Mind Matrix Of The Ancients & The Rise Of The One World Religion

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)


The Birth Of The One World Religion

I have come to understand that much of the information contained in the ancient esoteric schools of wisdom is valid. I’ve also come to understand that much of it pre-dates our narrow understanding of human history by potentially thousands of years. In this post I will track it back to the beginnings of our historical timeline, but in reality it’s far older than that. There have been times when this knowledge was used for the betterment and empowerment of mankind and within it are many profound and beautiful truths. Indeed I try to live my life within the balance found in many of these spiritual principles and natural and energetic laws.

Like everything else in the universe this knowledge carries a duality and equally a genuine power. Held in the wrong hands such power is nothing short of dangerous. I believe this knowledge is valid to the point that there is approaching a time when it will be scientifically proven. Of course it will come under a different guise, but mark my words the esoteric will become scientific. Unfortunately, this will just be the opening act that's used as bait to draw us into a technological trap.

This science will be the final (ace) card of the elite and a card their bloodlines have waited thousands of years to play. Equally depending upon your belief system humanity may have been tricked into building a technotronic House Of Babal (indeed this is something I've written about Here & Here) . Within the wisdoms of the ancients is a deep understanding relating to the cyclical nature of reality, time and energy, Here. There is also a profound understanding as to how these changes manifest in the collective psyche of humanity.

Within this understanding there was knowledge that this moment in time carries not only a cyclical but equally an energetic resonance of great change and upheaval. But what is taken with one hand is given with the other and as such this is also a time of great potential and awakening. If you open your eyes and look around then you know this to be true. Unfortunately these warnings and this information were stolen and to this day remain in the hands of the few as a tool of power.

You may ask if it's stolen and hidden then how would I know? Well from a lifetime of research I've realised it's hidden in plain view. This is because these people operate on the ancient understandings of natural law and as such they understand the karmic principles and laws of attraction. They believe that if they display the evidence for all to see and we're still too stupid to notice they then negate the wrath of judgement. There is also an element of supreme arrogance at play here. Indeed when you know where to look the clues are all around you, but that's a topic for another day.

This knowledge has been stolen from the people and held within secret libraries of occultic science, it has been held for the anointed. Waiting for a time when the rebirth of the occult will appear within the realms of the new religion, an amalgamation of the occult and hidden sciences. This will be both a perversion of the esoteric and a subversion of the awakening. This is the story of the birth and framework of the one world religion.

The Esoteric Foundations Of Quantum Physics

Within this post I intend to show that the cutting edge of quantum physics is not a scientific revolution but is in fact an occultic (occult means hidden) evolution. These principles have potentially followed us through the four ages of humanity. Indeed were these the proverbial truths whispered in the ears of Eve and released by the opening of Pandora’s box? The world is going to turn full circle and it will happen in front of our eyes, blink and you will miss it. Heed my words the hidden will be revealed! Unfortunately it will be a controlled, contrived and micro managed awakening.

We marvel at the advent of quantum mechanics, quantum computing and our world of advancing technology. But most of us have no understanding that in reality many of our cutting edge breakthroughs and understandings are not a recent occurrence but in fact occurred thousands of years ago.

The Mists Of Time

In terms of a historical context many aspects of our current quantum and astrophysics have their roots shrouded by the mists of time. This knowledge was handed down to the ancient Egyptians and from there it has woven itself into aspects of all religions (The term Amen actually derives from the Egyptian king of the Gods Amen-Ra) our language, schools of mysticism, the esoteric, the occult and now science. From pre ancient Egypt - ancient Egypt, ancient India, ancient China, ancient Greece – Rome, the middle ages, the renaissance and through to the birth of science, this profound esoteric wisdom has followed us throughout the age of man.

From an ancient but more historical (I'm talking post great flood) perspective our current breakthroughs relating to quantum physics, string theory, quantum entanglement etc have in many ways become interchangeable with aspects of Hermeticism, Kabballah and Vedic scripture. As we stand at the dawn of a new era of technological singularity the cutting edge of tomorrow has never had a closer link with the mysticism of the past. Which to me begs the question, has this happened before?



Within the realms of pre history the knowledge handed down to the great adepts and masters of Egypt has neither been surpassed or equalled. Among these masters it is said that one stood above all others, a man that would become a God, Hermes Trismegitutus “master of masters”. Ancient history tells us that he (although there is some conjecture over whether he was human) was the father of occultic wisdom, the founder of astrology, and the discoverer of alchemy.

The story of Hermes remains (in many ways) remains buried by the sands of time, opinion and myth. Certainly one avenue of thought is that the adepts of ancient Egypt simply inherited his knowledge as opposed to him being a part of their society. Indeed Hermes has been credited with tens of thousands of writings relating to a deep knowledge of the esoteric and metaphysics, many of these writings are said to have been of extreme antiquity.

It was Plato himself that described the temple of Neith at Sais (on the Nile delta) this site was said to contain secret halls and libraries of wisdom and knowledge that dated back over 9000 years. It was said that 42 sacred Hermes (Hermetic) writings were the basis of all training received by Egyptian priests. I wonder what happened to these sacred libraries? Personally I believe that (as I alluded to earlier) much of this information is still held and studied.

Here are the seven Hermetic principles, the principles for all life

The principle of Mentalism
The principle of Correspondence
The principle of Vibration
The principle of Polarity
The principle of Rhythm
The principle of Cause & Effect
The principle of Gender

As the story of Hermes passed into myth he became synonymous with the Egyptian God Thoth, the Greek God Hermes, it’s entirely possible that to the Sumerians he was known as Ningizzidia (lord of the tree of life), there is also a connection with the Jewish Enoch and another with the Scandinavian God Odin! There are so many interpretations of these ancient stories and indeed you could write several books just on these perspectives. Equally these are splinters and interpretations of one original truth that has been fractured through the ages. This approach is used to great affect to this very day in order to hide the truth in plain view.

Esoteric & Metaphysical Connections

These ancient (perhaps pre-flood) esoteric teachings have been incorporated into Hermeticism, Pantheism, Atomism, Kabbalah, Monism and the Indian Veda’s, to name but a few. Many of these ancient understandings are now becoming intertwined with quantum physics & astrophysics. In respect of the time I have, I’m just going to briefly focus on the Vedic influence on these sciences. Although I must say that I could write entire posts on each individual connection and as such it’s a subject as shall be revisiting many times. Below I will show that many aspects of the foundation of quantum mechanics and atomic theory is based upon Vedic scripture.


Rene Descartes

Firstly I shall begin with a brief synopsis relating to the beginning of science, I wrote this next paragraph in a previous post. An often ignored and overlooked fact relating to the humble beginnings of science is that it's formation began with an Angel! Whilst drinking his way across Europe the godfather of science Rene Descartes received a vision from an angel who told him “The conquest of nature is achieved through measurement and numbers”. Why an angel would want humanity to conquer nature is perhaps a question for another day, but upon receiving this vision Descartes went on to seal his place in scientific history.


Sir Isaac Newton

Three hundred years before the birth of Quantum physics Sir Isaac Newton developed the concept of classical mechanics, which describes basic action and reaction. Unknown to many the vast sum of all Newton’s work in this arena was taken wholesale from the Veda’s and Kerala book of calculus.


Niels Bohr & Erwin Schrodinger

The physicists and Nobel prize winners Bohr & Schrodinger have cemented their place in history as the fathers of Quantum physics. Their work within the realms of atomic and quantum wave functions have become the foundations for the cutting edge of our current scientific understandings. Both men attribute much of their work and understanding to their time studying the Veda’s. It was Schrodinger that stated “Vedantic jnana (knowledge) represents the only true view of reality”. He also stated that “The unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics”. This is a constant within the perception of both quantum wave mechanics and the Vedic understanding “all in one”.


Werner Heisenberg

Another founding father of quantum theory and projenitor of the famous uncertainty theory was Werner Heisenberg. I’ll quickly explain that uncertainty theory basically states that observation basically alters a subatomic particles trajectory. Simply put, observation has the potential to alter reality. Alongside the aforementioned Bohr & Schrodinger Heisenberg was an avid reader of the ancient Vedic texts. Indeed he was once quoted as saying “quantum theory will not look ridiculous to those that have read the Vedanta” . For those that are unaware the Vedanta is the conclusion of all Vedic thought.


Robert Oppenheimer

Another keen reader and deep believer in the Vedanta was Robert Oppenheimer. Worthy of note is the fact that Oppenheimer even learned Sanskrit in order to read the texts in their original format. He once stated that “the Vedas are the greatest privilege of this century”. For those that may be unaware Oppenheimer was the director of Los Alamos laboratory and as such was responsible for the research and design of the atomic bomb! Indeed he’s often referred to as “the father of the atomic bomb”. Upon witnessing the bombs first test in 1945 he instantly quoted Bhagavad-Gita chapter 11 text 32 “now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.


Albert Einstein

A famous quote from Einstein states that “when I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous”.


Nikola Tesla

Another genius that attributed much of his work and understanding to the Vedas was Nikola Tesla. He understood that the Veda’s had intricate knowledge relating to the natural laws, mathematical formulas and workings of the universe. He utilised these understandings in much of his work and even used Sanskrit terminology.


Is it a coincidence that Lord Shiva has been placed at the entrance of the Cern Hadron Collider? Equally it seems to have the numbers 666 incorperated into it's logo.


Quantum Physics & The One World Religion

From the pre-history teachings of this inherited ancient school of wisdom we are all connected within vibration, light and energy “all in one”. These understandings teach us that we are far more than our physical bodies and that we transcend the base laws of physics and chemistry. It teaches us that we are eternal consciousness that’s connected to the greater whole. Within quantum physics we are again eternally connected or entangled.


The Greater Whole

let’s take a step back and think of it from a cellular level. The official story is that all life derived from single celled organisms. These self organising cells and atoms over time co-operated to create a more powerful whole. Indeed each human is now made up from 37 trillion living cells that self organised to create our bodies. If you were to zoom past cellular life, past the atom and into the quantum realm you would see that every structure in the entire universe is connected. Within this realm you will see that every particle in the universe has self organised into one huge interconnected intelligent whole. The whole is itself an amalgamation of interconnected single systems “all in one”. Much like a unified field, but in effect a unified field of consciousness and intelligence.

The Manipulation

The manipulation will be the fact that if we’re all connected any perceived (and it’s important to note who will be in charge of this perception) negative action will affect the whole. As such we must be governed to think and act the same way (this will be much like a hive mind). Religion will be banned and thought and action transgressions will be dealt with severely. Many will think that this is a great idea, I will simply ask that you look into and research the people behind this agenda. These people are the megalomaniacs that are currently inflicting great pain and division upon humanity. They are members of bloodlines that stretch back thousands of years and carry within them an ancient evil. In short they want no less than full spectrum dominance over mind, body and soul.


The A.I Control Grid

This is a glimpse at a potential future. Whilst the will and intent is certainly there and the technology is a matter of years away, nothing is set in stone and the world is what we make it.

The hermetic teachings are in many ways the framework for modern quantum theory but they also go far further than that. They teach that every thought manifestation, every emotion, anger, lust, greed, love, compassion indeed every mental state all carry a vibrational energy. These energies resonate at a quantum level and have the ability to affect the psyche of humanity. Every thought and emotion carries a corresponding vibration as such this will ultimately be scientifically proven. Eventually for the greater good we will be told that this needs to be monitored and regulated via an A.I quantum computer system.

From my perspective electomagnetic frequency waves will connect us (much like a synthetic Schumann Resonance) and the quantum system will be a hub that collects and releases information via these waves. When you think about it from the quantum perspective, all matter can be broken down beyond the sub atomic realms. If you have an artificial intelligence that can operate within this dimension then a direct brain interface is simply a matter of time.


This will be an interconnected A.I system that connects humanity on a quantum level and operates on esoteric principles, both monitoring and regulating thought patterns. If you think this sounds crazy have a look at the posts I wrote Here & Here and equally look at the references at the bottom of these posts, this science is far more valid than most people would imagine. This will be a controlled awakening and a synthetic evolution based upon false promises. Indeed within many of the ancient understandings our awakening will still allow space indeed respect (depending upon your belief) for a higher purpose, God. Within the synthetic evolution will be the false promise that we are Gods, this is where the Luciferian perspective will come in. This will be a great lie because within this synthetic evolution the elite will be our Gods and we will be slaves trapped within a mind matrix.

The Truth

In terms of the vibratory nature of thought and language, after a lifetime of deep research I’ve come to understand that this is entirely accurate. Equally from a physical perspective each murder, each abuse, hatred and starvation affects us all, they feed into the collective psyche of humanity and unbalance us. This is why the world is so unbalanced and this is why the world is kept in a state of perpetual imbalance because it weakens us all. The energy and vibration that we put out into this world not only comes back to us, but it also feeds into the vibratory soul of humanity. But and it’s a very big BUT, humanity must come to learn these truths and evolve with them naturally.

The changes we need to make must come from within for we are all born with an inherent power, we need to stop giving it away. If we allow others to define this for us we will come to live within a resonating electronic prison. Over the course of the next few years we will start to hear many profound truths, but we need to be really careful about who is relaying the message. We must learn to not simply hear and believe the truth we must feel it, instinctively know it and this is a skill that we all have within us. Only then will we enter an age of post propaganda and intuition, freedom for the mind, body and soul. Indeed from the esoteric perspective you have to give your acceptance and free will to this system. That's why they try to break our spirit, but some spirits will never be broken.

Join me again soon as I break open the doors of perception, invert reality and take you on a journey to the inner and outer limits of the mind. Until then I'll leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws. Thanks for reading.

Please feel free to take a look at some of my other connected posts.





Written by perceptualflaws
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Wow dude, everytime you post you blow me away.
The Vedas are truly incredible and even though physically written at a much later date I believe as do many scholars of the Indian sub-continent that they pre-date all other knowledge. The coverup has been an epic undertaking for millennia the truth being obfuscated by organised religion and secret societies, diluted into myth. Evidence of our mystical past is being destroyed as we speak or hidden, never to see the light of day again. Everytime a new discovery is made that questions the controlled narrative of our history the academic world rises en-masse to denegrated and shame those who seek to discover the truth accusing them of pseudo-science, when the real pseudo-scientists are those who wish to use the knowledge hidden from us to turn into a collective Borg under their control for eternity.
Will there be a mass awakening to this insipid plan before its too late?
Or is mankind doomed to evolve forcibly into a chimera of human flesh and computer circuitry, created in a laboratory?
It's up to those of us who are wake now to ensure its the former, if not the future will be so much worse than Orwell and Huxley could ever have imagined.
Great post buddy.

Hey there @tremendospercy thanks for the great comment and support!! I'm really glad you liked the post!

"The Vedas are truly incredible and even though physically written at a much later date I believe as do many scholars of the Indian sub-continent that they pre-date all other knowledge. "

Yes I coudn't agree more, I think the knowledge has been handed down for potentially tens of thousands of years. It could have originated from an entirely different continent (such as the mythical Atlantis). A disaster could have occurred, and the knowledge carried by the few that had prior warning and escaped. They could have indeed carried it to the Indian sub-continent or Egypt. It's so difficult to track once it gets past a certain point.

They have wiped out a vast array of the archeological heritage across the entire Middle East, lost forever. I believe they are working with esoteric principles, as such we must be willing particpants. This is how they believe they will negate natural law. I think this will eventually be a decision we all have to make, and I think the lure will be incredibly strong! Thanks for the great comment my friend!!

Will there be a mass awakening to this insipid plan before its too late?

well dont forget the good aliens out there :) More seriously, I don't think a mass awakening will occur but the good news is that one only needs 25% of population to change the system.

Indeed, the Vedic sages had the goods. I recommend Mystic Universe and Six Causes by Ashish Dalela. Both books treat the inverted semantic tree (or hierarchical space-time) as the foundation of the world.

Interesting post, and on topics that need more expression.

Firstly, the "hidden in plain sight" protocol is also an esoteric method of communication between adepts. Rather like the masonic handshake, if you have not been inducted you will not even notice it. The sigils demarcate areas of influence - like cat spray.

I also agree that people are being led into a technological trap - a culture of distraction, destruction and dependency. Much of the interesting science is publicly condemned to the fringes while simultaneously hidden in deep secret programs. For the effects of frequencies, look first at electromagnetism before quantum mechanics.

Hey my friend, thanks for taking the time to read and leave such a great comment. And yes I agree entirely, many people within this web communicate via various means. Be that through numbers and dates, articles and headlines within certain publications and equally the energetic resonance of symbols. With regards to electromagnetism, yes again you're entirely correct. I kind of forget that people may be finding the work I've done for the first time, so I didn't go into that aspect as much but I have written about this extensively and have attached some posts at the bottom of this reply. From my perspective the electomagnetic frequency waves will connect us (much like a synthetic Schumann Resonance) and the quantum system will be a hub that collects and releases information via these waves. From that perspective you may be interested in these posts:


when the AI is conscious, and they are co-creating the consciousness field on earth, will we share that with them? Will it matter whether or not we have machines voluntarily implanted in our brains?

Hey at web-gnar thanks for taking the time to read and comment, it's much appreciated. I believe the frequency field will be used for monitoring and connecting. But the final part as in giving ourselves to this system will (I believe) have to come from our free will. It will be a choice that we all have to make, but the lure will be incredibly strong. A free will a free spirit and a good intent is a very powerful thing and as such the power will remain in our hands until we give it away. Thank again :).

welcome, i have followed you


Hey @ellievallie thanks for taking the time to read and leave such a great comment, it's much appreciated. Some great choices there! and certainly some ancient wisdoms. The story of Sophia is also really interesting. I've come to believe that many of these stories are fragments left over from an ancient civilisation, that if acknowleged would rewrite the entire history of humanity. It's really difficult to know how many times they've been interpreted, but equally the message is still just as powerful. I sometimes think of the craziness in this world of ours and imagine if we wiped ourselves out and took ourselves back to the stoneage. Imagine the myths that would arise over time , nobody would belive them! Thanks again :)


Yes it's well worth looking into @ellievallie it branches out in many directions .. What a journey that would be :)

Wow. Pretty impressive! The "Ancient Knowledge" is right there, hidden in plain sight like you stated. Nobody seeks it any more, at least very few. You hit some good points here, and did not go "off the rails" so to speak. In looking at the historical characters you chose to highlight your narrative I think you might have missed someone though: John Theophilus DeSaguliers. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_Theophilus_Desaguliers

Hey @pastbastard thanks for the support and great comment my friend, I really appreciate it! I think people have become so accustomed to seeing it, that they no longer see it! If that makes sense? Although equally it's now invaded popular culture to such a degree that people must literally be blind not to notice. Although I guess in some ways you only see what you're looking for. Yes great choice and I really should have included him! I was trying to keep it as concise as possible and I did miss a couple of people but DeSauliers would have worthy addition. Thanks again @pastbastard

I have found a few Brother freemasons on steemit, but I am yet to find a group who practice disciplines like yoga, magick, and alchemy....Where are "Our People"?

I believe that the Brothers will Accept the Sisters one day, and probably sooner than most may think. While I cannot sit in a duly tiled lodge with the ladies, I have met them at fundraisers and some of the more esoteric events. Hats off for the "Orients" of the world, they do the great work too!

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A very detailed and thought provoking post. It follows a lot of what I have recently come to consider in my mind. Interesting I have read parts and have copy of the Bhagavad Gita but have not come across the Vedanta.

My thinking is along these very lines you talk off and since I have cut myself off from the TV (only watching films and documentaries I choose)my perception of realities have changed. But more interesting my thought processes have changed and my feeling of oneness. From this I conclude that TV and media does create (as you say) the division, sense of worthlessness and world disorder we find ourselves in. If our media was more positive and there is a lot out there the world would be a completely different place, however trying to explain this to people is a very difficult task as they thrive on the negative as the subconscious has been altered to this. Your post have concluded a lot of things in my head and the fact the so many have relied on the vedas is very very interesting, thank you for posting :)

Hey @vibeof100monkeys Thanks for the kind words and support my friend! I really appreciate it. Hope you've been well? The Vedanta basically means the end of the Veda's and it philosophises and what has gone before. Yes I couldn't agree more, the television is now like poison for the mind. It's not until you step away from it that you realise just how bad it is. I think Orwell got it wrong when he said the TV would have to on by law, nobody ever turns it off! :) I think to a degree we have to remove ourselves from it all and create our own positivity from our daily interactions with people. The media & facebook, twitter etc certainly seem intent on creating a world of electronic thought ghettos and division. The way forward is remember and respect our past and realise that in reality life doesn't have to be as complicated as the system makes it. They keep us in a state of tension so we never realise those moments of higher intuition.

Agreed its shocking my work college say i'm mad as I don't have a telly and go sitting in nature. Wow what has become of us.

Hey my friend, I think it's come to the point where to be considered "mad" should be a badge of honour :) Only when we become one amongst nature do we begin to learn the validity of that statement. I'm off for ten days hiking soon, no phones, no laptop .. and I can't wait!

indeed :)

Wow sounds amazing. That my one annoyance as I have said in my Vlog, the over used of me laptop. But I like to think I look at good stuff but I do make sure I get into nature as often of possible (often weather permitting )

Enjoy your trip, sounds great :)

What an amazingly detailed post 2perceptualflaws ) " This science will be the final (ace) card of the elite and a card their bloodlines have waited thousands of years to play. Equally depending upon your belief system humanity may have been tricked into building a technotronic House Of Babal " so this i would imagine is the 5G IOT that yoiu are referring too ?

transhumanism is the last frontier. I have several blogs about the topic

there are many scientists voicing their concerns about the 5G but they will have to come out and fast to interfer with the agenda

Yes the 5G IOT is going to be the big issue here and we are definately running out of time on that one !! Full impostion they are saying by 2020 and I think that speaks not just for America but the rest of the developed world !! The fact is like you say in their ,post human world they dont need us @earthcustodians !

Yes it's indeed the final frontier, I have some work coming up that will show this from a different perspective and hopefully help people open their eyes to the reality of what is fast approaching. Every aspect of our humanity is being altered to accomodate this fast approaching synthetic evolution and I intend to show how it's being done. Thanks again @earthcustodians

interesting, I may consider to put it on my website if the wording is accessible to people that are not too familiar with esotericism.

Thanks for the vote of confidence @earthcustodians I'm really glad you found the post interesting and I tried to keep it as easy to read as possible. Hope you're having a great start to the week :)

Thanks for all your support and kind words @gomeravibz I really appreciate it. Yes the fast approaching moment of technological singularity that will be powered by 5G, this will create an interconnected synthetic electronic grid that will eventually have the ability to connect everything (including ourselves) into a technological hive mind. Once the infrastructure is in place it will also be relatively easy to continue upgrading 5G .. 6G etc etc. Thanks again my friend :)

Epic article as usual @perceptualflaws, leaves a sour taste in the mouth that's for sure, feeling like a puppet on a string...so many things to 'watch out for' all of the time, these sick bastards are just laughing too. Most people don't even see what's going on, or believe that humanity is enslaved...and the ones who can see will continue to get pulled along.

I will keep my eyes open and try to not fall for any lies. I will make the changes I can in my small part of the world. I will try and help others free themselves too. But beyond that...I feel quite hopeless and helpless to stop any of this shit.

Hey @lyndsaybowes thanks so much for your support and great comments, it's always great to hear from you :) I honestly think you're doing the absolute perfect thing, becoming self-sustainable, removing yourself from their system, and most importantly removing your acceptance of it. Free will, free spirit is a very powerful thing , as is good intent and the love in your heart. From the esoteric perspective you have to give your will and acceptance of it. The mere fact they have to spend all these billions on lies and propaganda shows who has the power. The problem is people have forgotten that they have it, you haven't and that's already a battle won :)

You're a real angel. I'm just glad the small percent of the people on this planet who can see...are finding each other, even if it's just on the 'internet' it certainly helps me feel less lonely and in despair.

True. We only have to See the World History! Open out eyes and wake up.
It's all the Same!
Since the days of the old land of Pharaos...and they were also only the last survivor of Atlantis!
Trouble was also in that state.
Atlantis (technologic way) was in war with lemuria (mother gayas folk)
Black magic you can call it on the mystery way (black stone/ black goo) from other Awareness came here!
The others came here to heal!
But know we get their Awareness of destructive destroying...it has to switch! We have to heal ourselves to heal them to! It's like the old times are back...all Religion are one, all languages are talking bout the same (give a fuck with language you or me are talking) so much chaos

for what?

The enemy is inside the humans! Since thousands of years.
And we have forgotten!
Me and my enemies are smoking inside of me the peace pipe!
But befor I was feeling all the pain of everybody also myself and the earth.
We have to feel the pain, to go through the dusk of illusion and find our way. Hugs out

Hey @akashas thanks for taking the time to read and leave such a great comment, I really appreciate it. Yes you're entirely right, the world is going full circle and nobody seems to notice. I wrote this in a poem a little while back and it seems apt in the context of your reply:

Perpetually frozen
in cycles of time
until the wise step
forward and in the sand
draw a line

It's interesting that you mention black goo, it's going to be incorperated into some of my future work. And yes you're right it's inside because we let it in and ever since then we have strived to keep it balanced within us. For each of us to find a balnce within will bring balance back to the world. Thanks again for the great comment. Peace!

6 days Young:

Maybe you like ;-)

Thank you .. I've been a bit busy for the last few days but I will take a look at this tonight :)

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