Food Fight Friday - Unleash the Kraken

in #fff6 years ago (edited)

Food Fight Friday - Unleash the Kraken

Recently, I returned from an Alaskan cruise and boy, the food runneth over. I am generally a fairly health conscientious guy and have (had?) been on a pretty restrictive diet for some 9 months. I lost 70 pounds, gained muscle and felt alive....if not a bit hungry or envious of the table over from time to time! For the first couple of days I think my restraint was something to behold. After days on the ship though, visiting the buffet, it started to become one cookie and then two. Bread pudding here and an extra brownie there. But it wasn't just sweets this monster craved, it bled into the savory just as much. And one drink quickly became three.

Well, I'm back now and it has been a struggle to regain my composure. I kept active enough on the cruise to keep my metabolism pretty ramped but the sight and taste of things I had been denying myself, well, they have remained ever present. I've done a little better but...........

Here is Thursday Night's Dinner


What we have here is a Salmon pita with restaurant brined green olives, chopped lettuce, boiled egg, pickled mustard seed and a red wine vinaigrette dressing. And a side of fruit because who doesn't love fruit. This liitle Sandwich comes out of a specialty deli no more than a few blocks from my front door. I eat it whenever I want something good and reliable.

Here is the whole plate

pita2.jpgIt really is the perfect serving

Now for Friday night, A night known for debacles!

pizza1.jpgMmm Mhmm! Pizza & Beer

Closer to me than the deli with the healthy offerings and coming off of a long Friday I wondered into the local pizzeria. Here during Happy Hour (It is!), you can order $2.00 slices and the house brewed beer is half off. This is a no brainer and its really a wonder I'm not here three or four times a week.

The beer pictured is a German style Golden Ale and cost me a slick $1.50 a pint. This slice of pizza was pepperoni, mushrooms and red onion. You can't just stop at just one though. Can you?

Slice 2

Beer not Pictured.......

For my second slice I did it up with Canadian bacon, they have ham on the menu as well and I was tempted to order both and maybe call them out, black olives and green peppers. This was definitely the better of the two pieces. * Will order again! *

As Always, Thank you for your time and attention!


Hey you gotta mix it up a bit. Keep that body guessing what your goin to throw at it next.
Whoa, hang on..... Is this a First Food Fight Friday Post from you???
Heck yes it is
I welcome thee to the Food Fight Arena with a friendly
All of us here at Food a Fight Friday Welcome you with full bellies and food comas.

Thanks! Looking forward to some more good eats!

It was great. I'm already planning the morning walk to make up for it!

This is great fighting post @jackofcrows. I don’t know who all got hit but it sure looks good airborn! Welcome to the kitchen.

I think in times like this there are only survivors!

That looks very tasty, especially the picked mustard seeds. Sound like some thing I need to try.

As an investor in a brewery, though, I can't condone paying only $1.50 for a pint. We can't even serve carbonated water at that price!

The star of the show is really the olives to be honest with you but yes the mustard seeds are quite tasty, add a pop to the bite. And I do love all things mustard!

It is a steal and one of the reasons it is hard to pass up and maybe....umm...linger to long. That said the pizza outside of the deal on the slices is a bit overpriced. Delicious but overpriced.

Well, congratulations on the 70 pounds off and the muscle added on! That's a big accomplishment. I think it's okay to indulge a little here and there, as long as indulging doesn't become the norm. I could stand to get myself back into weight loss mode, but have yet to feel motivated. I need to be ready in the head before I can get the body to conform. Head's not willing yet.

All of this looks good. I can see why you would want to frequent both establishments. :)

Haha! Yep! I'm lucky enough to live in a small big city. We suffer from the urban sprawl in the newer part of town but where I am located I get to avoid all of the troubles and hassles of living downtown but get most of the perks.

Within a half mile of my apartment door I have a premium sushi joint, a whiskey bar, 2 pizza places (one across from the other, maybe next week I'll post it), a Brazilian bakery and also its full on Brazilian Bistro mother store. Two indie coffee shops, a dive bar, the deli where my pita came from, an Eastern European comfort food place, a Venezuelan restaurant also specializing in rum and mojitos and last but not least....a snow-cone stand. Oh and a guy that does his own chocolate bars.......

Rent is cheap and life is good!

Sounds like it. I've never had Brazilian baked goods, or food for that matter, It's always been really expensive anywhere I've seen a restaurant. What kinds of things do Brazilian's bake?

My younger son would love the sushi. He was in the Tokyo area for two years on a church mission and really came to enjoy the food. Sushi on conveyor belts! Who knew?!

Not familiar with Venezuelan food either. You must be in the middle of a cultural culinary mecca, though. Does Hungarian food count as Eastern Europe? I've had that. Okay, according to the map I found, Hungary is in. Barely. Well, okay, then. There's at least one thing I've had, aside from Pizza and pitas. :)

Great job on the weight loss!

Pizza and beer how can you go wrong. It be great if that was weight loss food, id be ripped.

Thanks! It is pretty tempting not to just head that way 3 or 4 times a week.

It is a diet, probably just not the right one.


Oooo... piiizzzza fight! ... damn, why didn't I think of throwing in a beer too?!

I lost 70 pounds, gained muscle and felt alive

Very impressive dude, Congrats! And Welcome to #fff

You can never go wrong with some 'za, especially for $2.00. The second slice looked liked my kinda eats. Olives? Yes please!

The style of eating in your post is like mine all the time. I eat super health conscious one meal then the next I gorge myself on whatever is in front of me. Ha ha ha. I’m a big fan of putting myself in a Food Coma.
Looks like you have 2 awesome places really close by. Cheap pizza and beer...that’s a recipe for disaster. Lol

Oh, it's a daily struggle. Just walked to the grocery store down the street in an attempt to make some #tacotuesday magic and almost called off the whole production as I passed the pizza joint! lol

Stay focused... stay focused!! Pizza and beer will suck you right in.

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