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RE: Mind Matrix Of The Ancients & The Rise Of The One World Religion

in #esoteric7 years ago

Interesting post, and on topics that need more expression.

Firstly, the "hidden in plain sight" protocol is also an esoteric method of communication between adepts. Rather like the masonic handshake, if you have not been inducted you will not even notice it. The sigils demarcate areas of influence - like cat spray.

I also agree that people are being led into a technological trap - a culture of distraction, destruction and dependency. Much of the interesting science is publicly condemned to the fringes while simultaneously hidden in deep secret programs. For the effects of frequencies, look first at electromagnetism before quantum mechanics.


Hey my friend, thanks for taking the time to read and leave such a great comment. And yes I agree entirely, many people within this web communicate via various means. Be that through numbers and dates, articles and headlines within certain publications and equally the energetic resonance of symbols. With regards to electromagnetism, yes again you're entirely correct. I kind of forget that people may be finding the work I've done for the first time, so I didn't go into that aspect as much but I have written about this extensively and have attached some posts at the bottom of this reply. From my perspective the electomagnetic frequency waves will connect us (much like a synthetic Schumann Resonance) and the quantum system will be a hub that collects and releases information via these waves. From that perspective you may be interested in these posts:


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