Story - ALICE - Part 4

in #fiction7 years ago

Hey SteemFam!

Here's part 4 of ALICE.

To read Parts 1 through 3, please click the links below:

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3


“Okay kids. I will see you after the weekend. Make sure you finish your homework. I don’t want to hear any excuses on Monday.”

“Bye Missus Crenshaw!”

“Miss Martin, can I see you for a minute?”

I looked at Jacob.

I saw his lips form the word ‘hurry’. I quickly went to the teacher’s table, while Jacob walked out of the class; presumably to wait for me outside the school building.

It was winter, and sunset wasn’t a long way away. We had to hurry if we wanted to make it to the haunted house before sun down.

“You wanted to see me Missus Crenshaw?”

“Is everything okay dear?” she asked with a warm smile on her face.

“What do you mean? Do I look sick?”

“Well, you’ve been distracted lately. A little glum too”

Glum? Me? But I’m always cheerful and happy. Why would she say that?

Then it struck me. I have been glum. Well, ever since I met Alice anyway. Actually, ever since I met Jacob, a cloud has been hanging over me… following me around. He is the reason I got interested in ghosts and haunted houses. He is the reason I am being haunted by Alice. And now I am about to go into another haunted house where, who knows what awaits me.


“Uh... It’s nothing ma’am. Really. I’m a teenager… we have our mood swings now and then, don’t we?

She smiled.

“Well,” she continued, “if that’s all it is, you can go. But if you ever want to talk about anything, and I mean anything… you can always come to me. Is that clear?”

“Yes ma’am”

I ran out of the classroom and down the stairs as fast as I could. Precious time had already been wasted. Jacob was waiting. We had to leave.

To be continued...

Some illustrations may be uploaded later.

My contest, sponsored by @voiceshares, just ended.

Click here to find out who won.

I recently finished writing a short story, based on Netflix's Stranger things. If you would like to read it, please check the links below:

Story- How Long Have I Been Here - Part 1
Story- How Long Have I Been Here - Part 2
Story- How Long Have I Been Here - Part 3
Story- How Long Have I Been Here - Part 4

Thank you for reading 🙂

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Check out my other works below

About- Wild Fire
About- Red and Gold

Click here button to follow me and stay tuned for more to come.


On a much lighter note. "Where the __ is Alice?" XD

hahahahaha!!! nice one. I can't believe I missed that... I think this line will work its way in quite nicely in the next part xD...

It would be a lot better if it went something like:

Camron - Alice!
Jacob - Alice? Who the ____ is Alice?


Yes, yes. That'd sound contextual. :P
I'm taking a look at the next part now.

Also, if you are interested, part 5 is up now.

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