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RE: Mind Matrix Of The Ancients & The Rise Of The One World Religion

in #esoteric7 years ago

Wow dude, everytime you post you blow me away.
The Vedas are truly incredible and even though physically written at a much later date I believe as do many scholars of the Indian sub-continent that they pre-date all other knowledge. The coverup has been an epic undertaking for millennia the truth being obfuscated by organised religion and secret societies, diluted into myth. Evidence of our mystical past is being destroyed as we speak or hidden, never to see the light of day again. Everytime a new discovery is made that questions the controlled narrative of our history the academic world rises en-masse to denegrated and shame those who seek to discover the truth accusing them of pseudo-science, when the real pseudo-scientists are those who wish to use the knowledge hidden from us to turn into a collective Borg under their control for eternity.
Will there be a mass awakening to this insipid plan before its too late?
Or is mankind doomed to evolve forcibly into a chimera of human flesh and computer circuitry, created in a laboratory?
It's up to those of us who are wake now to ensure its the former, if not the future will be so much worse than Orwell and Huxley could ever have imagined.
Great post buddy.


Hey there @tremendospercy thanks for the great comment and support!! I'm really glad you liked the post!

"The Vedas are truly incredible and even though physically written at a much later date I believe as do many scholars of the Indian sub-continent that they pre-date all other knowledge. "

Yes I coudn't agree more, I think the knowledge has been handed down for potentially tens of thousands of years. It could have originated from an entirely different continent (such as the mythical Atlantis). A disaster could have occurred, and the knowledge carried by the few that had prior warning and escaped. They could have indeed carried it to the Indian sub-continent or Egypt. It's so difficult to track once it gets past a certain point.

They have wiped out a vast array of the archeological heritage across the entire Middle East, lost forever. I believe they are working with esoteric principles, as such we must be willing particpants. This is how they believe they will negate natural law. I think this will eventually be a decision we all have to make, and I think the lure will be incredibly strong! Thanks for the great comment my friend!!

Will there be a mass awakening to this insipid plan before its too late?

well dont forget the good aliens out there :) More seriously, I don't think a mass awakening will occur but the good news is that one only needs 25% of population to change the system.

Indeed, the Vedic sages had the goods. I recommend Mystic Universe and Six Causes by Ashish Dalela. Both books treat the inverted semantic tree (or hierarchical space-time) as the foundation of the world.

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