explained, "Devon already asked."

Aella nodded as understanding broke through her foggy mind. "We took a bit of a beating," she said by way of explanation. She sat down at the customary table. Wilson sat down beside her.

Devon walked in the back. After a few moments, he returned with two towels. Each was wrapped around something.

"Here," he handed one towel to each of them. "Ice wrapped towels. Put them on your faces. It will reduce the swelling."

"Thanks," mumbled Wilson.

"Well, it may reduce the swelling," said Devon, "but it definitely won't make you any prettier."

Wilson barked a laugh. "Kind of too late for that, I guess."

Aella hit him on the shoulder.

He winced in pain. "I meant for me. As for you, who knows what that ice may do. Girls are different."

Aella groaned in pain as the ice began to take effect. "Yes, we are. Thank the Seven for that."

Devon's father brought them both an ale. He set the two mugs down in front of them. "That may help take the sting off a bit as well," he said. "And, young lady, I agree. Thank the Seven."

"For what?" Aella asked.

"That women are different," he smiled. "It makes life much more enjoyable."

Devon frowned at his dad. "You needn't always think about that you know."

His father walked back behind the bar. After pouring himself a large foamy mug of ale and taking an overlarge swallow, he wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand. "I know I needn't," he said. "But I sure do like to."

Wilson barked another laugh. And then he groaned as the movement made his face and body burn with pain again. "I haven't been beaten like this since the Academy."

"You were never beaten at the Academy," said Aella.

Wilson reached out for his mug. "That isn't true and you know it. Remember the time Master Billis found me in Mother Roc's cage?"

Aella grinned at the memory. "I had forgotten about that." She moved the ice towel over a bit so she could see Wilson. "My apologies Captain. You are entirely correct. You were beaten. Perhaps even a bit more."

Wilson nodded his head, moving as little as possible.

"Then again," added Aella, "You most certainly deserved it for that stunt. Had it been up to me, I would have expelled you."

"He almost did, you know?"

At that moment, the tavern door opened and Basden walked in with his three guards.

Devon walked towards him, shooing them out with his hands. "Tavern's closed," he said. "Feel free to come back later."

"Door's unlocked and I'm thirsty," said Basden.

"Perhaps he doesn't need the money," said the tall friend.

The short one nodded. "Yeah, maybe they make so much here, they need to pay a bit more tax. You know, pay their fair share and all that?" he said.

Basden nodded at the wisdom of his friends. "There is that. I shall talk with the Baron. I'm certain he would be pleased to know the businesses are doing so well they are turning down custom."

Devon's father stood up. "Basden, no need to be hasty. Have a seat over there. I'll serve you right away," he said.
Devon looked over at his father. His father shook his head and walked over to Basden and his friends.

"What do you have in the way of food?" asked Basden.

"Tonight's menu is sausage and noodles or mutton."

"I'll have mutton."

"As will I."

"I'm tired of mutton. Bring me the sausage and noodles."

"That is what I'll have," said Basden. "And bring each of us a tall mug of ale. And Kev," he said.

"Yes?" nodded Kev.

"Keep our ale mugs full, will you?" he said. "Last time, I think you were going a bit light on my ale. You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

The Black Oak Sword

Chapter 1: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Chapter 2: Part 1 , Part 2
Chapter 3: Part 1 , Part 2,Part 3
Chapter 4:Part 1,Part 2
Chapter 5: Part 1
Chapter 6: Part 1, Part 2
Chapter 7: Part 1, Part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:Part 1
Chapter 14:Part 2
Chapter 15:Part 1
Chapter 15:Part 2
Chapter 16:Part 1
Chapter 16:Part 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19:Part 1
Chapter 19:Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

© 2017, Stone Golem Publishing, All rights reserved--no part of this may be used without express written consent.

**All pictures used are labeled for reuse. They come from Pixabay

Follow @bigpanda for more flash fiction.


I haven't read it yet, but it looks interesting. I just discovered it so I will make a bit of time to read aaaall the chapters soon. I can't wait!!!!

Very good my friend. Success for you @bigpanda


Very good my friend. Success for you @bigpanda

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