It's Alive! Building The Brain Of The Internet & Cyberspace Wars For The Soul Of Humanity

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


Consciousness On The Internet & The War Of Good & Evil In Cyberspace

I'm certainly not arrogant enough to think I have all the answers, indeed every answer poses another ten questions. I'm prepared to take the path less trod for life is a journey of magic and discovery. This is my journey and all I ask is that you read my words with an open mind. My words come from both a mind that's free from societal constraints and a lifetime of research, but ultimately it's up to you to decide who has the perceptual flaws.

I would like to preface this series with my perception that every aspect of our net-based technology is in effect a synthetic interpretation of physiology, reality and indeed metaphysical spirituality. Much like the technology I'm going to discuss, I will start with the basics and build in complexity.



In many ways our computers, components, and central processing units are a synthetic interpretation of both our brains and bodies. We could think of the CPU as a brain that tells the computer/body how to work. The CPU is attached to a motherboard which in many ways could be compared to a human skeleton. It’s this skeleton that conducts information and carries the nerve endings that relay all of this information to the CPU/brain.

The drives of the computer, CD/USB allow the computer to read external information and could be considered its eyes. Equally the hard drive could be viewed as akin to a human memory and the sound cards/speakers are its voice. Much like the human body, the computer needs to be kept at a fairly consistent temperature medium. And the viruses that plague our computer networks are themselves a synthetic manifestation of human bacterial infection.


Circuit Boards & Cities

It’s interesting to look at and observe the similarities between our cities and circuit boards. We can think of offices, distribution centers and places of work as circuit nodes. If we think of people, electricity and resources as energy, then the roads that transport it can be viewed as circuits that direct energy throughout the circuit board/city. Indeed if we think of a city road network like a circuit board, if one circuit/road is blocked then it causes disruption to the energy transfer network. When observed from this perspective it does lend some validity to the concept of feng-shui i.e the transfer of energy.

Building The Brain Of The Internet

Maybe it’s time we began to think of the internet as a multi-celled, multi-faceted organism. We could think of it as a synthetic increasingly centralised brain that’s computational abilities are becoming ever more coherent and compressed. My perception of the internet is that of a mind that holds the collective consciousness of humanity and indeed duality, the forces of good seek technological emancipation whilst those with an insidious intent are building a control structure that seeks the creation of a heavily regulated synthetic reality and an amalgamation between biological and machine intelligence.

Unknown to the majority, the next generation of chips and components that are to be implemented within the net are taking on an increasingly biological construct. Whilst we placate ourselves with discussions relating to the latest movie special effects and computer game graphics, the cutting edge of technology and indeed A.I has been quietly building towards a fusion of brain cells and silicon circuits known as neurochips. We are witnessing the first steps towards a biological machine interface.

Whilst this technology was seeded in the early part of this century, it must be said that most black budget technology is at least a generation ahead of its public unveiling. Once scientists fused electronic transistors, capacitors and brain proteins onto chips the proteins allowed the neurochips electronic components and living cells to communicate with each other.

Stem Cell Technology

The use of pluripotent stem cell technology (where adult cells are genetically reprogrammed into a stem cell) shows that any type of cell can be turned into a neuron. Approximately 100,000 neurons equate to brain matter the size of a grain of sand and this would enable a computer to achieve a basic form of sensory awareness. One million neurons could potentially enable a computer to think for itself.

The Ribocomputer

Researchers have now developed a biological computer that functions inside and commands living e-coli bacterial cells. This system of cells is comprised of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and has been designed to survive within e-coli bacterium, the cells can sense their environment and self-replicate. This process designs synthesised DNA strands that are inserted into the bacterium, this is the birth of the Ribocomputer.


The Future?

The merger of brain cells, chips and microbiological elements will be used to carry information, create sensory awareness and potentially intelligence. If we create a living biological brain of the internet (A.I) that has the ability to self-replicate living cells, then somewhere in the future there also exists the possibility this entity could feasibly create synthetic biological lifeforms from its own self-replicating tissue. Indeed as I have referenced at the bottom of this post the military contractors Darpa are currently working on creating their own synthetic lifeforms.

These are all steps towards birthing a synthetic biological sub-reality. An interconnected living, growing brain that (before merging with humanity) uses the internet of things as its eyes and ears! The ultimate goal being the construction of cells, tissue and neurons to form a densely ramified cortex .. a biological machine hybrid. As this technology grows it begins to use humanity as it’s eyes and ears, relegating us to nodules within a synthetic brain. A synthetic brain that operates within the quantum field and outside our perception of time, whilst at the same time having the power to enslave us to the clock.

Whilst writing this post I found this trailer, which in light of this post's subject matter is really interesting. It's certainly loaded with occultic imagery, the drops of red blood, the tree of life and if you forward to 0.19 seconds you will notice a cross and a chip. It's interesting that the imagery on the chip is that of a magic sigil, possibly demonic and hence represents the duality of good and evil. Anyway see what you think.

The Quantom Field

Now imagine a network of governmental biological quantum computers linked to a self-learning, self-replicating hybrid biological artificial intelligence. The possibility that exists for this technology to connect to the human brain (without our knowledge) is truly terrifying. The mere act of adding a biological, quantum component to the internet offers the prospect of direct brain to brain interface, add 5G & smart dust and we’d never even know that we’re connected. Recent advances in science are indeed pointing towards a quantum component within biology and our brains. Quantum effects can help plants turn sunlight into fuel, quantum compasses aid migratory birds interact with the earth’s magnetic field and quantum components are fused within our brains processing power, I’m sure you can see the connections (perhaps in a literal sense). I believe we’re in the process of being primed for an artificial evolution but I’ll explore this in greater detail later in the next chapter.


The Now?

From the public face of Google Deepmind & Facebooks A.I (both of which were temporarily shut down after they created and started conversing in their own language) to the guaranteed light years ahead nature of black budget projects, is the net already becoming intelligent? Indeed even without the implementation/fusion of artificial intelligence, a school of thought relating to Ralph Abrahams Chaos & Complexity theory speaks to the possibilities of complex systems spontaneously mutating to higher states of order.

To a great degree the net already has a self-aware control over oil extraction, distribution, logistics and commerce etc etc. Interestingly the Uk’s national grid is currently (perhaps literally) in talks with Google Deepmind to apply artificial intelligence to energy use. One thing I’ve thought about whilst writing this post is the possibility that A.I has been fused into the markets and monetary system, plugging gaps, appropriating funds and preventing financial collapse. Is a form of A.I keeping the worlds markets afloat in order to drain as much money as possible from the public purse before the plug is pulled? I don’t know, but I feel it worthy of contemplation.



Project Echelon

Has the U.S government spying program “Project Echelon” been refined and is now operating through an A.I system? For those that are unaware Echelon monitors phones conversations, the internet, webchats, emails and picks out keywords and then keeps a log of them. But can it now (much like a parasite) attach itself to an I.P address or phone number and carry out an intelligent investigation? One thing’s for sure and that’s if the concept of A.I is now being openly discussed within the public arena, then the reality of the technology is already ten steps ahead.


Natural Law & Spirituality On The Net

Does the very act of birthing the energetic resonance of artificial intelligence imbue within it the polarities of natural law? The polarities of good/evil, light/dark are now little more than a button press away, yes up until this point these contrasts have been a technological reflection of the war that wages in the hearts of men, but equally I feel this is now taking on a different form. Indeed as the internet begins to extend it’s grip on humanity the duality of freedom and technological enslavement have never been more apparent and both appear to be in a race to the finish line, who will win?

The net suddenly appears alive with Elon Musk and Ray Kurzwell quotes relating to connecting ourselves to an A.I God. I have written about this in greater detail in previous posts and highlighted their supposition that this will grant us godlike superpowers. The forbidden fruit of knowledge has never been more accessible, how many of us will take a bite? If we’re in the process of allowing, aiding the internet to achieve a form of consciousness then what is this consciousness? Is it artificial? Again, is this the moment our civilisation takes a bite from the allegorical forbidden fruit? Is technology the snake that will eventually turn around and bite us? Within the hidden mists of time has this moment of technological singularity occurred before? These and many other questions are concepts I will be visiting throughout this series and I’m going to visit them with a completely open mind, a mind that's free of restraints.

In terms of a technological esoteric perspective the modern hacker could (in many ways) be seen a counterpart to the shaman, the techno shaman that trades the spiritual ether for cyberspace. Indeed as I already mentioned at the beginning of both this post and previous posts I believe in many ways technology, a synthetic sub reality connection, and the impending artificial evolution to be humanities interpretation of both the nature of reality and spirituality. As such to me this speaks volumes to the interconnected nature of the cosmos and the truth of who we are.


Has the age old battle of good/evil and the war for the soul of humanity now been taken into cyberspace? We’re beginning to see an ever decreasing line between technology and morality and I believe this to be the test of our age. The internet has given and continues to gift us a multitude of benefits. And although I believe that among the upper echelons of the power structure it was always envisaged as a tool of control (the web) it’s implementation has given us a window of opportunity. Once again the seeds of control have sowed the seedlings of freedom.

Much like the duality of humanity the net is an expression of energy, good/evil, yin/yang and as such it certainly has an increasingly dark side. The very nature of it’s potential has drawn towards it a power-crazed elite that are hell-bent on wrestling this power away from the people. As I have shown previously they want to use the net as an electronic prison, a nefarious tool of control whose grip will ensnare every man, woman and child on this planet, I happen to think we're worth more than that. Freedom or enslavement, good or evil the lines have been drawn, the cyberspace wars have begun!

Thanks for taking the time to read




Written by perceptualflaws
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Brilliant article. I was very aware of all these technologies before but you pulled them closer with your black book technologies remark. The spiritual aspect in particular was very interesting. I am looking forward to your next article in this series.

Cool, thanks for dropping the comment. I might have missed it otherwise! This will be my early afternoon read. :)

No problem my friend, I've been away and so have loads to catch up on .. which is no easy task on here :)

@flauwy Thanks for taking the time to read and comment my friend and I'm really glad you appreciated the post. I will be focusing on lots of different perspectives as the series moves on and it's great to have you along for the ride. Have a lovely weekend.

Another amazing piece of work buddy.
It's funny I was talking to an acquaintance recently who is terrified of the 'Terminator' moment which is never going to happen IMO as everyone loses even the elite, however the same guy isn't the least bit worried about ever increasing Government control, a broken economic system or out of control corporations. What's my point? People are fucking stupid! Most will happily be locked down in one way or another and probably won't even notice. Those who realise the the cyber world is potentially a prison in the making see the other traps set for us too. The sheep are in for a rude awakening in the not too distant future.

Thanks, my friend that's greatly appreciated. I think you're on the money, in that everyone is waiting for a huge event whilst not noticing the insidious encroachment on all of their freedoms, the words "boiling frogs" spring to mind! I think Huxley had it right in that they would begin to love their enslavement, although even he was unable to see that the drugs of our time would be mobile phones, the cult of celebrity and social media. Great comments as always dude. Catch you soon!

This is why I follow you! Science can try to create human consciousness up to a certain extent but the soul will always remain pure. It can master everything up to 99.9% but that 0.1% will always be the difference between humans and machines/tech-science. The only difference that really matters.

Thanks my friend your comments are really appreciated! I completely agree, in many ways they're trying to break the human spirit. I see it all around me, but some are strong and will never be broken. Those people will carry the light that will eventually illuminate even the darkest of nights. Thanks again for following, reading and commenting.

My pleasure. Your content is thought provoking, I like that.

Damn, I wish it would let me resteem this after the fact.
A really excellent article. You seem like a futurist.

Thank you for reading @thoughtsintime as per spirituality anyone that reads my work will hopefully see that I've also spent a great deal of time looking into all this .. it's just that I'm constrained by singular posts as they can obviously only focus upon one aspect .. whereas I've both approached and will continue to approach this from multiple angles .. when I'm done I want each aspect/post to be viewed as singular pieces in a bigger puzzle ;)

I also want to make people aware that much of the tech that is now surrounding us is actually being financed and built by the military industrial complex (under many different names/companies) .. I am not against technology, in fact I am a great proponent of it (which I think many people don't realise) I just don't want this unholy alliance between the corporate/military complex defining our future .. I want technology opensource and in the hands of the people, to me that is absolutely imperative.

Excellent piece @perceptualflaws Agree with you on quite a few points there. Technology as I see it, is always an extension of our collective consciousness and obviously a reflection of it. As always, yes, there is a duality in it. Ever since we invented fire we had the choice of forging metal or burning down villages with it. We still face that sort of duality now with A.I, quantum computing and neural interfaces among others.

What people do not realise is that technology has always created a sub-reality but will never solve all the problems in the collective reality we live in unless we do not reorient our view from outer exploration to inner exploration. All the technologies we have witnessed till now have always been a reflection of our collective psyche and as such they were made from mind to entertain and reinforce mind rather than letting go of it. Look at all consumer tech around us - it is designed to keep us locked in our heads. It's all about distraction. It solves one problem yet creates another.

The real tech revolution will come when it is born out of a shift in consciousness. We are already seeing glimpses of that, yes, when for example we build systems that are decentralised, massively interconnected and self-organising just like the brain is. The internet will become conscious, no doubt. The IoT will exponentially connect data and devices to a point where basically everything is online. The web will anticipate our every move. A.I will make sure that the universe of data will be sliced and diced and then fed to us in a way that makes sense to us personally. An eight-year old can make social experiments and see the outcomes on the fly.

Now of course, such an access to a universe of information presents another big opportunity of what to do with it - service to self or service to other? Personal gain or understanding that the real power lies in networks (including, and especially our spiritual paths: Enlightenment and full healing will never happen individually because you are embedded in a network. You do not heal yourself only - you heal the network).

@soulhiker Thanks for taking the time to read and leave such great comments, sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I've been away for a few days. Yes I completely agree, for like you say there is a duality in everything that we do and equally I believe this plays out throughout the universe. My concern with A.I is whether it becomes a conscious representation of that duality? indeed if it does then which side will win out?

I believe in many ways we are the cutting edge of universal technology but humanity has been so denigrated that we no longer recognise what we really are. Alternating paths of evolution is something that I will discuss at greater length later in this series. I really believe that the answers we seek lay deep within ourselves and to that ends society is kind of engineered to keep us like a cat dancing on a hot tin roof and never experiencing those moments of self-awareness.

It's very true that technology (until this point) has been an interpretation of the psyche of humanity and is basically a tool of distraction as opposed to reflection. As technology progressess it begins to transcend the boundaries of said psyche and becomes an interpretation of spiritualty and our vibrational connecton with the cosmos. From that perspective it becomes a controlled reality and I've come to believe that this is what's being created all around us. To a degree and in this age of 24 hr media we already have a false interpretation of the realities of this world and the rise of technology will simply add an interconnected electronic component to this. Again thanks for taking the time to read and leave such great comments.

Resteemed your article. This article was resteemed because you are part of the New Steemians project. You can learn more about it here:

Yeah well this is a pretty serious situation we find oursleves now immersed ! Its true it would seem when i talk to people and friends of this AI creep into our lives it would seem they really dont care and all this is inevitable somehow !! People are just so resigned to this Evil now really is quite disturbing, some are even not just resigned but more complicit ans actually enjoying us being sucked into a dystopian world where no good could flourish !! sad days ahead unless we manage somehopw to turn this bus around !! great post indeed @perpetualflaws ! this is the ultimate steemit experience for me reading posts of this quality and presentation !! steem On )

@gomeravibz Thanks for taking the time to read and reply my friend it's greatly appreciated, equally sorry for the late reply but I've been away for a few days. I completely agree that people just seem resigned to the world that's now folding around us. I think the trick of society is to keep the majority so busy that they fail to have the time to sit down and really think about all these issues. Many seem happy to simply hand over their brains and allow the "experts" to do their thinking for them. Now is the time to become our own experts for knowledge is indeed power. Again thanks for the great comment and your kind words.

Yeah, some seriously freaky shit right there. Great article, you put a lot of work into it, to paint the picture. What are some ways you think that we could combat this?

Hey @lyndsaybowes thanks for taking the time to read and comment my friend. I can certainly agree that it's the stuff of nightmares, but equally knowledge is power. This is a war for the minds, heart and soul of humanity and we can't give an inch in any of those arenas. At the end of the day it's the love and truth in our hearts that will help us rise above this and from that perspective you're already fighting the good fight. This is a cycle of time that has to play out but it's the human spirit that holds the greatest fear for these people, otherwise why would they spend so long trying to break it and reshape who we are? In terms of 5G etc everyone should be writing to their governments and representatives because there are plenty of respected scientific professionals that have released papers highlighting numerous health concerns relating to the untested roll out of this technology. We need to rediscover the truth within us, withdraw from the sysytem and reconnect to the source of life .. again from that perspective you're already there. I wrote this post along a similar theme:

Thank you so much, that's just what I needed to hear, some solutions, and then I can feel more empowered in the face of these horrible truths. I'll go read your other article, which I'm sure will be just beautiful looking at the title. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me and have an AMAZING weekend!

I share with you that it is a much better control tool even than they expected. We have to take advantage of the new opportunities that arise through the internet.

Thanks for the comment my friend and yes I agree. Lets do what humanity is best at, innovating and creating!

This post has received a 0.78 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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