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RE: Mind Matrix Of The Ancients & The Rise Of The One World Religion

in #esoteric7 years ago

True. We only have to See the World History! Open out eyes and wake up.
It's all the Same!
Since the days of the old land of Pharaos...and they were also only the last survivor of Atlantis!
Trouble was also in that state.
Atlantis (technologic way) was in war with lemuria (mother gayas folk)
Black magic you can call it on the mystery way (black stone/ black goo) from other Awareness came here!
The others came here to heal!
But know we get their Awareness of destructive has to switch! We have to heal ourselves to heal them to! It's like the old times are back...all Religion are one, all languages are talking bout the same (give a fuck with language you or me are talking) so much chaos

for what?

The enemy is inside the humans! Since thousands of years.
And we have forgotten!
Me and my enemies are smoking inside of me the peace pipe!
But befor I was feeling all the pain of everybody also myself and the earth.
We have to feel the pain, to go through the dusk of illusion and find our way. Hugs out


Hey @akashas thanks for taking the time to read and leave such a great comment, I really appreciate it. Yes you're entirely right, the world is going full circle and nobody seems to notice. I wrote this in a poem a little while back and it seems apt in the context of your reply:

Perpetually frozen
in cycles of time
until the wise step
forward and in the sand
draw a line

It's interesting that you mention black goo, it's going to be incorperated into some of my future work. And yes you're right it's inside because we let it in and ever since then we have strived to keep it balanced within us. For each of us to find a balnce within will bring balance back to the world. Thanks again for the great comment. Peace!

6 days Young:

Maybe you like ;-)

Thank you .. I've been a bit busy for the last few days but I will take a look at this tonight :)

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