Story - Alice - Part 3

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Hey SteemFam!

Here's Part 3 of ALICE.

Please click the below links to read the previous parts:

Part 1
Part 2


“Martin residence, may I know who’s calling?”

“Hey Marty! It’s Jacob”

“Stop calling me that”

“Should I just call you Martin?”

“What do you want?”

“I found another haunted house”

“You mean the one we broke into the last time really was haunted?” (rustling sounds on the other side of the line)

“Okay that was a mistake. Billy thought it would be cool to mess with us. He’s gonna get what’s coming to him later. This house however, I found on my own”


“Is that a ‘Yes’?”

“Where and how did you find this place?”

“On the internet”

“And that’s more reliable than Billy? How do you know it really is haunted?”

“Well I went to the house myself. I didn’t go inside, but I spoke to some of the neighbours. Not many wanted to talk about the house but the ones that did, pretty much confirmed the story.”


***“If all I’m going to get out of you is hot air, then I might as well go by myself-” ***

“Fine… I’ll go with you”

“Sweet! We’ll discuss more after class tomorrow?”





“He just wants to spend time with you”, Alice chimed in.

“And you know that how?”

“Oh, I just know”

I shut my eyes and tried to sleep, but all I could think about was what awaited us in the new “haunted house”. The last time we broke into one, I got stuck with a haughty, dead teenager who likes to stare and has a sick sense of humor. Not exactly the best companion to have. I would have preferred being with a cactus.

What would I get stuck with at this “haunted house”?

“So… what are you going to do tomorrow?”

“I’m trying to get some sleep, Alice”

“Well, you won’t get any if you keep ignoring me. I can guarantee that.”

I got up. There was no arguing with her.

“He wants us to check out another haunted house”

“What is that boy’s obsession with haunted houses?”

“Boy? You’re a kid yourself.”

“I’ve been around longer than most of you in this block, FYI.”

“Not that long. Your clothes and language are pretty modern. You couldn’t have been around that long. What year were you born in exactly?”

“I’ve told you before… I don’t remember any of that”

“I’m sorry.”

“Can I come with you? To the haunted house?”


“Well, it’s not like I have anywhere else to be. And a haunted house will be a nice change in scenery from your dreary school and house… and besides, if this place really is haunted, I would be a good asset to have.”

“Fine. You can come. Just don’t draw attention to yourself.”

To be continued...

Some illustrations may be uploaded later.

I recently finished writing a short story, based on Netflix's Stranger things. If you would like to read it, please check the links below:

Story- How Long Have I Been Here - Part 1
Story- How Long Have I Been Here - Part 2
Story- How Long Have I Been Here - Part 3
Story- How Long Have I Been Here - Part 4

Thank you for reading 🙂

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About- Wild Fire
About- Red and Gold

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Good post upvoted and followed. Hope you do the same : )

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