Food Fight Friday ~ Round 2 Winners ~ Round 3 Contenders ~

in #fff6 years ago (edited)

Hey, Hey, Hey It’s time to announce another Food Fight Friday People’s Choice Contender Give Away For Round 2~~ Also Announce the Contenders For Round 3 and Voting is Open

I think there is some sort of Food Fight Friday Conspiracy goin’ on here!! There are awards for First, Second, and Third Place, not just First and Second!!! I’m definately sensing something disturbing in the Food Fight Friday Force.
This is Madness, Madness I tell ya!!
There was a 5 - Way tie for First!!
Wait just a minute!!! I’m trying to crown a FFF champion and you guys aren’t letting me!! Your strategic voting is making it so everyone wins. I guess that is not such a bad thing now is it.
Feel free to get up out of your seat or wherever you are and bust a move.
Here are the 5 first place winners of Round 2 of the Food Fight Friday Wallet Fattening Contender Give Away

@lizzyib ~ @cleopatra54 ~ @dandays ~ @jlsplatts ~ @fjmb86

@jlsplatts is disqualified just because I said so and @dandays wants his SBD prize left in the pool for next round
You all will receive 1.5 SBD

Now the 2 - Way tie for Second Place Goes to....

@sivehead and @weirdheadaches

Congratulations you guys will be each getting 1.25 SBD
@weirdheaches is leaving his also
These funds will be transferred into your wallets by the end of today. As long as I can get @jlsplatts to quit frickin working for a minute and send the payments out.

Round 3 Contenders DING DING DING

1st ~ 5SBD
2nd ~ 3 SBD
3rd ~ 2SBD


Pav for Dessert at the Keemandie Hotel

Unleash the Kraken

There’s No Excuse

Ribeye Steak and Potatoes

Steak, Polenta, and Blistered Cherry Tomatoes


Plenty Fuel Smoothie

Pulled Pork Prep
If you would like to see the end result click HERE

Grandpa Gotta Cook ~ Carne Asada, Arroz Y Frijoles

Eggs and Soldiers

We have got a room filled with
Food Lovin’
Fun Havin’
Food Coma Cravin’
Food Fight Friday people!!!

Now place your Votes
only one vote
You will receive a horrific Fish-Slap and will be continually Fish-Slapped at random for a week.

You don’t have to be a Contender to vote. So resteem this post and get the word out to others.
The place to be on Friday is....

Food Fight Friday

A special thank to all of you for you for participating and voting in the last contest. Keep spreading the word about Food Fight Friday lets make this thing HUGE!!



That’s quite a few meals for this #fff only being around a month. They all look great, too, we’ll done everybody!

@lizzyib, you had my vote. Well.. then @sivehead smacked a food fight fastball outta the park! Well done sir.

Put @dandays down for #3 please. “There’s no excuse.”

You got it there pal!! That is a vote for #3

Easy choice for me... #5 Delicious!

Ding Ding Ding that’s another vote for #5

Im torn on this one but, after drooling for several hours ima pick #5.

Delicious choice!! That is a vote counted for #5

#5 is beautifully composed and I love polenta!

Oh man.... that is another vote for the big and tasty #5
Thank you, your vote has been counted. Only one problem... I don’t know how to count.

This is just getting rediculous, @foodfightfriday doesn’t even give me the opportunity to decline my winnings. Maybe you want to vote for me too, @foodfightfriday???

Well I’ve been staring at theses posts all week in anticipation of having to make a choice. Actually regretting that I have to pick just one. @lizzib, genius I love it!! @glenabrethsen, Mexican Food is my weakness!! @dandays, smoothies are my go to when I’m on the run, which is quite often. @weirdheadaches, steak and potatoes, I could eat that every night!! @sparkesy43 dessert....really?!?! Man oh man this Food fight Friday stuff if getting insane.
I’m goin to go with #5 not only does the dish look absolutely delicious, I really enjoyed the post.
Thanks for joining in on Food Fight Friday @creationofcare

Put @jlsplatts down for #5 please and thank you

Ok ok dang no need to write a dang story!! Good grief!! A simple, I vote for #5 would have been just fine you dang over achiever!!!
Reluctantly that is a vote counted for #5

Oh man the choices! It's haaarrd!...
twenty minutes later...
Ummm.... I'm hungry! I think I'll grab a snack from #6 while I try and decide...
30 minutes later...
Ok, ok... I got it... my vote this week is gonna have to be the Mexican 'less gas' beans! #9

Oh, and congrats to last weeks winnersssss!

You got it pal, that’s a big vote for #9

I'm a simple man with simple tastes, and loves me some gooey egg for brekky so it's #10 getting my vote this week.

The goeyness won me over too. That there is a vote for #10
Thanks for stopping in and casting your vote.

Well! Smack my grits! I've won a prize! Thank you and congrats to all the winners too. I really do like showing off my successes and mishaps so a little SBD is just a bonus.

There is hardly any hesitation this week. I pick #5. I'm more of a small meals type of gal and I admire the portion size, let alone the how beautiful the plating was. Excellent job @creationofcare!

That there is a vote for #5
Sorry for the delayed response @jlsplatts is running a bit behind.

So hard to decide! My favorite go to grill choice for a hot Friday night? Or carne asada that reminds me of the best neighbors I ever had? Let's go with #9 since now I can add the cooking lesson!

Grandpa’s Carne Asada gets a vote!! That a vote counted for #9. Thanks for you vote!!

I've been trying to vote for an hour but my (almost) 2 year old keeps grabbing my phone and looking at Jim Carey's face on that gif, lol.

Anyways my vote is for #5! I love colorful food especially fresh from the garden and I really enjoyed reading the post and the use of the gifs, very creative. I also learned a new way to cook tomatoes. Thanks @creationofcare. :-)

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