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RE: Mind Matrix Of The Ancients & The Rise Of The One World Religion

in #esoteric7 years ago

Wow. Pretty impressive! The "Ancient Knowledge" is right there, hidden in plain sight like you stated. Nobody seeks it any more, at least very few. You hit some good points here, and did not go "off the rails" so to speak. In looking at the historical characters you chose to highlight your narrative I think you might have missed someone though: John Theophilus DeSaguliers.


Hey @pastbastard thanks for the support and great comment my friend, I really appreciate it! I think people have become so accustomed to seeing it, that they no longer see it! If that makes sense? Although equally it's now invaded popular culture to such a degree that people must literally be blind not to notice. Although I guess in some ways you only see what you're looking for. Yes great choice and I really should have included him! I was trying to keep it as concise as possible and I did miss a couple of people but DeSauliers would have worthy addition. Thanks again @pastbastard

I have found a few Brother freemasons on steemit, but I am yet to find a group who practice disciplines like yoga, magick, and alchemy....Where are "Our People"?

I believe that the Brothers will Accept the Sisters one day, and probably sooner than most may think. While I cannot sit in a duly tiled lodge with the ladies, I have met them at fundraisers and some of the more esoteric events. Hats off for the "Orients" of the world, they do the great work too!

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