Plenty Fuel Smoothy - Food Fight Friday

in #fff6 years ago (edited)

Fappy food fight Friday feveryfun! Good morning from grains of sand on the Pacific Coast. We’ve been pretty busy around here lately. We’ve had company stay with us two weekends in a row now, this one will be our third. People are squeezing in their last visit before we’re pro packing perfectly prepared passports per pronouncing proof paraded on precious portable party planes. I spent a lot of time this week working on my Monday / Wednesday, Monday especially. Add this, that, those, another that, them, this again and a few more like the other whatcha callit’s and well, what I’m trying to say is... I didn’t clock any kitchen time this week!

This week’s contender is fuel. A simple and quick recipe for all of you, this meal right here is probably the most important one of our day. My wife and I both are into that exer shmexercise stuff. We enjoy a typical breakfast like anyone else but that’s after our workout. She’s a runner, she runs minimum 4n1/2 miles per day, every day, 10 miles at the most. I’m a gimp! I get my cardio on a pair o’ peddles and then I train. But before we do any of that shmexer exercisey stuff, we pack o’ plumbing with fuel from a Plenty Fuel Smoothy:


For this one all you need is a couple of items from the produce section, two supplements from the vitamin joint, water and a blender. And one of those weird pluggy-looking things on the wall that makes the blender loud:

Just pick one, they all look the same to me

Your prep counter will look something like this:


I fill the blender up with 16 ounces of water. I rarely, if ever, used yogurt and I never used milk, even back when I believed everything big pharma told me. Just water. I would only add yogurt to my shakes when I needed to pack on weight. I can pack on 2-3 pounds in one sleep by adding 2 scoops of yogurt, same goes for the people who’ve asked - 2 scoops each day and I’ll be 8 pounds heavier by the end of the week - No problem! I’m not sure why they program everyone to believe yogurt is a ‘dietary supplement?’ It’s those dang advertisers again isn’t it?! Pricks.

“Hello-ello.. lo-o? What happened?”


“Last think I remember I was cruising along the @foodfightfriday highway, how’d I end up on the corner of sidetracked and ramble?”

In your 16 ounces of water, throw in two scoops of protein powder, this will bump up your morning protein intake by 30 grams. Carbohydrates aka energy were given a bad rep by big business because recycled plant protein is the big profit maker in meat, not carbs! Therefor carbs are bad, right? Wrong. But don’t take my word for it. Anyhow... With a big middle finger pointed right at all of those big business advertisers :chirp chirp: we’re going to throw in 2/3 scoop of Carbohydrates and bump up our carb intake (carbs, artery clearing, keep you out of the heart doctors office, carbs) by 50 grams:


Now add more good health - Stuff that reacts under those really high priced agents we call sunlight and water: Strawberries, a handful of spinach and a banana:


Put the lid on the blender and then hold down the blend button: ‘Tada!’ Breakfast of champions right there - Plenty Fuel Smoothy! Drink up, there’s a whole day out there in anticipation of your arrival.

Happy Friday ya’all! Same place, same time next week, deal? How’s your aim? You got a good arm on you? Follow @foodfightfriday and show us, you might even get hit upside the wallet with some SBD.


Click Here for Wednesday:

Click Here for Monday:


We always keep a bag of organic frozen wild blueberries in the freezer. Throw those in with the banana some chai seeds protein powder and your off to the races. If it says one scoop for 25grams of protein, I do 3. 😉 Hey I had a couple naturopaths tell me that my body is a fuel efficient burning machine and it need all the protein is can get. From plants animals whatever. Hey maybe I can get protein injectoins on the black market, you know kinda like roids. Dah ah ha ha
Wow what a ramble Um...uh
That there sir is a tasty, healthy, power smoothie.

I understood the ramble perfectly. The closest thing I ever got to steroids was a supplement called 1-AD, I’m pretty sure it’s off the market now. Dude it frikkin worked though! OTC only plus all those frozen blueberries ya’all got. A whole orange is a good one too.

Thanks a lot for stopping by @jlsplatts!

Ill take one :). Love smoothies.

Coming right up my man! We just got a fresh batch of antioxidant blueberries I’ll throw in.. on the house!

Thanks a lot for stopping by @weirdheadaches and thanks for everything you’re doing to promote these food fights.

Blueberries are Awesome! Appreciate it, you as well!

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Nice!... dude, I'll take three with extra yogart. I could do with a few extra £'s hahaha.

Coming right up! That’s one for you, the mrs and scruff ya? And you said there’s 8 people under your roof, right? I get it, dogs are awesome!

Thanks a lot for stopping by @sivehead, have a great weekend.

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Thank you for keeping me on my toes @dustsweeper!

Share, me, noooo! There all for me. I can't be sharing such deliciousness with people that aren't fully fledged #fff members!

Just had a similar breakfast an hour ago👍
Gonna try this exact recipe tomorrow👍

I was pretty minimal with this one actually, a few less items than normal. A handful of blueberries and a whole orange is always recommended, let me know what you think!

Thanks a lot for stopping by @geneeverett

Oh man!!! Watch out @foodfoghtfriday hasn’t slept much and is ready for some action!!
Smoovey ooohhhh yyyyaaaaa me lika smoovey.
Hey I need one with a little extra pep, whatcha got for that?
Oh!!! Good lord no not that much pep!! Holy crap, that’s a little excessive. Just enough to get me goin on the morning, without the coffee.

Pep? Pleeeaase. Perfect, notta problem-0, piece 0’ pie partner! I’ll throw in a handful of dark chocolate and a scoop of peanut butter, you’ll be zippin faster than @jlsplatts.
Thanks a lot for the opportunity @foodfightfriday, have a great weekend.

That dude has got to be on something. I think he needs a drug test, and to think they allow him to play with electricity. Wow, simply Wow.

I've actually grown more partial to kale than spinach in my smoothies, and will probably end up with more than just two other things in them before I'm done. I think that might be why I'm the only one drinking my blends when I make them. :) I mean, they look kind of dark green and not so appetizing when it's all said and done, but I still think they have a good flavor to them. :) Besides, it's all about the health, right? Taste? It's overrated.

It sure is nice to touch base with you on Friday’s, sir! My wife is a kale fan, I’m not so much. It has a bitterness about it that I can feel on my cheeks as I chew. I won’t deny it if I’m offered but when I have a choice, I prefer spinach.

As far as other ingredients, I’m with you on that one! I went kinda cheesy on this smoothy, we’ll often add blueberries and raspberries and an occasional orange or something.

I’d love to share a Smoothy with you some day @glenbrethsen, thanks a lot for stopping by! Have a great weekend my friend.

Well, maybe one of these days I'll take you up on it. :)

Blueberries, raspberries, grapes, orange, avocado, egg, kale, apple, slices of bell pepper, chili powder and some cinnamon. I think I've actually done that combination before and I know I've made different variations thereof. Oh, and I have put in yogurt, too, but it's not really my go to. Hah. Listen to me. Talking like I have go to ingredients for smoothies! That's hilarious. My wife would probably be rolling her eyes or roflcoptering if she heard me say that. :)

It’s settled now. One of these Fridays maybe you’ll post that one because that sounds a heck of a lot better than mine!!

If you ever feel like showing off a recipe one of these Friday’s you might enjoy it. Me, personally, its the post where there’s no rules and anything flies so it’s a lot of fun.

Thanks a lot for stopping by @greenleaves and thank you for consistently posting your art work. They’re all so amazing. Your recent flowers doodle is excellent. Happy Sunday funday!

thank you @danday, its kind of you <3

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Therefor carbs are bad, right? Wrong.
It should be therefore instead of therefor.

Hay sweAt cheAks, I did spessifikly fore U! Eye thing U myst wear Eye said “think” insted of “thing,” too!

But good lookin out! (Might want to correct that ‘lookin’ too) Now go make yourself useful you lonely little circuit board and crash.

Butt eye car nut reed

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