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RE: Mind Matrix Of The Ancients & The Rise Of The One World Religion

in #esoteric7 years ago

A very detailed and thought provoking post. It follows a lot of what I have recently come to consider in my mind. Interesting I have read parts and have copy of the Bhagavad Gita but have not come across the Vedanta.

My thinking is along these very lines you talk off and since I have cut myself off from the TV (only watching films and documentaries I choose)my perception of realities have changed. But more interesting my thought processes have changed and my feeling of oneness. From this I conclude that TV and media does create (as you say) the division, sense of worthlessness and world disorder we find ourselves in. If our media was more positive and there is a lot out there the world would be a completely different place, however trying to explain this to people is a very difficult task as they thrive on the negative as the subconscious has been altered to this. Your post have concluded a lot of things in my head and the fact the so many have relied on the vedas is very very interesting, thank you for posting :)


Hey @vibeof100monkeys Thanks for the kind words and support my friend! I really appreciate it. Hope you've been well? The Vedanta basically means the end of the Veda's and it philosophises and what has gone before. Yes I couldn't agree more, the television is now like poison for the mind. It's not until you step away from it that you realise just how bad it is. I think Orwell got it wrong when he said the TV would have to on by law, nobody ever turns it off! :) I think to a degree we have to remove ourselves from it all and create our own positivity from our daily interactions with people. The media & facebook, twitter etc certainly seem intent on creating a world of electronic thought ghettos and division. The way forward is remember and respect our past and realise that in reality life doesn't have to be as complicated as the system makes it. They keep us in a state of tension so we never realise those moments of higher intuition.

Agreed its shocking my work college say i'm mad as I don't have a telly and go sitting in nature. Wow what has become of us.

Hey my friend, I think it's come to the point where to be considered "mad" should be a badge of honour :) Only when we become one amongst nature do we begin to learn the validity of that statement. I'm off for ten days hiking soon, no phones, no laptop .. and I can't wait!

indeed :)

Wow sounds amazing. That my one annoyance as I have said in my Vlog, the over used of me laptop. But I like to think I look at good stuff but I do make sure I get into nature as often of possible (often weather permitting )

Enjoy your trip, sounds great :)

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