About - Red and Gold

in #art7 years ago

Hey SteemFam!

Here is another of my works...

I usually like to keep names for each piece that I make. Unfortunately, I've been at a loss for this one.

Annoyed Rant

This is a custom order, made as an alternative for the same client that I made this for, which they were not very happy with. I literally slogged over it. It was and still is the most detailed work I have ever done. It was really upsetting when they rejected it. I was in a bad mood for days.
Anyway... I really love this one. It is more elegant that the one I had made previously... LOL.

Her Majesty

I'm not being pompous. It's just that it looks so royal 😊

The client mentioned that they wanted the glass to be seen and that they wanted flowers scattered all over the surface area. So, this is what I came up with.

The Process

I had bought two wine bottles for the purpose of painting on them, because I am so in love with the shape of you. One was red and the other – white.
I emptied the red wine into another wine bottle and started to take the label off.

I Did a Stupid Thing...

Me being a genius, I heated the wine bottle over the gas stove for a while to make it easier to peel off the labels.
Now... the bottle is a bit hot and I needed it to cool down a bit. So, what did I do?
I kept the bottle aside for a while and patiently waited for it to cool down.


You see what I really did was, I dipped the hot glass bottle, into room temperature (was a little cold so the water was a little cold too) water and this is what happened...

So... after dying and crying inside a bit, I decided that I was gonna keep that bottle for myself and make a piece for the house... I'm a problem solver (I'm not).

Moving on...

I emptied the other bottle the old-fashioned way (with some help), and did the smart thing and just peeled off the label without the use of fire. Turns out this way works just fine, since the label is more plastic-y than most other labels. Getting the gum off the bottle was simple too. I just used the lable's sticky side as a waxing strip... the girls will know what I'm talking about.
Now that I think about it, I could have used the non-sticky side and not got sticky hands as a result... hmmm.
I then washed the bottle and dried it and started putting on the designs with a glass liner.

Color Within the Lines!

To give the flowers a gradient, I sort of took the color outside the lines just a bit. It may not make sense to you but at the time it made sense to me... at the time. It's too late to change now. LOL


Fillers... Ugh!

After coloring the flowers, the bottle still felt a little incomplete... if you will notice, this is a recurring theme. You can't blame an artist for wanting more from the piece.
I thought some green vines would do the trick.
As I was getting my paints, I suddenly remembered that gold goes well with red. So, I decided to paint on some gold patterns in the negative spaces 🙂
Here are two time lapse videos of the pattern painting... was tough to film 😛

All That Glitters May Not Be Gold... But This?

Here is what it looks like.

It kinda (totally did) got wet in the rain (LOL) which is not good at all, but I brought it out of the rain ASAP and dried it off before it could ruin the colors.
I still need to put some varnish on it or the acrylic gold paint will peel off if it's handled roughly before it properly dries.
I am supposed to give it away on a few days but I really don't want to … LOL.

I hope you guys liked this one as much as I did 🙂

Thanks for reading ☺

I recently successfully held a #bottleartchallenge contest for my fellow steemians. Please click here to check it out and here to find out who won.

Please let me know what you think of the contest and if you would like to see more of such contests 🙂

Check out my other works below

About- Misty
About- Sakura
About- Petit Papillon

Check out my ongoing story

Story- How Long Have I Been Here (Working Title)- Part 1
Story- How Long Have I Been Here (Working Title)- Part 2
Story- How Long Have I Been Here (Working Title)- Part 3
Story- How Long Have I Been Here (Working Title)- Part 4

Please upvote and resteem ☺

Click here button to follow me and stay tuned for more to come.


Her Majesty is beautiful!😉

I never met any wine lover like you before who will discard the wine for the bottle. Very interesting! More interesting is your habit to name them. I can understand when you work so hard on them you impart a whole new personality to them, so giving a proper name to them is natural.

No doubt, Rose (..or is it Annoyed Rant?) was a result of lot of hard work from you but I too liked this one better. (May be Tuborg is not of the same stature as this red wine 😎). Hope your client was happy to honour Her Majesty!

And one question. Did you know beforehand that you will accidentally crack the first bottle or you love the wine a lot and can't buy just one? And did you refill Her Majesty with red wine to gift it for the house-warming ceremony? Sorry, I'm asking too many questions now! Probably even more than your client. 😊

Lol... I had help finishing the wine. I knew that the bottle would crack but I was hoping that it wouldn't. In the end science won over my hopes. The client was happy... LOL
and no... the bottle was empty when it was gifted LOL

So sad! I too always feel that Science doesn't always respect human emotions. And here is another example to strengthen my belief system. Very sorry to learn that you became its next victim. How cruel of Science to crush all your hopes! Very inhumane of it!!!

May almighty give your hopes more power to rise above this devilish Science! 🙏

ah well... if our hopes were allowed to rule the world then it would be chaos... I like science :P
Also... there might be dimensions where our laws laws of physics don't apply :) I might do well there xD

I am remembering great saying "jack of all trades master of none". You are master of "bottle art"

Haha... thank you ☺

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